Summary Positive Standing Kiss Illustration
Summary Positive Sitting Kiss Illustration
Summary Neutral
Summary Negative
Summary Fairy/Auntie
My Review
– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 650 – 750 AP
Positive Standing Kiss Route 724 AP
Positive Sitting Kiss Route 668 AP
Neutral route
Negative route
Fairy 14 AP
Outfit 170G
Illustrations: 2 in total. You can get one out of two in a single play through. The illustrations depend on dialogue choices and LOM.
Fairy/Auntie: in the restroom. You can find her after you have talked with Rosalya and Alexy in the dinner hall, and before you go to your room. She will give you a backpack and her part cost 14 AP.


Outfit 170G
Episode guide:
You start this episode in the dinner hall. You are talking with Rosalya and Alexy. After the conversation, you can’t find the fairy in the restroom. She will give you a backpack and her part cost 14 AP.

Go to your room. Yeleen won’t be there.
Candy: (Choice)
A. (No. He said he was going to call, he’ll call. Trust him.) / (You start to study, Kentin will call you after a few minutes)
B. (I’m going to call. Alexy is right: there isn’t any reason for me not to.) / (You will call Kentin)
Kentin: “If not, can we meet for dinner at home? I mean, at my place?”
A. Let’s go for a walk! Where do you want to meet, at what time? / (Towards the standing kiss illustration)
B. For this afternoon, it’s a little tight… But tonight, with pleasure! / (Towards the sitting kiss illustration)
Candy: (Choice) (If you choose to go on a walk/the standing kiss illustration)
A. (I should go buy something to eat.) +5
B. (I’m going to rest a bit.)
C. (I should get ready… Warm up, or something.) /
Candy: (Choice) (If you choose to have dinner/the sitting kiss illustration)
A. I’ll go buy a bottle of wine before meeting up with him.)
B. (A dessert! That’s a thing, right? To bring a dessert when you’re invited for dinner.) +5
C. (A gift, maybe? A teddy bear, to remember the good old days?) /
You get to choose your outfit. There is only one outfit to pick.

Outfit 170G
If you choose to buy something to eat or to get a dessert, go to the cosy bear café. There you see Hyun. After talking with Hyun go to the entrance of the park.
If you choose to buy a gift, go to the shop street. Then go to the entrance of the park.
If you choose to buy wine, I don’t know here you have to go, probably to the shop street or café. After that, go to the entrance of the park.
If you choose to rest a bit or get ready, go directly to the entrance of the park.
Kentin: (Choice)
A. Actually, yeah. I waited for a bit…
B. Actually, I think we’re both right on time. /
C. (I took a step forward to give him a hug.) +5
If you choose to take a walk/the standing kiss illustration, go to the gazebo at the end of the park. There, take the forest path.
If you choose to have dinner/the sitting kiss illustration, go to the shop street.
Kentin: (Chocie) (If you choose to go on a walk/the standing kiss illustration)
A. Siska and Joker seem to get along well with Cookie. He wasn’t jealous? /
B. Cookie is better behaved than before, right? Is it your father who’s trained him stricter? -5
C. Can I throw the next stick? +5
Kentin: (Choice) (If you choose to have dinner/the sitting kiss illustration)
A. I think I could get used to that… +5
B. It can’t be much worse than living with a roommate in a student residence.
C. I don’t think I could do that. I would feel too cramped.
If you choose to take a walk/the standing kiss illustration, take the ocean path.
If you choose to have dinner/the sitting kiss illustration, go to the landscape outside van. After having dinner, go inside the van.
Kentin: Who… Well, are there… a lot of people, who could have brought you here? (If you choose to go on a walk/the standing kiss illustration)
A. I don’t know, my parents, a professor…
B. Are you trying to ask me if I’ve gone out with a lot of people? +5
C. Now that you mention it, not really, actually… -5
Kentin: (Choice) (If you choose to have dinner/the sitting kiss illustration)
A. How do you… do you stick everything on the furniture so it doesn’t fall? +5
B. There’s a lot of stuff for such a little space, right?
C. What is this little… This little thing? /
Kentin: Now I don’t need contacts or glasses. I’m free on that end too! (If you choose to have dinner/the sitting kiss illustration)
A. I always thought you were better without them.
B. I understand your mother. You were pretty cute with them… +5
C. The most important thing is that it’s better for you.
If you choose to take a walk/ the standing kiss illustration go to the beach.
If you choose to have dinner/the sitting kiss illustration go back to the landscape outside the van.
Kentin: He’s… Well, I guess you have a memory of him that’s rather… (If you choose to go on a walk/the standing kiss illustration)
A. Let’s say he didn’t seem very tender with you… /
B. When we were in high school, he really scared me. -5
C. Honestly, I didn’t see him enough to really judge him. +5
Kentin: (Choice) (If you choose to go on a walk/the standing kiss illustration)
A. I imagine it has its advantages… In any case, if you like it, I’m happy for you!
B. I don’t think that’s something I could easily get used to…
C. I think I could get used to that… +5