– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Special thanks to Havaska!
Action points: 1100 – 1200 AP
Proposal route 1.140 AP
NSFW 1.146 AP
Fairy/Auntie 10 AP
Outfit 180G
Illustrations: 2 in total. You can get one out of two in a single play through. The illustrations depend on LOM and dialogue.
Note: I have played this episode a lot of time. It took me a long time to get both of the illustrations. This is why I think multiply choices matter for the illustrations. So I put at every choice which one leaded for me to the NSFW and the Proposal illustration. I don’t know if every choice matters, but this way you sure will be able to get the illustrations.
Fairy/Auntie: at the entrance of the forest. You can find her after Darma has asked Kentin and you to make the honeymoon suite ready, and before you go to the to make it ready. Her part costs 10 AP, and she gives you fresh coconut drink.


Outfit 180G
Episode guide:
You start this episode at the forest entrance. Kentin and you arrive at the hotel.
Kentin: (Choice)
A. Actually, I was thinking that we could put one of my bras up on the wall… +5 (Towards NSFW and proposal illustration)
B. Hmm? Oh yeah… uh, no. I don’t know why I… / or +
C. Hey! I’m a big girl, there’s no need to watch over me! -5
Kentin and you have to meet your new boss. You walk to outside of the hotel.
Kentin: We could stay a day or two, when we’re done working…
A. We can always enjoy staying in the area with the van… +5 (Towards NSFW and proposal illustration)
B. Yeah, that way we can give our boss his money back! /
C. Haha! It’s nice to dream… – 5
Darma the hotel manager comes towards you.
Darma: Perfect! Do you have any questions?
A. Couldn’t we both be in the same position? / or + with Kentin and / with Darma (Towards NSFW illustration)
B. I’d rather work at the pool, please. -5
C. No, sounds good to me! +5 with Kentin and / with Darma (Towards proposal illustration)
Kentin and you go back to the forest entrance. You two put up the van. After it, you start to train Muffin with treats.
Candy: (Choice)
A. Maybe I can give you just one? +5 with Kentin (Towards NSFW and proposal illustration)
B. Sorry, buds… I can’t give you treats every night! /
C. Here! Enjoy! -5
The sun starts to settle down. You all go to bed. The next day, you both start with working. In the morning, you have to work in the kitchen. After your break, you get to bring snacks around outside. There you see Kentin.
Kentin: (Choice)
A. The customers… are mostly female customers, right? -5
B. Great, I’m happy if you like it! +5 (Towards proposal illustration)
C. Do you want to skip our meal to find someplace quiet…?/ (Towards NSFW illustration)
After giving everyone their snacks, you go back to the kitchen. There you work the rest of your day. You also get to talk with Darma, and he suggests that you take some food for a picnic. Then you go back to the van, there you see Kentin and the dogs. Before you go on your picnic, you get to choose your outfit. There is only one outfit to pick.

Outfit 180G
Darma takes you all into the forest. There you and Kentin walk for a while, until you two find a beautiful place for a picnic.
Kentin: (Choice)
A. (I’d like to ask him.) -5
B. (I don’t want to ask him. I think I like the mystery.) +5 (Towards proposal illustration)
C. (It doesn’t matter, but it still makes me want to kiss him.) / or + (Towards NSFW illustration)
The dogs rush off to a gave. Kentin and you follow them and find another dog. It is hurting, you all take it back to the hotel. There a vet is waiting, who takes the dog with her. The next morning, Kentin can pick the dog up and take care of it. The story skips a few days. You are settling in a routine.
Candy: (choice)
A. (I often took advantage of the morning break to go see Kentin work…) / or + (Towards NSFW and proposal illustration)
B. (As soon as I had a moment, I rushed to the kennel to check on the little dog and make sure he was okay.) /
C. (I tried to talk with Darma a bit as often as possible.) /
It is the last day before you leave. Darma comes to ask Kentin and you to make the honeymoon suit ready. Before you go there, you can meet the fairy at the forest entrance. Her part costs 10 AP, and she gives you a fresh coconut drink.

Go to the honeymoon suit.
Kentin: So, I guess we can start with dusting?
A. I’d prefer to start with something else… (NSFW illustration)
B. Yes! If we hurry, we’ll have the time to take one last walk! (Towards proposal illustration)
If you choose the NSFW illustration, the episode ends after cleaning the suit.
If you choose the proposal illustration; after cleaning the honeymoon suit, Kentin and you go back to the place where you had the picnic.
Kentin: (Choice)
A. Kentin Lerhay, will you marry me? /
B. Say something, please… / or + (Proposal illustration)
C. (The words were stuck in my throat.) -5
The episode ends.