It is Easter on My Candy Love. It starts April 17th 2019 and it will last until April 24th 2019. So you have 8 days to complete this event. It will be a board game event.
You have to collect eggs. For every 4 eggs you can throw the dice one time. You can buy another time to throw the dice for 15 AP. On the board there are 36 places where you can land. To land on every place you have to collect 144 eggs. Every hour you can find a new egg. They are hidden on the web pages. The web pages can hold max 12 eggs. So you have to collect at least two times a day to have a maximum of 24 eggs a day. With this event you can win 4 outfits and 1 illustrations.

Here explained what you can find on the board:

On the places: 1 – 5 – 8 – 14 – 15 – 18 – 24 – 27 – 32 – 36.
In the dialogue you will talk to the stewards for the princess Ninette (Nina). She is charged for handling the preparations for Easter. Which dialogue you get, happens randomly. In my YouTube video’s you can find the whole dialogue, you can find them at the top of this page.
Here are the right answers:

White Chocolate Steward (Rayan):
Still, that leads me to my question, do you know what the main difference is between white chocolate and its buddies: dark chocolate and milk chocolate?
A. White chocolate doesn’t contain any cocoa paste. (Correct)
B. White chocolate doesn’t contain any cocoa butter.
C. White chocolate doesn’t contain any sugar.
To be perfectly honest, what I like the most about chocolate is that it makes people happy. It contains tiny substances that may contribute to the phenomenon. Do you know which ones?
A. Chocolate contains endorphins, a happiness hormone.
B. Chocolate contains epinephrine, a happiness hormone.
C. Chocolate contains phenethylamine, a happiness hormone. (Correct)

Praline Chocolate Steward (Castiel):
I’m not like the other stewards, I have this extra thing called “praline”. Do you know what that is?
A. Of course! It’s a paste made up of sugar, almonds and hazelnuts. (Correct)
B. Of course! It’s a paste made up of sugar, walnuts and cashews.
C. Of course! It’s a paste made up of sugar, walnuts and caramel.
So (Nickname), are you reassured to see everyone hard at work? Believe me, we have a lot on our plate! Any idea how many pounds of chocolate are eaten by an American on average in a year?
A. Ah-ha, I’m sure a person eats about 7 pounds of chocolate a year!
B. Ah-ha, I’m sure a person eats about 11 pounds of chocolate a year! (Correct)
C. Ah-ha, I’m sure a person eats about 16 pounds of chocolate a year!

Blonde Choclate Steward (Priya):
That’s why I’m totally willing to give Ninette a chance, if you know the answer to my question. How was blonde chocolate created?
A. Thanks to a very precise recipe mixing white chocolate and caramel.
B. Thanks to a new type of cocoa beans.
C. Thanks to a culinary accident. (Correct)
Could you please tell me which one of these three isn’t a cocoa bean: Criollo, Calorino and Trinitario?
A. Criollo isn’t a cocoa bean.
B. Calorino isn’t a cocoa bean. (Correct)
C. Trinitario isn’t a cocoa bean.

Milk Chocolate Steward (Hyun):
For that matter, the family has gotten bigger recently with the arrival of the blonde chocolate steward. Ever since then, there’s been an odd number of us and that’s kind of a pity… Do you think a sixth chocolate steward might join us someday?
A. Maybe a cocoa butter steward?
B. Maybe a pink chocolate steward? (Correct)
C. Maybe a paufer chocolate steward?
What’s something unexpected we could pair up with milk chocolate?
A. You could try milk chocolate with… plants! (Correct)
B. You could try milk chocolate with… salted caramel!
C. You could try milk chocolate with… fizzy sugar!

Dark Chocolate Steward (Nathaniel):
I’m kind of the group leader, I’m the strongest. For that matter, what is the strongest dark chocolate that can be found?
A. I’d say 85% dark chocolate.
B. I’d say 99% dark chocolate.
C. I’d say 100% dark chocolate. (Correct)
So I decided that would be my challenge this year: make children like dark chocolate! I think I’ll tackle the task with a recipe combining dark chocolate and fruit, just to add a hint of sugar. Any suggestions?
A. Dark chocolate and ginger!
B. Dark chocolate and strawberry!
C. Dark chocolate and chunks of cookies! (Correct)

On the places: 2 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 9 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 16 – 17 – 19 – 21 – 22 – 23 – 25 – 28 – 29 – 30 – 31 – 33 – 34.
If you have been to all the places you can get these three outfits. Under the outfits you see the price for each item, if you want to buy another color in the special event clothing shop.

Easter Breeze
Wig 60G
Hat 20G
Freckles 15G
Necklace 25G
Dress 75G
Vest 30G
Boots 35G
Polish 10G
Top 30G
Wig 60G
Ears 30G
Pants 40G
Boots 35G
Skirt 25G
Jacket 35G
Chocolate 5G
Pastel Chick
Wig 60G
Purse 35G
Belt 20G
Skirt 45G
Top 30G
Bracelets 20G
Lingerie 35G
Shoes 25G
Golden eggs:
On the places: 3 – 10 – 20 – 26 – 35.
On every place you get 50 golden eggs. In total, you can get 250 golden eggs from the board. For the whole golden outfit you need to collect 500 golden eggs. The remaining you can find on the web pages. If you want another color you can buy them with golden eggs. You can buy a golden egg for 1 AP. Here you can see the outfit and the amount of golden eggs for each item.

Golden outfit:
Earring 35 Golden eggs
Wig 95 Golden eggs
Glove 45 Golden eggs
Top 75 Golden eggs
Skirt 80 Golden eggs
Lingerie 50 Golden eggs
Shoes 40 Golden eggs
Eyes 80 Golden eggs
If you have been to every place on the board you will get this illustration and then you have succeeded the event.