– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 1150 – 1300 AP
Fairy: 38 AP
Hyun: 1212 AP
Nathaniel: 1234 AP
Priya: 1182 AP
Rayan: 1210 AP
Castiel: 1188 AP
Outfit 165G
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get one out of five in a single play through. The illustration depends on choices.
Fairy/Auntie: at the restaurant. You can find her after you talked with Eric and go looking in town for Kim. You first have to go to the university, snake bar and park before you can find her. Don’t go in front of sweet amoris high after you have gone to those three place. Because if you do so the object will pass and you won’t be able to find her.


Outfit 165G
Episode guide:
You start this episode in the cosy bear. There is an exhibit happening.
Dan: Don’t you agree, dear (Nickname)? Can you imagine yourself exhibiting that low-class junk?
A. Not really. Sorry, Rayan, but I agree with Dan! – with Rayan and + with Dan
B. Of course! Personally, I think superheroes are fascinating. They’re kind of the new gods of Olympus… – with Dan and + with Rayan
C. It’s not my cup of tea, but if there’s an audience, why not…? / with Dan and Rayan
Dambi: (Choice)
A. Well, we’re all tired, I think… let’s clean this up, go home and get some sleep. + with Dambi and / with Nina
B. Dambi… this isn’t the first time… I’m sorry but I’m going to have to take it out of your paycheck. / with Dambi and – with Nina
After the exhibit you go home and straight to bed. Then the story skips a few days, and you spend the morning with your lover.
Hyun: I’m waiting for the right time… There’s no hurry. No sense stressing them out for nothing.
A. If you back away far enough, you won’t even see the obstacle anymore. You do need to tell them though. / or +
B. I understand. After all, you know them better than me. You’ll know when the time is right. /
C. It’s getting kind of ridiculous, don’t you think? You’re a grown-up now…
Nathaniel: We’re more or less sure that none of my future targets knew my former suppliers directly or indirectly.
A. “More or less”… that’s extremely reassuring. Tell me… do you really have to do this? I for one am scared for you… / or +
B. I’m sure you’ll catch them! Even though I’d rather you didn’t run any risks, obviously. / or +
C. No! What if something happened to you… there must be another way!
Priya: I’m really lucky to have met her. And to climb the ladder by her side!
A. Listening to you… you almost sound like you’re in love. Personally, I’m not sure I’m as much of a Renata fan as you are…
B. Aren’t you trusting her a little too blindly? –
C. I’m really happy for you. You’ve found the mentor you were looking for. / or +
You put on your outfit and go to the university.
Rayan: (Choice) (Only on Hyun’s, Priya’s, Nathaniel’s and Castiel’s route)
A. And if that teacher’s feelings aren’t mutual, it’d be better if you put a stop to it. For her sake. +
B. And it’d be better if you drew some slightly clearer lines, unless of course you… –
Rayan: Alright, it’s true I really like hearing about my students. Sorry, I think there’s been a total misunderstanding here. (Only on Rayan’s route)
A. Hmm… Fine, I’ll give you that… it’s true that when you are deep in thought… +
B. Personally, I’m kind of afraid to understand too well, unfortunately…
On the way out of the university, you see Chani. You go home with her. When you are at Chani’s home, Violette comes over.
Violette: That’s not really like her. I’m really afraid something happened to her.
A. Don’t worry. There’s most likely a logical explanation. It’s normal for you to be worried, but… –
B. Don’t you think you’re overreacting a little? You’re kind of the emotional type, Violette. +
Kim is missing. The next day you still haven’t heard from her. You go looking. You go first to the gym, then to the café and then to the police station.
Eric: She didn’t answer. Maybe it’s better that way… I got the message and packed my bag.
A. What? But you should’ve insisted! Sometimes we just don’t have the right words… /
B. You did the right thing. If the communication breakdown between you two was that bad… /
C. And even then, she didn’t say anything? That’s wild! /
Eric: The good ‘ole separation to make sure, you know… the idea is to check and see how things are after a month.
A. Maybe that’s a good idea. It’s healthier to be alone to get things in perspective, isn’t it? /
B. After all, maybe you’re going to miss each other… maybe it’s the best way for you to get back together. –
C. Yeah I guess… we know what that kind of thing means, don’t we? +
Eric: Maybe she’d rather lick her wounds out of sight, don’t you think?
A. No, I don’t think anyone should stay alone at a time like this. /
B. Most likely, you’re right, but I promised another friend that I’d find her. /
You go further with looking. You have to go to the snack room, the university and the park. Then stop by the restaurant to find the fairy. Then go in front of sweet amoris high. From there you go to the beach. There you find Kim.
Kim: (Choice)
A. Your leg’s going to heal. And there’ll be other Ironmans. You can still do it next year. – 5
B. Everyone’s worried about you. You scared us, disappearing like that. – 5
C. There’s no point in brooding. You have to move on, coach! You’re the one who taught me that… – 5
Kim: (Choice)
A. After all, you managed to graduate from high school, right? And that was no walk in the park! +
B. Look, you managed to buy the gym you used to work at… –
After you saw Kim, you visit Rosalya.
Rosalya: If Kim made an appointment, that’d be different, but for the time being…
A. Come on… It’s just the two of us. I know you. I’m sure you have an opinon and you’re dying to share it. /
B. Oh, come on Rosa… I’m asking you a favor, as a friend! –
C. You know Kim. She’s not the kind of person to go see a shrink. That’s why I’m taking the liberty to ask… +
You go back home to your lover.
Hyun: (Choice)
A. But personally, I think Rosa’s right: more than anything, Kim needs to feel supported by friends. / or +
B. And… knowing Kim, I can’t keep from wondering if he’s kind of right. –
Nathaniel: I’m afraid it’s better that way. It’d been going downhill for way too long, if you ask me.
A. I don’t know… I think it’s always sad when people break up, don’t you? –
B. I think so, too. He says he’s relieved, even though it didn’t really look like it. / or +
C. I don’t know why he waited so long, actually. It was the best thing they could do.
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. But I wonder if Rosa isn’t exaggerating a little, comparing it to post-traumatic stress… / or +
B. I hope you’re going to go see her soon. Rosa insisted on her getting support from her friends… –
Priya: Oh my god, poor thing… She must really be down… Fortunately you all are going to be there for her.
A. Yes, of course! Eric, you know, the detective, thought we needed to give her some time, but I don’t think so. / or +
B. Yes… but at the same time, I don’t know. I’m kind of uncomfortable. Kim clearly said she wanted to be left alone… –
Rayan: (Choice)
A. But I think Rosa’s right. And that, even if it means twisting her arm, we should encourage Kim to get out and see people. / or +
B. I’m wondering though if there’s not some truth to what he thinks. After all, Kim wants to be left alone… –
Castiel: Poor thing… She must be devastated. But hey, she’s always been a rock. She’ll get over it!
A. I hope so. But I still wonder if we shouldn’t leave her alone a while… / or +
B. I definitely hope so. And I’m going to do everything I can to be there for her. I know Violette will too… I need to call Nath, too. –
The next day starts, you go to the Café. Violette will be there.
Violette: Do you think she might be mad at me for something?
A. No, not really. I think more than anything she’s all doom and gloom these days. – with Viollette and – with Kim
B. Honestly… I think she’s a little jealous of Chani. She didn’t put it that way… + with Violette and + with Kim
Violette: If we just meet up to talk, she’s going to shut down. She needs action too badly. Obviously, that limits things a little…
A. I was thinking… Kim can’t do sports anymore, but she can still coach. And since she mentioned that to you the other night… – if you answered A in the choice before and + if you answered B in the choice before
B. You could ask her to come and pose at your studio. Artists always need models, don’t they? + if you answered A in the choice before and – if you answered B in the choice before
You go to the beach with Violette. You talk there with Kim. Then the story skips two days. And you will be baby siting with your lover.
Hyun: (Choice)
A. Fine, if you say you know what you’re doing… I’m warning you, you’re the one who’ll go and put her back to bed if she doesn’t go to sleep. / or + illustration with Hyun
B. No, Hyun, I promised Rosa. She’s not supposed to eat sugar at night.
Nathaniel: Otherwise, I’ll feed you. And I promise you if I give you the evil eye…
A. Nath, you’re going to scare her doing that… she’s just a kid. Weren’t you three years old once? / or + illustration with Nathaniel
B. Nath is right, Thia, children don’t decide! Come on, eat without making a fuss. –
Priya: Sure, but it’s never too soon to teach her a little logic, is it?
A. Hmm, you have a point. Between the two of us, we should be able to convince her! –
B. She’ll have plenty of time for that later… but for now, all that matters, is for her to eat her carrots, right? / or + illustration with Priya
Rayan: But you promise, right? If I eat the carrots, I’ll be able to jump really high?
A. Rayan’s exaggerating, sweetheart. I don’t think these carrots are magical. / or + illustration with Rayan
B. Rayan knows what he’s saying, Thia. He’s a professor. He knows lots of things. And besides, he really likes superheroes! –
Castiel: (Choice)
A. No… We’re stopping. We’ll sing later, if you’re good, Thia.
B. Well, in that case, might as well play along… Come on, Thia… “Carrots are pretty yucky… but you have to eat them anyway!” / of + illustration with Castiel
Thia goes to bed. Your lover and you will talk about having kids.
Hyun: (Choice)
A. That all makes me think that we’re not really ready. Just imagine going through that on a daily basis…? – (Another choice)
B. But I must admit, it makes me want the same. Just imagine, getting to experience that with… our own child? / or + (Another choice)
Hyun: I want my children to be proud of their father… and his cupcakes! But once I’m on my feet… (If you choose the content of B)
A. Regardless of the time we choose, I’m sure it’ll be the right one. You know, I can’t wait! / or +
B. Er right, I mean, we aren’t in that big of a hurry either. I have projects to carry out, too.
Hyun: But once that’s settled, I was really thinking… I mean, anyway… (If you choose the content of A)
A. I’m sorry… but I don’t really see myself raising a child. –
B. Maybe I’ll change my mind some day… but for the time being, I don’t want kids, that’s for sure.
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. But I must admit, it makes me want the same. Just imagine, getting to experience that with… our own child? –
B. That all makes me think that we’re not really ready. Just imagine going through that on a daily basis…? / or +
Priya: (Choice)
A. But I must admit, it makes me want the same. Just imagine, getting to experience that with… our own child? – (Another choice)
B. That all makes me think that we’re not really ready. Just imagine going through that on a daily basis…? / or +
Priya: Otherwise I might as well retire right away. I hope that’s not an issue for you. (If you choose the content of A)
A. That suits me just fine! I’m in no hurry either! I have projects to finish up first.
B. Still, that’s kind of a long time to wait. I for one want to enjoy it while I’m still in shape! –
Rayan: (Choice)
A. That all makes me think that we’re not really ready. Just imagine going through that on a daily basis…? – (Another choice)
B. But I must admit, it makes me want the same. Just imagine, getting to experience that with… our own child? / or + (Another choice)
Rayan: Actually, in the grand scheme of things, if we both agree… Could we not wait too long? (If you choose the content of B)
A. Whoa! Not right away! I still want to enjoy my freedom a little.
B. I’m glad you see things that way. I’m sure it’ll be awesome. / or +
Rayan: Then again, I understand. For sure, we’ve never discussed it… and it has real ethical implications… (If you choose the content of A)
A. Don’t make such a face. Never say never. But for the time being, I’m sure, I don’t want any.
B. Yes, there you go. There are a lot of implications. And everything leads me to believe that it’s better not to have children. –
Castiel: (Choice)
A. But I must admit, it makes me want the same. Just imagine, getting to experience that with… our own child? / or+ (Another choice)
B. That all makes me think that we’re not really ready. Just imagine going through that on a daily basis…? / (Another choice)
Castiel: I hope that’s not an issue for you. (If you choose the content of A)
A. Still, that’s kind of a long time to wait. I for one want to enjoy it while I’m still in shape!
B. That suits me just fine! I’m in no hurry either! I have projects to finish up first. / or +
Castiel: Well… yes, actually. Not for the time being. But I’ve always thought that some day, I’d have kids, what about you? (If you choose the content of B)
A. Some day, yes, maybe… but for the time being, I don’t want any, that’s for sure.
B. I’m sorry… but I don’t really see myself raising a child. –
Your lover and you go to bed and the episode will end.