NG Messages

Hello everyone, on this page you can see the message between episodes from My Candy Love; New Gen. If you have gotten messages that aren’t yet on this page, please contact me ( Together we can make this page complete. 😉

Messages after episode 1





Messages after episode 2

Roy; when you did the summary with Roy


Devon; when you didn’t do the summary with Devon

Amanda; when you didn’t do the summary with Amanda

Messages after episode 3

Roy; when you had the party at your house and tried to kiss him

Roy; when you had the party at your house

Roy; when you had the party at the park

Amanda; when you had the party at your house

Amanda; when you had the party at the park

Devon; when you had the party at your house

Devon; when you had the party at the park

Thomas; when you had the party at your house

Thomas; when you had the party at the park


Messages after episode 4

Jason; when you looked at his Instagram page

Roy; when you got home with him on the bus. (Special thanks to Viktoria for the second message)

Roy; when you didn’t get home with him. (Special thanks to Lily for the first message)

Thomas; when you didn’t get home with him.

Thomas; when you got home with him on the motorcycle.

Amnada; when you didn’t get home with her.

Amanda; when you got home with her in the taxie.

Devon; when you didn’t get home with him.

Devon; when you got home with him on the bike.

Messages after episode 5

Devon: when you didn’t work on the project with him.

Devon: when you worked on the project with him.

Amanda: when you didn’t work on the project with her.

Amanda: when you worked on the project with her.

Roy: when you worked on the project with him.

Roy: when you didn’t work on the project with him.

Thomas: when you didn’t work on the project with him.

Thomas: when you worked on the project with him.

Messages after episode 6

Thomas: when you turned his offer down. (Special thanks to Ale D.D)

Roy: when you didn’t end the episode with him. (Special thanks to Ale D.D)

Devon: when you didn’t end the episode with him. (Special thanks to Ale D.D)

Jason: when you ended the episode with him. (Special thanks to Ale D.D)

Amanda: when you didn’t end the episode with her. (Special thanks to Ale D.D)