– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 1200 – 1300 AP
Nathaniel & Castiel 1260 AP
Hyun & Castiel 1236 AP
Priya 1228 AP
Fairy 20 AP
Outfit 145G
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get two out of five in a single play through. The illustrations depend on outfit, dialogue choices and LOM.
Note: There is a way to get 4 illustrations in one time instead of two. You have to make sure that Rayan, Nathaniel and Priya or Hyun are around the same amount LOM and then change your crush between those three characters while playing the episode. Every time you change your crush, it will cost your 100 AP. The moment you have to change crush, I will put in the guide.
Fairy/Auntie: in front of Sweet Amoris. You can find her after you have talked with Nathaniel in front of the café, but before you go to the snake room. You will get a long fake tattoo.


Outfit 145G
Episode guide:
You start this episode in your room. It is the morning after your adventure at the beach in episode 7. You just woke up.
Candy: (Choice)
A. (I’m going to let her sleep.) / with Yeleen
B. Yeleen? You’re not coming to class? + with Yeleen
No matter what you choose you go to the Dinner hall to have breakfast with Chani.
Chani: I think I was just born in the wrong era. The stories in class about ancient history and medieval art…I feel like I’m being told about a mystical place. Almost as if someone was telling me the story of Gondor.
A. I didn’t know you were a fan of The Lord of the Rings! +
B. Gondor? /
It is time for your first less of the day. Go to the art building. There you will get a message from Clemence.
Chani: Seriously? She thinks she can talk to you like that? Stand up for yourself!
A. (I said I would be there tonight but I wasn’t sure if I could come the other nights.) + with Chani and / with Clemence
B. (I replied that I agreed to work for the week.) – with Chani and / with Clemence
Your first Class is in the Main Auditorium.
Mr. Lebarde: (Choice)
A. To create an icon you need to have a clear idea of what a strong female character is… /
B. I’m going to tell you about Ripley’s character in Alien. –
C. An icon is a character symbolizing an important cause or a message. +
Mr. Lebarde: You’re going around in circles… I guess it’s stress, unless you haven’t written your introduction… But at this point in the semester that would be shocking!
A. Yes, yes, absolutely, it’s stress! –
B. Actually, I wrote it recently but… /
After class, you will see Chani on the campus quad.
Chanie: Are you okay? What did he say?
A. He put pressure on me to work on my thesis. –
B. He tried to encourage me. +
C. He was exaggerating a bit, I don’t feel like I’m that late on finishing my thesis. /
Your next class with Mr. Zaidi is about to start. To go to the auditorium 2.
Yeleen: So you didn’t happen to see him this weekend, by chance, Belodie?
A. How he spends his weekends is nobody’s business. – with Yeleen and / with Melody
B. I did actually… We had a drink with some mutual friends, but it stopped there. – with Melody and / with Yeleen
C. These are rumors! / with Melody and Yeleen
Candy: (Choice)
A. You should shut up! Who do you think you are? You’re lucky Rayan didn’t hear you! / (You will be kick-out class and see Priya)
B. (I didn’t say anything and stayed in my place without flinching.) / (The class continues. After it ends, go to the hall. The guide continues here.)
If you choose the content of A, go to the break-room. There you see Priya.
Priya: (Choice)
A. I was just in class… But I left, I needed to get some fresh air.
B. Apparently I disturbed the class, the teacher asked me to leave the auditorium. +
C. Tell me… Did you also hear the rumors about Raya… Mr. Zaidi? –
Priya: (Choice)
A. Are you the one procrastinating now? That’s new, coming from you. +
B. I don’t have time for this! I should take this opportunity to work… –
The class ended, go to see Chani in the hall.
Chani: Do you like him?
A. No! /
B. I-I… I don’t know! /
Chani and you go outside. There you see Melody.
Melody: What do you think about this rumor going around?
A. It’s silly. And I don’t know if it’s coming from the fact that I went to have a drink with him. But that’s on me, and I’ll be ready to defend myself! –
B. What he does in his personal life doesn’t concern any of us. –
C. I don’t understand why everyone is making a big deal about it! Apart from being a teacher, he’s only human. /
Melody: Well, we worked a lot together. It amazes me to hear what everyone’s been saying…
A. You don’t think it’s his style? Would he ever do something like that? /
B. Ok, so between us, do you have an idea of who it is? I mean… The rumor is that it’s a student… Have you ever seen him get closer to someone? –
Melody: You know, that could be the source of all these rumors? That were then exaggerated and manipulated.
A. You think so? I didn’t realize that! (Better to play the innocent one.) /
B. Yeah I know, I’m afraid of that happening. /
Melody: (Choice)
A. Are you sure he’s married? Have you seen them together? /
B. The fact that he is married is none of my business… /
Chani: (Choice)
A. Do you want to eat together before I go? +
B. I think I’m going to go eat alone… I just need to think. /
Go to the café. On your way, you see Nathaniel.
Nathaniel: What’s up? You don’t look too good.
A. Well you might say that it’s not the best day of the year… /
B. No, I’m fine, I’m just hungry… –
C. No, I’m fine! +
Nathaniel: Well, I had to at least try my luck!
A. You couldn’t have just sent me a text? Like a normal person… /
B. You’re sure you weren’t here to meet up with someone else and after running into me you just decided to invent that as an excuse? +
Nathaniel: Great, well we’re just wasting time here. I’m not going to let you say no, and I’m the one who’s paying! So come on. (If you spent the end of episode 7 with Nathaniel)
A. (I have a hard time understanding Nathaniel’s personality changes… I don’t know if it’s wanting to change my mind or the curiosity that’s pushing me to accept the invitation…) /
B. (I thought back to the end of the evening we spent at the beach… It was kinda nice…) /
Nathaniel and you will eat together. You go to a restaurant next to the snake room. But before you go there, you can meet the fairy in front of Sweet Amoris. Her part cost 20 AP and you get a long fake tattoo.
Nathaniel: I love this place, it’s…
A. Anyways, thanks for the invitation, it’s nice… /
B. Nath, you’re inviting me to a cute little neighborhood restaurant… Are we on a date? +
Nathaniel: Well not quite friends, but as I told you at the beach, I’m hanging out with you today just the same as I would with anyone else… It’s just that, you don’t have the same reaction as the others do… You’re not trying to run away from me.
A. I hesitated many times. –
B. I know you Nathaniel, I know that the person I knew in high school is still in there somewhere… I have no reason to flee. +
C. I can still run if I want to. /
Nathaniel: Just tell me.
A. It’s not much…I’ll get over it. –
B. I have the pressure to finish my thesis, my job as a waitress is not going super well and to make matters worse, a rumor has been going around campus that maybe concerns me! /
C. So I have to speak, while you still haven’t decided to tell me the truth about what’s going on with you? +
Nathaniel: A rumor? What’s it about?
A. It seems that Mr. Zaidi has a relationship with a student… / (Another choice)
B. I’d rather not talk about it… /
Nathaniel: B-but he’s super old! (If you choose the content of A)
A. You’re exaggerating a little, he’s 33 years old! /
B. Yes, it’s true… /
Nathaniel: Yes. Let them do it. Let everyone do it. When something gets to you, just let it go.
A. Is that your secret? You just ignore everything? That’s how you act in your own life? /
B. Did you not listen to me? I can’t. +
C. The old Nath would never have said that. –
It is time to go to the café. There you see Clemence & Hyun.
Hyun: Yes, I realize that… But I can’t let her act that way without saying anything.
A. Thank you for supporting me in front of her. +
B. I can’t believe she dared to contradict you! –
C. You’re right to react, that’s not normal. /
Go to the kitchen. There you will put on your apron. Then go to the terrace to take Priya’s order.
Priya: Is that your sigh that I can hear from the other end of town? (If you didn’t get kick-out of Rayan’s class)
A. My sighing made that much noise? –
B. Yes… You’re doing well? +
Go back into the café. There will Clemence ask you to come to the kitchen.
Clemence: (Choice)
A. I still need time to think. – with Clemence and / with Hyun
B. No… Sorry Clemence, but I’m not available this week. / with Clemence and + with Hyun
C. I don’t want it to fall on me, I can make an effort.) Yes, I’ll organize my schedule and I’ll be here this week. + with Clemence and – with Hyun
Go back outside to give Priya her order. Nina is with her.
Priya: (Choice)
A. Priya, the same thing happened to me… with the same man. + with Priya and / with Hyun (Towards Priya’s illustration)
B. (But I don’t feel comfortable talking to Priya about it… I know what she’s going to tell me… I-I’d rather talk to someone neutral… Hyun has already offered me his help, I’ll go see him.) + with Hyun and / with Priya (Towards Hyun’s illustration)
If you choose to talk about it with Hyun, the guide will continue here.
Priya: He should’ve acted! He should’ve known! He should’ve done something! And now you’re telling me he’s still hanging out with the same guy, barely an hour ago? I’m going to punch him!
A. I don’t know what to think about all this… I need to talk to him about it. /
B. No, we don’t know exactly what’s going on. I didn’t say they were friends, I don’t know what’s the nature of their exchanges… Nath still saved me at that moment. –
C. Let’s manage one aggression at a time… First this guy… Then we’ll see about killing Nathaniel. +
Go back into the café to talk with Hyun. The guide continues here.
Go inside the café to talk with Hyun
Hyun: Another subject needs to be clarified… This Nathaniel. For me, he should’ve been doing something to prevent this for a long time.
A. I think we don’t know everything yet… If he hasn’t acted on it, it’s probably because he has a good reason. +
B. The next time I see him I expect to have explanations, I’m sick of accepting his mysterious behavior so easily. /
C. Yeah, I don’t really know what to think about it. /
Hyun: I’ll take care of her…
A. You’ll just get caught up in my mess, I don’t want you to get fired from your job. +
B. Thank you so much, Hyun… /
Hyun sends you home, go back to your room. On your way, you see Chani.
Chani: Are you alright?
A. Not great, no… /
B. I think I’ll just go to take a rest, that will do me the greatest good. /
C. I have way too much going on today, I’ll deal with that tomorrow. +
Walk further to your room. There will be Yeleen.
Yeleen: The director came here, he was looking for you. He said it was private and he would come back to talk to you about it tomorrow.
A. What did he tell you exactly? –
B. Well then, let him come look for me tomorrow. +
C. I already know. /
The next day will start. You put on your outfit and have to go to the library for your first class. Castiel will sit next to you.
Castiel: Well, it looks like the only free spot is next to you.
A. Oh hey, yeah, sit here. Sorry, I’m not going to be very good company today. /
B. Nothing like the singer from Crowstorm to cheer me up. –
C. I just wanted to have a discreet place to avoid being called on, if you sit next to me, it’s over. +
Castiel: I don’t know, I just heard a noise. I raised my head at that moment. Why, what is it?
A. (I put the paper in his hand.) +
B. If it’s you who did it, It’s really not funny at all. –
C. Nothing. (I hid the paper from Castiel, I don’t have the heart to tell him what’s going on.) /
Castiel: Wow… and… it’s true?
A. I can’t, it’s getting worse and worse… I have to get out of here. +
B. Yes that’s right, I didn’t tell you? –
C. No way! /
You faint in class. Castiel will take you to the infirmary. If your LOM is higher than 60 with Castiel, you get this illustration. You wake up at the infirmary, but you are still weak. You fall back to sleep.
Note: If you confined in Hyun and you want to get his illustration but also the one of Rayan and Nathaniel. You now have to make sure that they are around the same amount of LOM. Then put your crush on Hyun, so he is your highest LOM. If Hyun is already your highest LOM, you don’t have to change your crush.
Than you wake up for a short moment. If you confined in Hyun, and he’s your highest LOM, you get this illustration. Than you wake up the next morning. Raphael, the doctor of the infirmary, will be taking care of you. Later, your parents and Mr. Zaidi comes to visit you.
Lucia: Hello, we are (Nickname)’s parents, who are you?
A. He’s just my teacher. / with Lucia and Rayan
B. He’s just a friend, Rayan. / with Lucia and – with Rayan
C. This is my teacher in my main subject, Mr. Zaidi. / with Lucia and + with Rayan
Raphael: Nice nickname! Well, now that you’ve calmed down, I’ll take your temperature. Your parents brought a prescription from your doctor to take a blood test. So I’ll take some blood, if you agree.
A. No thanks, I prefer to pass on the blood test. /
B. Yes, no problem. /
C. Hmm… It’s mandatory? Because needles aren’t really my thing. +
Rapahel: But you’re still one of the bravest students I’ve ever had, no matter how old, I’ve never seen anyone feel comfortable with needles. Rest now… I’ll bring you a tray of the best things I can find in the Dining Hall.
A. (I just smiled and settled in a more comfortable position to fall asleep.) /
B. Thank you, Raphael… +
C. I didn’t feel the prick of the needle because you are a very good nurse, sir, that’s all. /
After you have slept sometime, Rosalya comes to visit you.
Rosalya: It took me pushing you to the edge, and you fainting in class for me to realize. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…
A. It’s true that you have changed a bit… /
B. I accept your apology. +
C. Stop feeling guilty, I didn’t faint because of you. /
Rosalya: Too many emotions?
A. Yes, there are many things that I haven’t told you… / (Another choice)
B. Yes, I don’t know what happened. /
Rosalya: (Choice) (If you choose the content of A)
A. That’s all… It’s mainly all these worries that finally caused me to explode. + 5
B. There’s this guy… And Nath hangs out with him… This guy attacked me one night, and he went after Nina yesterday… We have to stop him. + 10
Rosalya leaves you alone. Some time later the director comes to visit. After he leaves you fall a sleep. You will wake up at the end of the day.
Note: If you confined in Priya and you want to get her illustration but also the one of Rayan and Nathaniel. You now have to make sure that they are around the same amount of LOM. Then put your crush on Priya, so she is your highest LOM. If Priya is already your highest LOM, you don’t have to change your crush.
Raphael had brought you some food while you were sleeping. You eat it up and then Priya comes over.
Priya: You’re feeling better? (If you confined in Priya)
A. Yes, much better. /
B. I had a terrible day yesterday … / or + (Illustartion with Priya if she is your higest LOM)
Priya: You’re feeling better? (If you confined in Hyun)
A. Yes, much better. /
B. I had a terrible day yesterday… I kept thinking about Nina… /
Priya will leave you alone. The next day starts. Castiel comes to visit you.
Castiel: I saved her, I have the right to a visit!
A. I’m not even dressed or ready, can we see each other later, Castiel? /
B. Everything is fine, it’s no big deal. + (Another choice)
Castiel: (Choice) (If you choose the content of B)
A. It’s been ages since I’ve seen an mp3 player like this one! Did you find it at a flea market? +
B. Maybe one day you’ll have to chance to share the stage with them… /
C. I could’ve just found them on youtube, but it’s cooler like this! –
Raphael: Well, if you ever feel dizzy, or anything abnormal, don’t hesitate to come see me. It was nice to have you here, even if I wouldn’t want to see you back here.
A. Thanks again for everything, Raphael. /
B. Otherwise, we could possibly try to see each other outside the infirmary… Have a drink, or something to eat. /
You are free to leave the infirmary. Your parents are waiting for you outside the university. You spent the day with them and go to the park. There you three see Mr. Zaidi.
Rayan: (Choice)
A. Okay, I’ll let you know. +
B. (However, I would like to make sure of that.) For the thesis? Why? M. Lebarde talked to you about me? /
C. I don’t know if I’ll have time. –
Lucia: He’s still much younger than you!
A. Did you really have to become friends with my main teacher? /
B. I’m a little surprised to see you like this. /
You walk with your parents back to the university. There you see Nathaniel. You have a small conversation with the four of you, and then Nathaniel will leave you three alone. Your parents say goodbye, and you walk back into the university. There you decide to meet with Rayan. He is in the main auditorium.
Note: If you want the illustration with Rayan and Nathaniel, and already have the one of Priya or Hyun. You now have to make sure that they are around the same amount of LOM. Then put your crush on Rayan, so he is your highest LOM. If Rayan is already your highest LOM, you don’t have to change your crush.
Rayan: (Choice) (If your LOM with Rayan is at least 70)
A. You dare, reluctantly, confess to me these kinds of ambiguous feelings, when you already have a life elsewhere? It disgusts me. –
B. I know that you have a wife. /
Rayan: I graduated from college, and I chose to settle down in a city far away from our memories. It was just time for me to move on.
A. I’m sorry… /
B. I didn’t want to force you to tell me all that… I… +
C. You should’ve stayed… Even if she is no longer there, she’s still your wife. –
Candy: (Choice)
A. (I prefer to not talk about it anymore… It wouldn’t be considerate.) /
B. (I’m feeling empathetic… I feel like he wants to keep talking to me about it.) + (Towards Rayan’s illustration) (Another choice)
Rayan: (Choice) (If you choose the content of B)
A. (I can’t catch my breath, I’m frozen by his words, and his honesty, I continue to listen to him carefully.) /
B. (I couldn’t help it… I took two steps before throwing myself into his arms.) / (Illustration with Rayan if he is your highest LOM)
Rayan: Let me rephrase… Do you want us to keep trying to get to know each other…? Despite the fact that it’s explicitly forbidden to us? Or do you prefer that we stick to the relationship that we must have? That of a student and teacher?
A. I… I’m glad I had made things clear. But, I think that from now on, we should just stick to a teacher and student relationship. – 100 (Another choice)
B. I think… I still want to learn more about you, Rayan. +
Rayan: And I respect that choice. (If you choose the content of A)
A. I… I can’t afford to put my last year in jeopardy. /
B. I… /
Go back to your room. There you see Yeleen and Chani. Follow Chani to outside the dorms, and then go back inside the dorms. There you will go automatically to Hyun and Morgans room for a study session with your friends; Chani, Hyun, Morgan, Alexy, Rosalya and Priya.
Chani:If you want, we can do this every Friday. Well… it’s not an obligation, but… it could be cool.
A. I don’t know… Some people like to go out on Fridays. + with Alexy and / with Rosalya and Chani
B. That’s a great idea, Chani! + with Rosalya and / with Chani and Alexy
C. I think I actually prefer to study alone. / with Rosalya, Chani and Alexy
Nathaniel comes looking for you.
Nathaniel: What’s the problem? I don’t understand! What’s holding you back, Pri-Pri? Please, go ahead! (If you confined in Priya)
A. Just let it go, Priya… I’ll go talk to him, and I’ll come right back. – with Priya and / with Nathaniel
B. Stop it both of you! We’ll talk, and then I’ll come right back. / with Nathaniel andn Priya
C. You’re making it worse, Nath! Just stop! – with Nathaniel and / with Priya
Nathaniel: Hey, Waiter, calm down, you guys weren’t having a romantic date together, I’m not interrupting anything serious I just need to talk to her for a few minutes, don’t worry. (If you confined in Hyun)
A. Don’t talk to him that way! – with Nathaniel and / with Hyun
B. Yeah, I’ve been wanting to talk to you. / with Hyun and Nathaniel
C. Just let it go, Hyun… I’ll go talk to him, and I’ll come right back. – with Hyun and / with Nathaniel
Nathaniel and you go outside to the campus quad.
Note: If you want the illustration with Nathaniel and already have the illustration of Rayan and Priya or Hyun. You now have to make sure that they are around the same amount of LOM. Then put your crush on Nathaniel, so he is your highest LOM. If Nathaniel is already your highest LOM, you don’t have to change your crush.
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. What do you mean when you say you “need him…”? –
B. Why do you want us to file a complaint? I thought you’d protect him… He’s your friend, after all. /
C. Why were you with him? /
Illustration with Nathaniel if he is your highest LOM.