– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 100 – 150 AP
Dajan 116AP
Castiel 116AP
Nathaniel 116AP
Jade 116AP
Fairy/Auntie 4AP
Outfit Castiel 23G
Outfit Nathaniel 20G
Outfit Jade 12G
Outfit Dajan 17G
Castiel: if his LOM is above 40 he will give you dog treats, otherwise you have to pay 4G
Dajan: Bottle of water 1G
Jade: Seeds 3G, Jade will give you 5G for it
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get 2 out of 5 in a single play through. The illustration depends on outfit.
Fairy/Auntie: in the gym. You can find her when you are finding the stuff for the dog. You will get a Belly Button Piercing.


Outfit Nathaniel 20G

Outfit Castiel 23G

Outfit Dajan 17G

Outfit Jade 12G
Episode Guide:
This episode starts in the hallway. You are talking with Ken he is telling that he is going to a different school. As goodbye, he gives you this bear.

Then you see a dog run by. The dog is from the principal. She wants you to catch it. You can also catch the fairy at this moment, she is at the gym.
Finding the dog stuff.

Nathaniel: (He shrugs his shoulders) Well anyway, I’m sorry for getting you involved in that, I shouldn’t have asked you to do that for me and put you in that kind of situation. But, we can talk about something other than Castiel, can’t we?
A. Well, have you seen a dog around here? +
B. Well, the principal went ballistic with me! /
C. Well, the principal totally lost it with me! She was acting crazy just now. –
Nathaniel: The principal’s dog? Has he run away again?
A. Yes, exactly! But that’s not a reason for her to take it out on me! –
B. She’s unbelievable. It’s her dog and I would be surprised if you were allowed to bring animals to school. +
C. And what am I supposed to do? Why am I the one who has to find her dog, don’t I have anything to say about it? /
Nathaniel: (NickName) I saw the dog run by here just a second ago! I tried to catch him but he was off before I could get close.
A. Are you busy right now? It would be easier if we tried to catch him together. –
B. I found his toys and thing, but he doesn’t seem interested. /
C. I think I’m going to give up, he doesn’t seem to want to be caught. +
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. By the way, I’m sure you have a dog too! –
B. By the way, I’m sure that you have a cat! +
C. By the way, do you have a pet? /
Nathaniel: No, I would like a cat, but my mom is allergic.
A. That’s too bad, cats are really cute. +
B. Another allergy? Does everyone in your family have a problem or what. –
C. Why don’t you get a dog then? /
Nathaniel: I don’t know….They’re always slobbering everywhere and…most of them are a bit “dumb”.
A. But they’re so cute! Especially small dogs. –
B. But they’re so cute! Especially big dogs. –
C. That’s ridiculous, dogs aren’t dumb! They understand a lot of things and you can teach them a lot! +
Castiel: Of course, I’m not going to get expelled that easily and….hey, wasn’t that a dog that just ran behind you?
A. Ah! He was here?! I have to find him for the principal at all costs. –
B. Ah! He was here?! The principal totally yelled at me about him! /
C. Ah! He was here?! The principal totally flipped out and is making find him for her! +
Castiel: Ah, nothing surprises me anymore about that woman and her dog, Good luck finding him, but if you don’t besides sticking you with an hour or two after school, she can’t do much.
A. Thanks but unlike you, I don’t want any trouble. –
B. I would still rather not have her on my back. +
C. Yeah it’s not that big of a deal, but I’d still rather avoid any trouble. –
Castiel: So is the hunt for mini Rover going well?
A. Not really. By the way, I bet you don’t have any animals. –
B. Not really. By the way, I bet you’re a cat owner. –
C. Not really. By the way, I bet you’re a dog owner. +
Castiel: Bingo, I don’t like cats, they’re ungrateful little beasts. I do have a dog though, but a big one, not like that little yappy mutt the principal has.
A. Is its name Kiki too? +
B. Cats aren’t ungrateful! They can be really cute and nice too. –
C. Big dogs make me nervous, they can be dangerous… –
Castiel: Nah, of course not. His name is “Demon”.
A. Demon, that’s scary! +
B. Demon, isn’t that a bit weird for a dog’s name? –
Castiel: A Belgian Shepherd.
A. Oh, I don’t know what that is. +
B. Oh, that’s a dangerous dog, isn’t it? –
C. Oh yeah, that’s one of those dogs that’s all white! –
Castiel: Of course not, It’s not my problem.
A. @??!!# What a nightmare! +
B. Come on! You know I’ve been having a hard time catching him! –
C. It’s been a nightmare trying to catch him! You are really not cool! –
Amber: Hahaha, so you have even scared Ken off?!
A. He had to go because of you three! /
B. I didn’t scare anyone away, I didn’t do anything to Ken, got it? – with Ken
Amber: Me stupid?! Anyway, he just adores his nice little sister…
A. Pfff! I’ve had enough of you, I’m out of here. (Leave) /
B. I could just ask Castiel to change his mind. We’ll see what happens. /
Iris: He said goodbye and told me he was looking for you. He looked pretty sad.
A. Well, he was really needy, It’s a relief, now I can breathe. –
B. What a relief, he was always sticking around. –
C. Yeah, I have to admit I felt a bit bad for him. +
Then it is time to help out in the clubs.
Garden Club / Basketball club
Garden club:
Jade: Hey, hi, are you the one in charge of the gardening club? It’s pitiful, the flowers are all wilting!
A. Hey, calm down, I was asked to help out only two days ago. I’m not in charge of anything. –
B. You just have to replace them! I was asked to help out two days ago but I’m not in charge of anything. +
C. Can I do something? I’ve only been helping out for two days now. /
Jade: Saving all of them is not going to be easy…Do you know who is in charge of the club?
A. Ah…No you? –
B. I have no idea, I just told you I’ve only been helping out for two days. I thought you were. +
C. Sorry, I don’t know. And who are you? –
Jade: Sorry, I’m a bit irritated. My name is Jade. I’m in a dual education system at a botanical high school. I come here from time to time and bring soil, fertilizer and take care of the plots for the students in the gardening club.
A. So you spend your time with your hands in the dirt? +
B. Jade? Isn’t that a girl’s name? –
C. Dual education? That’s cool, so you get paid as well? +
Jade: Hey (NickName), do you know Iris? I was told that she took with her that box of seeds that was for the club.
A. No. I don’t know Iris, sorry. /
B. And, what if I do know her? –
C. Yeah, I know here a little. +
Jade: On the other hand….
A. What is it now? –
B. Hey, that’s enough, I don’t want to hear about it. –
C. Is there a problem? +
Jade: Not really but some things are missing that I need…
A. You’ll have to manage with what you have. –
B. You should be able to do something with all of that, shouldn’t you? –
C. What are you going to do? +
Jade: Certain flowers go in certain places I need more seeds, can you go and buy some while I continue working please?
A. Yes, if you need them. + (gives you 5G)
B. No, I don’t feel like wasting my time on flower seeds. It’s not like it’s a work of art that you’re doing here. –
Seeds can be found in the dollar shop.
Jade: No, I’ve got a problem…I lost my notepad. It has all my gardening notes in it, all the different treatments for the plants and the ground. If I can’t find it, I won’t be able to finish in time…
A. Ok, I’ll go see if I can find it. +
B. Hurry up and find it then. –
C. I haven’t seen a notepad anywhere around here.
Jade’s notepad:

Nathaniel: Really? Who?
A. Jade, he doesn’t go to this school, I don’t think you know him. /
B. Is this an interrogation by the student body president? /
C. Jade, he’s training here with the gardening club. /
Nathaniel: What? No, I’m just asking, that’s all.
A. (Leave) /
B. Are you jealous by any chance? –
Nathaniel: Even in this school, I don’t know everyone, you know.
A. Oh, I thought you did. +
B. Come on, I’m sure you look into everyone’s files, don’t you? –
C. Yes…that’s normal I guess. /
Nathaniel: Come on, there’s a lot of students here. I just know all of the teachers.
A. Teacher’s Pet! –
B. Are they nice? +
C. Yeah well…they’re just teachers after all. +
Nathaniel: That’s true, it doesn’t change much… I only know their names and faces…I don’t really talk to them much
A. It seems like you would! –
B. You’re just a student like everyone else after all. +
C. You mean you don’t take advantage of your high profile?
Nathaniel: Yeah?
A. How can I put this… –
B. She’s really not nice to people. +
C. Nah, nothing, forget it. /
Nathaniel: What do you mean she’s not nice?
A. Did you know she took money from Ken? –
B. She’s a real pain, she gets into everybody’s business, you know? –
C. Compared to you…She is really immature sometimes. +
Nathaniel: What? But she wouldn’t do that. And if that really happened, he would have said something, wouldn’t he?
A. I can’t say anything to you about your sister…someday you might realize. –
B. You know Ken, don’t you? Do you really think he would dare to say something? /
C. Does someone have a bad influence on her? +
Castiel: Oh, still with your plants?
A. Hey, yeah, you should try it sometimes. –
B. Well, I would change for the basketball club, but it’s too late now. +
C. Yes, I’ll be spending some time with Jade. /
Castiel: So he’s a squatter…?
A. Don’t say that, he’s really nice, ok? –
B. What? Are you jealous? +
Castiel: Did you have another problem with her?
A. Well not now, but I tried to talk to Nathaniel about her, but he doesn’t want to listen to me. +
B. Well not just now really, but I can’t stand her any more, I don’t know what to do. –
C. Well not just now really, more like all of the time, constantly! –
Well Nat is too blind with brotherly love to see how much of a pain she is, what do you want me to say.
A. So you agree with me. I’ll try to talk to him again about her someday… –
B. Did you know she wants to go out with you? +
Castiel: So what? Why did you come and tell me that? I know she’s a real pain but I’m not her father nor her brother…
A. (Leave) /
B. Did you know she wants to go out with you? +
Castiel: Did I know? More or less, yep!
A. And you like her? /
B. Is it that obvious? +
C. I can’t believe it, ha ha, you’re boasting! –
Iris: Darn! I forgot to bring them, I’m really sorry…I’ll bring them next time.
A. You better… –
B. Ok, no problem. +
Then the moment for the illustrations comes.
Basketball Club
Dajan: Hi! Are you in the basketball club?
A. Not really, well maybe. +
B. No, I had to come here. –
C. Not at all, but I like basketball! +
Dajan: Ha, ha, sounds like you’re not sure? Basketball is cool.
A. In fact, I had help the club and find all the stray basketballs that were all over the place because of the players! And who are you by the way? Are you on the team? –
B. Because of you, I had to look everywhere for a lot of stray basketballs! And who are you by the way? +
C. I’m just doing a small favor, that’s all. Are you on the team? /
Dajan: Oh wait, speaking of practice, could you do me a favor?
A. Sure, what? +
B. No sorry, I already have enough to do. –
Water bottle can be found in the Dollar shop
Dajan: Great! Thanks a lot. How much do I owe you?
A. Nothing, it’s on me. –
B. 1G but you don’t have to pay me back… + (gives 1G)
C. It cost me 2G. / (gives 2G)
Dajan: I lost my necklace! I put it on the bench with my towel and bottle of water and it’s disappeared!
A. What necklace? If you were more careful with your things, that wouldn’t happen. –
B. A necklace? Do you need help? +
C. A necklace? I can help you look, but it won’t be for free. –
Nathaniel: Really? Who?
A. Dajan, he doesn’t go to this school, I don’t think you know him. /
B. Is this an interrogation by the student body president? /
C. Dajan, he’s training here with the Basketball club. /
Nathaniel: What? No, I’m just asking, that’s all.
A. (Leave) /
B. Are you jealous by any chance? –
Nathaniel: Even in this school, I don’t know everyone, you know.
A. Oh, I thought you did. +
B. Come on, I’m sure you look into everyone’s files, don’t you? –
C. Yes…that’s normal I guess. /
Nathaniel: Come on, there’s a lot of students here. I just know all of the teachers.
A. Teacher’s Pet! –
B. Are they nice? +
C. Yeah well…they’re just teachers after all. +
Nathaniel: That’s true, it doesn’t change much… I only know their names and faces…I don’t really talk to them much
A. It seems like you would! –
B. You’re just a student like everyone else after all. +
C. You mean you don’t take advantage of your high profile?
Nathaniel: Yeah?
A. How can I put this… –
B. She’s really not nice to people. +
C. Nah, nothing, forget it. /
Nathaniel: What do you mean she’s not nice?
A. Did you know she took money from Ken? –
B. She’s a real pain, she gets into everybody’s business, you know? –
C. Compared to you…She is really immature sometimes. +
Nathaniel: What? But she wouldn’t do that. And if that really happened, he would have said something, wouldn’t he?
A. I can’t say anything to you about your sister…someday you might realize. –
B. You know Ken, don’t you? Do you really think he would dare to say something? /
C. Does someone have a bad influence on her? +
Castiel: So he’s a squatter…?
A. Don’t say that, he’s really nice, ok? –
B. What? Are you jealous? +
Castiel: Did you have another problem with her?
A. Well not now, but I tried to talk to Nathaniel about her, but he doesn’t want to listen to me. +
B. Well not just now really, but I can’t stand her any more, I don’t know what to do. –
C. Well not just now really, more like all of the time, constantly! –
Well Nat is too blind with brotherly love to see how much of a pain she is, what do you want me to say.
A. So you agree with me. I’ll try to talk to him again about her someday… –
B. Did you know she wants to go out with you? +
Castiel: So what? Why did you come and tell me that? I know she’s a real pain but I’m not her father nor her brother…
A. (Leave) /
B. Did you know she wants to go out with you? +
Castiel: Did I know? More or less, yep!
A. And you like her? /
B. Is it that obvious? +
C. I can’t believe it, ha ha, you’re boasting! –
Then the moment for the illustrations comes.

Outfit Nathaniel 20G

Outfit Castiel 23G

Outfit Dajan 17G

Outfit Jade 12G
Dajan: Oh, if you’re in the basketball club, you must have some favorite players? Who are they?
A. Michael Jordan, Scotty Pippen and Tony Parker. + (illustration)
B. Tony Jordan, Scotty Nathan and Michael Parker. /
C. Zac Efron, Denzel Washington and Will Smith. /
Jade: I haven’t finished watering the plants yet…If you’re not in the gardening club by accident, you should be able to tell me in what order I should water the plants, from the most fragile to the most hardy.
A. I would say, the lilacs first, then the orchids and the cactus last. /
B. I would say, the orchids first, then the cactus and the lilacs last. /
C. I would say, the orchids first, then the lilacs and the cactus last. + (Illustration, you will also receive a flower)
Illustration with Castiel and the Band-aid you get.
Then the episode will end.