– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Special thanks to mymysterieuse
Action points: 1000 – 1300 AP
Hyun 1078 AP
Rayan 1250 AP
Priya 1170 AP
Nathaniel 1244 AP
Castiel 1204 AP
Fairy 30 AP
Outfit Hyun & Castiel 165G
Outfit Nathaniel & Rayan 165G
Outfit Priya 170G
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get one out of five in a single play through. The illustration depends on outfit and a LOM of at least 95.
1. At the end of this episode you get the choice if you want to testify in court against Rayan. It matters for the LOM with your lover what you choose. So my advice is to say yes on Hyun’s and Priya’s route and to say no on Castiel’s and Nathaniel’s route. On Rayan’s route you won’t get this choice.
2. You can get Priya’s illustration and still say no to testify in court. I will tell you how to do that when the moment for the illustration comes.
Fairy/Auntie: at the gym. There are two moments in this episode when you can meet her. You can find her after you have been invited to the family diner en before you arrive at home to change clothes. Or you can find her after you changed clothes but before you go to Hyun’s house. Auntie will give you a Mad Hatter.


Outfit Hyun & Castiel 165G

Outfit Nathaniel & Rayan 165G

Outfit Priya 170G
Episode guide:
You start this episode in front of the café. You hear Nina talking. You go inside.
Gabin: (Choice)
A. You know you can choose to ignore her complaints, especially before your first cup of coffee, huh…? / with Gabin and – with Nina
B. It takes a while to get used to her, but once you are, she’s almost endearing, you’ll see. / with Gabin and + with Nina
Gabin: But they were really close, before all that…
A. Don’t worry. Castiel is tough. It’s not even the first time he has had to manage a betrayal like this, you know… /
B. Hmm, that’s not very reassuring, for sure. I’ll try to talk to him about it. +
C. Are you sure you aren’t reading a little more into it than there is? If he seems to be doing OK… maybe that’s really the case! –
Gabin: Cool idea, don’t you think? (Only on Castiel’s route)
A. Oh right! Sure, that’s probably what you both need. You really deserve a little rest. /
B. Yes, I guess so… I just wish he would’ve kept me in the loop! /
Go to the terrace, there you will see Kim and Violette. After talking with them go back inside with Violette.
Yael & Yeleen: (Choice)
A. Do as you like, Yeleen, but it’s true Aster’s market value is climbing fast. If I were you, I’d think about it. + with Yael and / with Yeleen
B. Yael… it’s a small gallery, you said so yourself. Can’t you make an effort? – with Yael and / with Yeleen
Go with Yeleen to the terrace.
Yeleen: Sometimes you run into some pretty shady profiles!
A. Still… I know you, Yeleen… you have to admit there aren’t many people you can stand… +
B. You know, there’s not any obligation either. Sometimes, being alone for a while is nice, too. –
Go back inside to help Nina with the customers.
Hyun: My father’ll be there, too. Everyone’ll be there. I just wanted to warn you. They’re coming at 8. (Only on Hyun’s route)
A. I would’ve liked being warned a little sooner… I mean, what if I had had other plans? –
B. No problem, I’ll close up a little earlier. Do you need me to take care of anything? / or +
Dambi: And they’d be really happy to treat you to a nice meal, in the big family tradition… (On Rayan’s, Castiel’s, Priya’s and Nathaniel’s route)
A. Er… it’s kind of… I don’t know if I’m available… And what about…? +
B. Er… alright! I’d love to see them again. I haven’t run into them in quite a few years. /
Rayan: *** That’s sweet of them, but that doesn’t really work for me, actually… *** (Only on Rayan’s route)
A. Rayan… please. I know it’s not what you had planned, but it won’t be as weird for me if you’re there. –
B. Come on… Treat it as an experience. We don’t get an opportunity like this every day… / or +
Priya: *** That’s sweet of them, but that doesn’t really work for me, actually… *** (Only on Priya’s route)
A. Come on… it’ll do you some good to kind of get your mind off work! We won’t stay late, I promise… –
B. Priya… please. I know it’s not what you had planned, but it won’t be as weird for me if you’re there. / or +
Nathaniel: *** Er… Right, but personally, I was planning on taking advantage of the evening to get ahead on my other cases and… *** (Only on Nathaniel’s route)
A. Come on… it’ll do you some good to kind of get your mind off work! We won’t stay late, I promise… / or +
B. Nath… please. I know it’s not what you had planned, but it won’t be as weird for me if you’re there. –
Castiel: *** Er… Right, but personally, I was planning on taking advantage of the evening to get a little rest, actually… *** (Only on Castiel’s route)
A. Come on… Hyun’ll be glad to see you… you’ve hardly run into each other since the party at our place… / or +
B. Castiel… please. I know it’s not what you had planned, but it won’t be as weird for me if you’re there. –
You go home but before you do that, you can go to the gym to meet the fairy.
Rayan: As for you, your business is on a roll… Do we really need to change for change’s sake…?
A. Personally, I have to admit that things suit me just fine the way they are. / or +
B. I don’t want to influence your decision. It’s too important for me to get mixed up in it.
C. Like you said, my business is doing well. Which means that I’m free to go places. /
Castiel: (Choice)
A. I think it’s a really good idea. It’s important for a band, not to just work all the time… –
B. When were you planning on talking to me about it? /
C. Sounds like a fun plan… Can I come? I wouldn’t mind going to the beach either.
You have to choose your outfit.

Outfit Hyun & Castiel 165G

Outfit Nathaniel & Rayan 165G

Outfit Priya 170G
You go to Hyun’s house. At this moment you can also meet the fairy at the gym. At Hyun’s route you are already at Hyun’s house.
Jung: And… between you and us, is our little Miss Catastrophe not costing you too much in dishes?
A. Honestly…? Some days I tell myself I’m going to start using nothing but paper cups. +
B. Er… no… why do you say that, Jung? –
EunMi: What do you think, (Nickname)? Wouldn’t you be worried if you were us?
A. I understand why you are, but Dambi’s plans seem sounder than you seem to think they are.
+ Dambi, Rayan, Castiel and Nathaniel
– EunMi, Hyun and Priya
B. Yes… a little, all the same. Dambi… you understand why your parents are worried about you, don’t you?
+ with EunMi, Hyun and Priya
– with Dambi, Rayan, Castiel and Nathaniel
Hyun: (Choice)
A. Er… No… I’m totally incapable of doing that myself… I picked it up in town… A new pastry shop…
/ with EunMi, Hyun, Nathaniel and Rayan
– with Priya and Castiel
B. I’m sorry, Hyun… but it can’t go on like this! EunMi, Jung… your son is the one who baked this cake.
+ with EunMi
/ with Priya and Catiel
– with Rayan, Hyun and Nathaniel
EunMi: (Choice)
A. Everyone’s entitled to a fresh start, in life, don’t you think…? + with EunMi and Hyun
B. Hyun’s financial prospects are good. He hasn’t set out without planning. – with EunMi and Hyun
The story skips a few days and you are back at the café.
Nina: (Nickname)… What do you think? Do you think I have a chance?
A. Of course you do! You’re a great girl, and Raphael isn’t all that much older than you… –
B. Hmm… I don’t know… It’s complicated. In my opinion, if you go for it, you’re going to get hurt… /
C. Dambi’s right, you have to go for it! You might get a good surprise, who knows… +
Eric: It’s always good to look ahead in life…
A. Hmm… Are you not doing much better? –
B. Well… if you’re capable of being ironic, does it mean your spirits are back up? +
Priya calls and ask you to come to the law firm. On Rayan’s route, you get a call from Rayan, he asks you to come home.
Rayan: I don’t know… how we got to this version of the facts…
A. I can’t believe it… You’re going to put up a fight! I’ll support you with all my might! +
B. Rayan… we agree that you don’t have anything to blame yourself for, huh? If that were the case… I’d rather you tell me.
You go to Priya to talk with her.
Priya: (Choice) (Only on Rayan’s route)
A. Priya… How could you do this to me? Do you want to destroy my relationship? After knowing each other for all this time…
B. You’re making a huge mistake, Priya. –
C. Priya… I wish I understood what was going on… I’m a little lost.
Priya: And I hope you’ll eventually understand that I have nothing against you, just the opposite… (Only on Rayan’s route)
A. I respect your conviction…
B. This is nonsense from start to finish! You just want to make a name for yourself at Rayan’s cost, but you’re going to regret it. –
C. I think that part of you wants Rayan to be guilty, and that is clouding your judgement. /
Priya: It’s Rayan Zaidi.
A. Rayan? Are you sure we’re talking about the same guy? He’d never do anything like that… –
B. What?!? Rayan… I would never have thought that of him… What happened? /
Priya: I don’t think so, but as soon as he gives us his lawyer’s name, yes, that’ll be inevitable.
A. But what happened…? I’m still having a little trouble imagining… +
B. All this surprises me a little. I’ve already seen this Marina around Rayan before… –
Priya: Think back on that conversation… did he clearly tell you what he intended to do?
A. Now that you mention it… you’re right, he was ambiguous… He said he was going to settle it his way. /
B. Regardless of what he said, it seems really clear to me that he intended to make her understand that he wasn’t interested. /
C. I don’t remember anymore. It was three weeks ago, and I didn’t know that… /
Priya: And… I think I remember that he was pretty… pushy with you, when we were in school.
A. Yes, maybe… I don’t know. But we talked about it, and he totally respected my reluctance. To the extent that we remained friends. /
B. That always made me feel uncomfortable. I ended up letting him know and broke all ties with him. /
C. Meh… not all that much. I was too, as far as that goes, I kind of flirted with him. And it never went very far. /
1. Now you will get now the moment where you get the choice if you want to testify in court against Rayan. It matters for the LOM with your lover what you choose. So my advice is to say yes on Hyun’s and Priya’s route and to say no on Castiel’s and Nathaniel’s route. On Rayan’s route you won’t get this choice.
2. On Priya’s route this is the moment where you can get Priya’s illustration and still say no to testify in court. You have to answer the content of A in the two next choices. The content of the story will change a little. If you say no, you will give Priya a kiss on the cheek. If you say yes, Priya will give you a kiss on the cheek.
Priya: And it’d really help me if you could add grist to the mill. Naturally, you won’t be the only one to testify, most likely…
A. No, sorry, but I don’t consider I was suffered any wrongdoing. I don’t want to testify.
/ (Another choice)
B. No… Sorry, I can’t reasonably do that to Rayan.
– with Priya and Hyun
+ with Nathaniel and Castiel
C. Sure why not. If it can prevent others from being subjected to such insults, I don’t mind.
+ with Hyun and Priya
– with Castiel, Nathaniel
Priya: So…? What do you say? Are you sure you don’t want to change your mind? (If you choose A)
A. Sorry, but I’m sticking with my decision. I think it’s unfair to use my testimony against him, considering I have nothing to blame him for.
/ with Priya
+ with Castiel and Nathaniel
– with Hyun
B. Hmm… you convinced me. After all, so long as I don’t have to lie, I can tell my story.
/ with Priya
+ with Hyun
– with Castiel and Nathaniel
You go back home.
Hyun: That’s wild… And what about you, what do you think? Do you think he’s guilty?
A. Obviously, I don’t want to accuse him without proof, but unfortunately, it is possible… / or +
B. No, I don’t believe it for a single second. That’s not like Rayan… –
Hyun: (Choice) (If you choose to testify)
A. I gave it to him, but in hindsight, I really don’t think it was appropriate coming from him. +
B. That’s when I said stop. It was making me too uncomfortable. +
Rayan: Even though she knows we love each other! With a friend like that, no one needs enemies…
A. It’s a little more complicated than that… Priya has a very acute sense of
B. For sure, neither can I. I’m disappointed, too. I won’t deny it. I was hoping she wouldn’t be so… inflexible. /
Priya: In that case, my victory would be complete. And would send a real message to the harassers all over the country!
A. You don’t think that’s going too far now? You sound like Renata… –
B. I like seeing you motivated like that! Even though you’re kind of scary… / or +
Priya: …And that we’re here so they can take everything they want without worrying about the consequences?
A. For sure… but then again, I’m still not convinced that Rayan fits into that category /
B. Sure, of course. Rayan is an excellent professor, but that doesn’t mean he’s entitled. / or +
Priya: (Choice)
A. If ever he feels the same thing? Are they supposed to pass up on a relationship…? +
B. This clearly proves that sometimes, this kind of soliciting is initiated by the student… –
Nathaniel: What’s your take on it?
A. Hmm… as Priya reminded me… there may have been times in the past when he didn’t respect the limits of his role. / or +
B. I don’t believe it. I know Rayan, he isn’t like that. / or+
Nathaniel: (Choice) (If you choose to testify)
A. That’s when I said stop. It was making me too uncomfortable. –
B. I gave it to him, but in hindsight, I really don’t think it was appropriate coming from him.
Castiel: (Choice)
A. I mean… maybe… still, I wonder if he let things get seriously out of hand. –
B. Personally, I think that’s what’s going to happen. I don’t believe this accusation for a second. / or +
Castiel: (Choice) (If you choose to testify)
A. I gave it to him, but in hindsight, I really don’t think it was appropriate coming from him.
B. That’s when I said stop. It was making me too uncomfortable. –
You and your lover go to bed and the episode ends.