It is Summer on My Candy Love. It starts July 22, 2020, and it will last until August 10, 2020. In this event you have to play mini games. They are five mini games, one for each Love Interest.
Wanage for Castiel (the rope throwing game)
Bon Odori for Nathaniel (the dancing game)
Koi Poi for Hyun (the fishing game)
Ikebana for Rayan (the memory game)
Origami for Priya (find the right figure)
With each mini game you play you can get 30, 50 or 80 points. On August 3, they changed points to 60, 100 or 160. You have to get 1500 points for each mini game to get the illustration. Ones you have finished all the mini games you get one bonus illustration. Between each mini game there is a 3 hours time stand. You can skip the time stand by paying 30 AP. The mini game you get to play after the 3 hours has gone by is random. If you don’t want to play the mini game you get, you can choose change mine game. Which will cost 30 AP and you get then another random mini game. You can also choose to do a VIP Score. You get directly 80 points for the mini game you have to play, this will cost 50 AP. After you have finished a mini game you can choose to keep the points you got or get a maximum score which will cost 30 AP. Each time you reach 500 point you get to choose an outfit piece. There are 3 outfits. You can also get one outfit with paying money at the bank. In total, you can get 6 illustration and 4 outfits.
Explanation and tips for each mini game (I had a lot of help from people on Discord)
Wanage (Castiel) (Rope throwing game)
You have to try to throw ropes around the pins. For doing so you have to click on the rope, drag it to the right, try to aim and let go.
This is the hardest mini game of them all. There are some ways to get points easier.
When you have drag the rope to a place, put your finger on that place on the screen. So that after you have let go you can figure out, if you have to drag the rope a little more to the right, a little more up or down.
You can also try to hold a ruler on your screen, try to aim according to the ruler. And ones you have found the right spot you van mark it on the ruler.

Bon Odori (Nathaniel) (dancing game)
You have to drag the white dot in the same way and speed as the red dots go.
This game is a big reminder of the Music Day Event from 2019. You can see here some videos I made back then about how to play the game. Then there was no video policy. But this game stays hard. Luckily the raking this time is a little lower.

Ikebana (Rayan) (memory game)
You have to memorize a model. And then build the same thing.
There are more ways to make this one easier. The way I use is making a mnemonic, when I see the model. I say out loud the colors I see. For example Purple, Yellow, Green. And I keep saying them in that order until I finished the model.
You can also take a photo of it, with your phone to remember it.

Origami (Priya) (find the right figure)
You have to choose the right figure.
I have put circles on the places you have to focus with all the figures. I hope I got them all.

Event Outfits:

Socks 30G
Shoes 42G
Yukata 80G
Belt 38G
Purse 35G
Wig 60G
Wig 60G
Obi 40G
Geta 50G
Jewelry 25G
Yukata 78G
Fan 32G
Japan Lover
Purse 35G
T-shirt 45G
Shorts 50G
Socks 25G
Wig 70G
Sneakers 55G
Bank Outfits:

Kitsune Ghost
Will-o’-the-Wisp 30G
Wig 55G
Parasol 15G
Jacket 40G
Belt 20G
Dress 50G
Tails 30G
Eyes 20G
Mouth 10G