– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 700 – 1.150 AP
Hyun 816 AP
Priya 1.112 AP
Nathaniel 808 AP
Rayan 844 AP
Castiel 846 AP
Eric 810 AP
Fairy/Auntie 30 AP
Outfit 190G
Illustrations: 6 in total. You can get one out of six in a single play through. The illustrations depend on the dialogue.
Fairy/Auntie: at the wild trail. After you have taken a break at the waterfall, and before you find the cave. Her part costs 30Ap, and she will give you a tattoo.


Outfit 190G
Episode guide:
You start this episode on a plane. Your lover and you are on the way to a Hotel. The same hotel as in MCLAL Kentin episode 5. You two are going to stay there for 15 days. Darma brings you two to your room.
Hyun: Shall we?
A. Seems like a perfect introduction to me! / or + (You will have dinner at the restaurant)
B. Actually, I was thinking I’d start with something else… / or + (You will have a NSFW moment)
Priya: How about a little romantic swim under the setting sun?
A. A romantic swim, yes. Or even skinny-dipping. Because, right now, I have other plans for us, if you know what I mean… / (You will have a NSFW moment)
B. What a great idea! Let’s hurry, if we want to take advantage of this sumptuous light. / (Priya and you will go for a swim)
Nathaniel: The water is exquisite. And we could contemplate the twilight together…
A. It’s hard to resist such a romantic offer. But I don’t have my suit… / or + (You will go swimming in the pool in your room)
B. To be honest, I had a different kind of sport in mind. You shouldn’t have provoked me with your little striptease… / or + (You will have a NSFW moment)
Rayan: And I was hoping that we could pick up where we left off…
A. Oh, don’t worry! I’ll enjoy you even better by being totally relaxed. / (Rayan and you will get a massage)
B. You’re right… It’s probably not a good idea to leave such a moment unfinished. / (You will have a NSFW moment)
Castiel: Yeah, that’s sounds nice, don’t you think? I could go for that…
A. I’d like that too, but first… It seems to me that there was a question about trying out a bed? / (You will have a NSFW moment)
B. Okay, Mick. Let’s go! We’re here to enjoy ourselves, right? I’m going to heat up the jacuzzi. / (Castiel and you will go into a jacuzzi, you also get another choice)
Castiel: A glass of Dom Pérignon, my dear? (If you choose: Okay, Mick. Let’s go! We’re here to enjoy ourselves, right? I’m going to heat up the jacuzzi.)
A. Well, for the occasion, a glass! /
B. Gladly. And the waiter too, please, young man. /
C. Actually, I’ll have a glass of mango juice. I want to keep my mind clear… /
Eric: So, feel better? Do you feel ready for a short walk?
A. Oh yeah, why not. It’ll do us some good to stretch our legs a bit. / (Eric and you will take a walk)
B. I totally feel up to it, but to tell you the truth, I had other… activities in mind, rather than a walk! / (You will have a NSFW moment)
The next day starts.
Your lover and you have breakfast, then get reminded about the hike. You two go back to your room. There you choose your outfit. There is only one outfit to pick.

Outfit 190G
And you get to pick one other item to take with you.
Candy: (Choice) (The item you choose to take with you doesn’t matter, but later on in the episode you get a choice to use it. You have to choose to use the item at that moment to get the illustration)
A, (Sunscreen! Skin protection is important!) / with Castiel, Eric, Rayan and Priya and / or + with Nathaniel and Hyun
B. (My sun hat! It’s important not to stay in the sun too long.) / with Priya, Rayan, Castiel and Eric and / or + with Hyun and Nathaniel
C. (A bottle of water! Hydration is important when walking.) / or + with Hyun and Nathaniel and / with Rayan, Priya, Eric and Castiel
Your lover and you go on a hiking trip. At the beautiful view, your lover wants to be alone with you. After being with them for a moment, you want to go back to the group. I will tell you the fastest way to get through the forest. Choose the Breathtaking overlook. There you find out you lost the group. Then go to the very wild trail and then choose the wild trail.
Candy: (Choice)
A. We have to continue in the direction we took! / or + with Hyun and Nathaniel and / with Rayan, Eric, Priya and Castiel
B. I have no idea where we are… / with Priya, Rayan, Castiel and Eric and / or + with Hyun and Nathaniel
Go to the very wild trail.
Hyun/Priya/Nathaniel/Rayan/Castiel/Eric: (Choice)
A. Are we going to… die here? / with Priya, Rayan, Castiel and Eric and / or + with Hyun and Nathaniel
B. Alright, we have to get organized! Let’s find a safe place to go. / or + with Hyun and Nathaniel and / with Rayan, Priya, Eric and Castiel
Go to the wild trail.
Hyun: Alright… so what do we do? This jungle is teeming with dangerous animals.
A. We have to make a weapon to defend ourselves in the event of a bad encounter. / or +
B. Yes, we definitely need to find a safer place. / or + (Towards illustration)
C. How about using the time we have left to build a shelter? / or +
Priya: At night, nature takes over. We have to find a way out… or at least a refuge.
A. If we want a refuge, shouldn’t we… try to build one? /
B. If we want to find a refuge, we would need an overview of the place, right? / (Towards illustration)
C. If we have to defend ourselves… Shouldn’t our priority be to make a weapon? /
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. We have to make a weapon to defend ourselves in the event of a bad encounter. / or +
B. We should build a hut, or any shelter, don’t you think? / or +
C. What we need is an overview, right? / or + (Towards illustration)
Rayan: So, what do we do?
A. We have to make a weapon to defend ourselves in the event of a bad encounter. /
B. We have to find the overlook of the volcano. / (Towards illustration)
C. How about using the time we have left to build a shelter? /
Castiel: I don’t know, I’m brainstorming, I’m trying to come up with solutions… What’s your plan, otherwise?
A. We have to make a weapon to defend ourselves in the event of a bad encounter. /
B. We should build a hut, or any shelter, don’t you think? /
C. What if we tried to return to the overlook from where we saw the volcano? / (Towards illustration)
Eric: Ok. We need a plan of action, then. The priority is our safety.
A. We have to find the overlook of the volcano. / (Towards illustration)
B. We have to make a weapon to defend ourselves in the event of a bad encounter. /
C. How about using the time we have left to build a shelter? /
Go to the very wild trail, then the breathtaking overlook.
Hyun: That’s exactly what I was going to say! The only question now is: how do we get there?
A. We should make marks on our way to avoid retracing our steps inadvertently. / or +
B. Wait! Do you have battery left on your phone? / or + (Most correct answer, but you don’t have to choose it to get the illustration)
C. We have to try to find a stream. / or +
Priya: The question now is: how do we get there?
A. We should make marks on our way to avoid retracing our steps inadvertently. /
B. Wait! Do you have battery left on your phone? / (Most correct answer, but you don’t have to choose it to get the illustration)
C. We have to try to find a stream. /
Nathaniel: The only question now is how do we get there. I doubt the path is marked…
A. We should make marks on our way to avoid retracing our steps inadvertently. / or +
B. We have to try to find a stream. / or +
C. Wait! Do you have battery left on your phone? / or + (Most correct answer, but you don’t have to choose it to get the illustration)
Rayan: Yes, but everything in its time. The first question we must ask ourselves is: how do we get there?
A. We have to try to find a stream. /
B. Wait! Do you have battery left on your phone? / (Most correct answer, but you don’t have to choose it to get the illustration)
C. We should make marks on our way to avoid retracing our steps inadvertently. /
Castiel: Shall we take a selfie? No, jokes aside… The volcano doesn’t seem that far away. The problem will be to find the way there.
A. Wait! Do you have battery left on your phone? / (Most correct answer, but you don’t have to choose it to get the illustration)
B. We have to try to find a stream. /
C. We should make marks on our way to avoid retracing our steps inadvertently. /
Eric: (Choice)
A. We have to try to find a stream. /
B. We should make marks on our way to avoid retracing our steps inadvertently. /
C. Wait! Do you have battery left on your phone? / (Most correct answer, but you don’t have to choose it to get the illustration)
Go to the very wild trail.
Hyun: Hum… I don’t think so. We’ve been very lucky so far… We shouldn’t try our luck any more.
A. We’ll be careful, don’t worry. At the slightest suspicious noise, we’ll leave. / or + (Towards illustration)
B. Yeah, but we don’t know when, or even if, we’ll be rescued tomorrow. / or +
C. Yeah… You’re probably right. Oh well, we’ll make up for it later, when we get back to the hotel. / or +
Priya: So if we follow their footsteps, we should increase our chances of finding food!
A. True, but… we can’t take risks. /
B. Alright… But promise me that at the slightest sign of danger… at the slightest noise… we’ll turn back! / (Towards illustration)
Castiel: Hm… I don’t know. Make some noise…? Or try to throw them? But that may be risky. There are a lot of them…
A. I don’t know if it will make enough noise, but it’s worth trying, I guess… / (Most correct answer, but you don’t have to answer this one to get the illustration)
B. No… I don’t think that’s a good idea. They look super pissed off. I’m going to give them my camera… / (Don’t choose this choice, you will lose the illustration and have nothing to eat)
C. Yeah, that’s a good idea. Animals flee potential danger, it’s known. /
Go to the wild trail.
Priya: What do we do? They don’t seem to have noticed us… (If you choose: Alright… But promise me that at the slightest sign of danger… at the slightest noise… we’ll turn back!)
A. Is there really a debate to be had? Already an ordinary bee sting hurts like crazy… /
B. It’s true that they don’t look aggressive at all. Should we give it a shot? / (Towards illustration)
Priya: Yeah, huh? But let’s hurry… and be ready to run at anytime! So, which ones do we take?
A. Those, maybe… They kind of look like little coconuts. But can we be sure..? /
B. These look a bit like lychees… Ouch! More spiky, though! / (Towards illustartion)
C. Those big hairy things. Are they even edible…? Well, at least they are easy to harvest… /
Nathaniel: Well, should we take the risk, then? … Which ones should we pick?
A. Eww, those stink! Do they smell like… gas? But maybe that doesn’t mean anything… / or +
B. These look a bit like lychees… Ouch! More spiky, though! / or + (Towards illustration)
C. Those, maybe… They kind of look like little coconuts. But can we be sure..? / or +
Rayan: Yeah, it’s been a rather good guide so far.
A. Eww, those stink! Do they smell like… gas? But maybe that doesn’t mean anything… /
B. Those big hairy things. Are they even edible…? Well, at least they are easy to harvest… / (Towards the illustration)
C. Those, maybe… They kind of look like little coconuts. But can we be sure..? /
Walk to the very wild trail.
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. Do you think… that they are hungry? What should we do? Do we share our harvest? / or + (Most correct answer, but you don’t have to answer this one to get the illustration)
B. Throw the fruit at them, Nath! They might be interested in it! We… we should run! / or + (Don’t choose this choice, you will lose the illustration and your food)
C. (I couldn’t keep myself from screaming. Really loud.) / or +
Rayan: And why we’re going to make noise at the same time. Clap your hands very loudly on three… One… Two…
A. (On three, I clapped my hands as hard as I could! And Rayan too!) / (Most correct answer, but you don’t have to choose it to get the illustration)
B. No, that’s ridiculous! It’s just going to upset it and it’ll eat us alive. /
C. WAIT! I have an idea. HEY! OVER HERE! /
Eric: (Choice)
A. Wait! Above all, don’t move! It’s still far away… Maybe it didn’t see you. /
B. No choice! Jump! /
C. (I grabbed a few coconut shells and threw them at the snake, hoping to scare it away.) / (Most correct answer, but you don’t have to choose it to get the illustration)
There, the dialogue will switch you to the waterfall. There, you and your lover take a break. Now you can find the fairy. Go to the very wild trail and then to the wild trail. Switch between those two places until the fairy pops up. Her part costs 30 AP, and she will give you a tattoo.

Go to the breathtaking overlook. You two have found a cave.
Candy: (Choice) (If you choose to take your sunhat with you)
A. Oh! I know! We can use my hat! It even has an ideal shape for that! / with Priya, Castiel, Rayan and Eric and / or + with Hyun and Nathaniel (Towards illustration)
B. I’ve racked my brain… but I really don’t see anything we can do. Well… / with Castiel, Priya, Rayan and Eric and / or + with Hyun and Nathaniel
Candy: (Choice) (If you got coconuts for fruit and didn’t bring your sunhat)
A. Hang on! We may not have to drink the water from the lake! We have coconuts! / with Catsiel (Towards illustration)
B. I’ve racked my brain… but I really don’t see anything we can do. Well… / Castiel
Candy: (Choice)
A. I’m going to look for some branches, and you collect stones to contain the fire, okay? / with Priya, Castiel, Eric and Rayan and / or + with Nathaniel and Hyun (Towards illustration)
B. Do you mind bringing branches? There’s a grove of trees over there. / with Priya, Castiel, Eric and Rayan and / or + with Nathaniel and Hyun
Candy: (Choice) (If you choose; I’m going to look for some branches, and you collect stones to contain the fire, okay?)
A. (I’ll break off the lowest branches.) / with Priya, Castiel, Eric and Rayan and / or + with Nathaniel and Hyun (Towards illustration)
B. (There must be dead wood on the ground, I just have to look under the leaves.) / with Castiel, Rayan, Eric and Priya and / or + with Nathaniel and Hyun
Candy: (Choice)
A. We could use two branches and rub them together. / with Priya, Rayan, Castiel and Eric and / or + with Nathaniel and Hyun (Towards illustration if you choose the sunscreen)
B. What if we rubbed two stones against each other, Cro-Magnon style? / with Priya, Rayan, Eric and Castiel and / or + with Hyun and Nathaniel (Towards illustration)
Candy: (Choice) (If you choose to take your water bottle with you)
A. Oh yes! Of course! Haha! I knew it was a good idea to take you with me, little water bottle! / with Castiel, Priya, Rayan and Eric and / or + with Nathaniel and Hyun (Towards illustration)
B. We could use two branches and rub them together. / with Rayan, Eric, Priya ans Castiel and / or + with Hyun and Nathaniel
C. What if we rubbed two stones against each other, Cro-Magnon style? / or + with Hyun and Nathaniel and / with Eric, Rayan, Castiel and Priya
Hyun: (Choice)
A. These two servers have come a long way since the Cosy Bear, huh? Who would’ve thought…? / or + (Hyun will talk about the moment he fell in love with you)
B. Somehow, this story allows you to put things into perspective. We are lucky to be alive… / or + (Hyun and you will talk about both your future wishes for things to do)
C. At least this trip will give us great memories for when we’re old. / or + (Hyun will talk about his parents)
Priya: (Choice)
A. It’s still crazy to think that we’re here, together… Could you have imagined this? / (Priya will talk about the moment she fell in love with you)
B. What a day, right… It makes you reconsider quite a few things, don’t you think? / (Priya will talk about her work and what happend with Renate and Rayan last year)
C. We must still be a bit on edge. I’ve never been as stressed as I was today. / (Priya will talk about her school trip before she came to Amoris)
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. What a day… I was constantly on edge because of the potential dangers… / or + (Nathaniel will talk about Eric, how they met and what happened in Love Life)
B. Still… look how far we’ve come since Sweet Amoris! / or + (Nathaniel will talk about the time you two were apart)
C. In any case, this will give you something to tell your psychologist when we get home… / or + (Nathaniel will tall about his past with his father)
Rayan: (Choice)
A. So, my darling, were you trying to run away from me? / (Rayan and you will talk about the moment you two fall in love with each other)
B. Makes you feel very small, huh? The universe is so mysterious… / (Rayan will talk about his dad)
C. All these stars are beautiful, aren’t they? A real painting. / (Rayan will talk about his last relationship)
Castiel: (Choice)
A. That’s a Winged Skulls song, right? / (Castiel will talk about how is love for music started)
B. Still, what a day. Can you imagine if… Well, if… We hadn’t made it? / (Castiel will talk about his parents)
C. So… You don’t regret giving up your life as a single rock star to end up stuck here with me? / (Castiel and you will talk about the moment you fall in love with each other)
Eric: (Choice)
A. You and your coffee… I’m going to end up believing that you only got close to me for that. / (Eric will talk about the moment he felt for you)
B. When we met, did you imagine that we’d end up here, in this situation? / (Eric will talk about his last relationship)
C. This calm is almost disturbing, after all the scares we’ve had today. / (Eric will talk about his first teammate)
The next day starts. You two try to find a way back. Go to the breathtaking overlook, then to the waterfall.
Hyun: I recognize this place… We passed by here yesterday. (If you choose; Yeah… You’re probably right. Oh well, we’ll make up for it later, when we get back to the hotel. or Yeah, but we don’t know when, or even if, we’ll be rescued tomorrow.)
A. Good… Because my ankle still hurts. / or +
B. Perfect! That means we’re on the right path! And don’t worry, I still have enough energy left… / or +
Your lover and you hear a sound from a car. It is the guide. She brings you back to the hotel, and there Darma brings you back to your room.
Priya: (Choice)
A. I should be tired after everything we went through, but seeing you like that… / (NSFW Illustration)
B. I’m exhausted, I only want one thing: to sleep! /
Hyun: (Choice)
A. (The feel of his chest against my bare back electrified me.) / or + (NSFW illustration)
B. I’m exhausted… I think I’m going to enjoy the best night of my life. / or +
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. I think we deserve a good night’s sleep! / or +
B. (Seeing him in his towel, I felt a rush of adrenaline…) / or + (NSFW illustration)
Rayan: This little swim is exactly what I needed!
A. (I took advantage of the distance between us to take off my swimsuit in front of him.) / (NSWF illustration)
B. Aren’t you tempted by a good nap instead? /
Castiel: I’m going to tell you a secret… I’m not here for the shower!
A. Really? Interesting… But since you’re here… what if you started by lathering me up? / (NSFW illustration)
B. I’m sorry, but I only want one thing: shower and then sleep! /
Eric: (Choice)
A. I may be able to make a little room for you… / (NSFW illustration)
B. You can take my spot, if you want. /
Your lover and you will fall a sleep and the episode ends.