– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Special thanks to Julie Ingemann
Action points: 1000 – 1200 AP
Fairy: 76 AP
Hyun: 1056 AP
Nathaniel: 1084 AP
Priya: 1064 AP
Rayan: 1064 AP
Castiel: 1088 AP
Outfit Hyun & Castiel 175G
Outfit Priya & Nathaniel 175G
Outfit Rayan 160G
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get one out of five in a single play through. The illustration depends on outfit and LOM.
Fairy/Auntie: in the alley. You can find her after you talked with Eric and before you go back to the café. She will give you a rat named Boris.


Rayan: 160G

Priya & Nathaniel: 175G

Hyun & Castiel 175G
Episode guide:
You start this episode at the house of Rosalya and Leigh. You are there with your lover.
Rosalya and Hyun: (Choice) (Only on Hyun’s route)
A. Right, feel free to slow down if you feel tired. I want you to stay healthy. – with Hyun and / with Rosalya
B. I’m afraid Hyun likes making pastries so much he’ll work himself to death if that’s what it takes! + with Hyun and / with Rosalya
Rosalya and Nathaniel: (Choice) (Only on Nathaniel’s route)
A. That’s true, Nath. Besides, Rosa might have an interesting point of view on the issue.
B. That’s true, it’s just us. We can trust Rosa and Leigh, right?
C. Sorry, Rosa, but even I’m not entitled to know more than that. Imagine the day-to-day frustration… + with Nathaniel and / with Rosalya
Rosalya and Priya: (Choice) (Only on Priya’s route) (If you choose to say in episode 4 to Yael: You are strong most of the time, but you have to do it for those who aren’t strong enough yet! And then choosing to say in episode 5 to Priya: I’m sorry, but she was pretty clear last time. It’s a touchy)
A. Sorry, Rosa, but you know Priya. She doesn’t do things halfway. + with Priya and / with Rosalya
B. You should listen to Rosa, Priya. It’s true that you can give yourself a little more credit…
Rosalya and Rayan: (Choice) (Only on Rayan’s route)
A. You should go for it. There’s no guarantee that Rayan will still be teaching here next year. – with Rayan and / with Rosalya
B. Personally, if I had the time, I would. That’d bring back old memories… / with Rosalya and Rayan
Rosalya and Castiel: (Choice) (Only on Castiel’s route)
A. Rosa may not be wrong, Castiel… I know it’s hard, but in and of itself, it hasn’t been all that long since this mess first surfaced. – wit Castiel and / with Rosalya
B. I understand your point of view, Rosa. But right now, Castiel is really being subjected to a lot of pressure. In a totally unfair way. / with Rosalya and + with Castiel
Rosalya: Want to call him together?
A. If he needs to talk to us, he knows where to find us. Could be he feels like he needs to be alone. +
B. Maybe you’re going to tell me you don’t want to know…? /
C. Yes! It’s not good for him to stay alone, sulking in a corner. –
After seeing Rosalya and Leigh, the story speeds up until the end of the day. You are in front of the café and Nina calls you.
Nina: (Choice)
A. Nina… I’m sorry but… isn’t there anyone else who could go see your mother? At least until the early afternoon…? –
B. Listen Nina, don’t worry. Go see your mother. That’s more important. I’ll figure something out. +
You go back home. You ask your lover to help you tomorrow in the café.
The next day starts. You have to pick your outfit.

Rayan: 160G

Priya & Nathaniel: 175G

Hyun & Castiel 175G
You go to the café.
Gustave (the banker): How’d you do it?
A. Without laying anyone off, in any case. I figured it out, like I promised you I would. +
B. I developed a new customer base and increased the gallery’s business… –
Gustave (The banker): We really believe in local businesses.
A. I swear, you really have some nerve. A month ago, I was an outcast, and now you’re rolling out the red carpet for me… /
B. That may be a little premature, but I’ll keep it in mind, just in case. /
Gustave (The banker): You can’t imagine the number of small companies that had to close the day when their sole customer had a stroke of bad luck.
A. That’s really good advice. I’ll make a note of it. Anyway, I don’t really have time for now… +
B. Oh, I don’t know… it’s already a lot of work as it is. And Mr. Aberny looks pretty resistant, financially speaking. /
After talking to the banker, you go back inside.
Eva: What about you (Nickname), are you going to let him talk to me that way? I’m a customer. He owes me respect. (Only on Hyun’s route)
A. Drop it, Hyun… Apologize and we can all move on to something else. – with Hyun and / with Eva
B. I’m sorry, Eva, but I totally trust Hyun. If he says he did it, I believe him. + with Hyun and / with Eva
Eva: (Nickname)?!? Are your really going to let him get away with that? (Only on Nathaniel’s rout)
A. Nath, you can’t talk to her like that… You made a mistake… That happens, but you need to learn how to own up to your mistakes.
B. I’m sorry, Eva, but you don’t have the right to treat him like an idiot… He apologized for the mix-up. + with Nathaniel and / with Eva
Eva: But I could! Besides, you have no right to talk to me like that! (Nickname)! Are you going to let her get away with it? (Only on Priya’s route)
A. Sorry, Eva, but she’s right. + with Priya and / with Eva
B. Come on, Priya… drop it. Eva is entitled to her opinion on the topic. – with Priya and / with Eva
Eva: Oh… I swear… how rude! (Nickname), you’re not going to let him talk to me like that, are you? (Only on Castiel’s route)
A. I’m sorry, Castiel, but she’s right. This job is also about human relations. – with Castiel and / with Eva
B. I’m sorry, Eva. He’s just starting. You do realize that he has other things to do, right? He’s a little stressed out. + with Castiel and / with Eva
Hyun: We could use a handwritten typeface, and maybe a cup and cupcakes drawn with a… (Only on Hyun’s route)
A. I don’t know… I’ve been trying to emphasize the gallery aspect, these days. That sounds too much like a tea room, doesn’t it? +
B. I like the menus the way they are. They’re basic and efficient. –
Nathaniel: Can I take a little break, boss? (Only on Nathaniel’s route)
A. Hmm, alright, take my place doing the inventory then. You need to make a note of the stock needed on this sheet. –
B. It’s just… I’m a little busy right now. You’re going to have to hang in there a little longer. +
Priya: Precisely, if they had the morning papers, that would keep them busy and they wouldn’t be in such a hurry. (Only on Priya’s route)
A. Er, listen, I’m going to think about it, why not… –
B. I don’t know… today people mainly read the news on their phones. +
Rayan: I don’t think so. And I’m the one who took the order. Maybe you heard wrong. (Only on Rayan’s route)
A. Well, if you say so… One coffee with cream, two espressos and one cappuccino, here goes. +
B. Trust me. You acquire certain reflexes over time. And this is your first day! Believe me, I’ve been there.
Castiel: But I work better when I’m rested. I’m going to get all mixed up at this pace. (Only on Castiel’s route)
A. Alright, OK, do the inventory instead of me. I’ll go wait on tables. –
B. I’ll get you a coffee to help you hang in there! Come on, get a move on! +
Go outside to talk with Chani and Violette.
Chani: Oh, great. That’s sweet of him. And so, how’s your new hire getting by? (On Hyun’s, Nathaniel’s, Rayan’s and Castiel’s route)
A. Wonderfully! If I could, I’d hire him! /
B. There’s some good and some not so good, but I’m not going to complain. It’s nice enough he agreed to help. /
C. It’s… complicated. I mean, I can’t blame him. It’s nice enough he agreed to help. /
Chani: Oh, great. That’s sweet of her. And so, how’s your new hire getting by? (Only on Priya’s route)
A. It’s… complicated. I mean, I can’t blame her. It’s adorable enough she agreed to help. /
B. Wonderfully! If I could, I’d hire her! /
C. There’s some good and some not so good, but I’m not going to complain. It’s adorable enough she agreed to help. /
Go back inside the café and then go with Hyun into the kitchen.
Hyun: (Choice)
A. Well, anyway, it’s your sister, I’m going to see what I can do. +
B. I’m really sorry, but I can’t afford it… –
Leave the kitchen, work for a while in the café. And then go to the restaurant to talk with Dan.
Dan: (Choice)
A. It’s kind of short. Don’t you think we’re likely to wear out the buyers at that rate? /
B. Ten days? You can’t be serious?! Last time, two weeks were barely enough. –
C. Ten days… it’ll be challenging, but I can handle it. +
Dan: What do you have in mind?
A. Given the deadline… I think we’ll have to settle for the bare minimum: posters on location and a direct mailing campaign. +
B. I was thinking… Yael also takes care of her artists’ press relations. She might be able to help us. –
You go back to the café. When you get out of the restaurant, you see Eric.
Eric: It’s true that I was really focused on our investigation, with this new lead, that’s all I could think about…
A. True, I would’ve been kind of mad, too, in her shoes. A week is a long time. /
B. You were busy, that happens… you’re passionate about your job, that’s better than hating it. +
C. Well, she’s exaggerating a little, isn’t she? She could’ve called you, too. /
Eric: And I wonder if it’s really worth continuing…
A. You know, being in a couple is never easy. We argue sometimes, too. / (another choice)
B. Definitely, nothing you’ve been telling me sounds like a very good sign… /
C. Sure it is! Of course it’s worth it. Life is better together than alone, isn’t it? /
Eric: You don’t mean to say you two argue non-stop, too…? (If you answerd A)
A. No, for sure, lately, we sometimes have disagreements, but not to that extent. /
B. You’d be surprised… this stays between you and me, but lately, we’ve been fighting more than usual. /
After talk with Eric, you can find the fairy in the alley.
Then go back to the café.
Castiel: In the day and age of 4G, you can really never rest easy… (Only on Castiel’s route)
A. Oh, stop… I’m sure you kind of liked it, deep down? –
B. Still, if people come for a drink to get a glimpse of you, I’m not going to complain… +
Yael: Could you give me a special discount? From one friend to another. (Only on Hyun’s route)
A. That’s true, Hyun. Yael is a friend. Maybe you could offer her a deal. – with Hyun and + with Yael
B. Yael… he really spends a lot of time on it, you know! – with Yael and + with Hyun
Yael: UKJ is one of the most promising talents of Ugly Art. It’s a strong trend in art. (On Nathaniel’s and Castiel’s route)
A. It requires some time to adapt, but I think the idea isn’t uninteresting… / with Yael, – with Nathaniel or Castiel
B. We agree. I’m sorry, Yael, but that goes too far… / with Yael, + with Nathaniel or Castiel
Rayan: I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to turn down the offer, then. Rates are rates. (Only on Rayan’s route)
A. Oh, come on, Rayan… it’s not as if you really needed the money. And Yael is a friend. – with Rayan and + with Yael
B. Sorry, Yael. But you know, Rayan has a reputation. It’s normal to pay for it. + with Rayan and – with Yael
Go outside.
Hyun: No, I want to tackle both careers at once, you little rascal. (Only on Hyun’s route)
A. Believe him, Steve. Hyun is perfectly capable of handling both simultaneously. / with Steve and + with Hyun
B. Be honest, Hyun. It’s not because Steve is… Steve, that you have to deny the obvious. + with Steve and – with Hyun
Nathaniel: Whatever that is, I don’t get the impression it’s going to change my life… (Only on Nathaniel’s route)
A. Steve… don’t you think you’re overreacting? You come here practically every day. – with Steve and + with Nathaniel
B. Er, Nath. Maybe not yours, but it can change mine. So, apologize, please. – with Nathaniel and / with Steve
Priya: You don’t even realize how lucky you are to be able to be talk back like that… (Only on Priya’s route)
A. Steve, she’s saying that for your own good. You should listen to her, you know? + with Priya and – with Steve
B. Drop it, Priya… In a way, they’re right. Lecturing them isn’t our role. + with Steve and – with Priya
Rayan: Hold on, let’s start over. You lost me there… (Only on Rayan’s route)
A. Forget it, Rayan, I’ll handle it. So, a cappuccino, strawberry shake and ice tea with a straw, no lemon, right?
B. Steve… I’d really appreciate you not driving my man crazy, I still need him. + with Rayan and – with Steve
Steve: I didn’t think it was that bad. (Only on Castiel’s route)
A. You must be mixed up… You’re right he does look a little like him, but he’s just a student who’s filling in. – with Steve and / or + with Castiel
B. So… Can you keep a secret? He’s giving me a hand today, but he doesn’t want word to get out about it. + with Steve and / with Castiel
Go back inside with Dambi.
Hyun: Gotta start sometime, right? Neither did you (Nickname), when you started, it was…
A. Fine, Hyun, she can answer on her own, right? –
B. Haha, for sure, a real catastrophe! Fortunately, you were there. +
C. Hyun… This is an interview I’m doing in my café. Maybe now is not the time to rehashing my early days… /
You have to find your lover.
Hyun and Rayan are in the kitchen
Nathaniel and Castiel are in the alley.
Priya is in front of the café.
Hyun: (Choice) (Only on Hyun’s route)
A. If you’re missing the restaurant business so much, open your own café. But the Cosy Bear is mine. –
B. Fine, Hyun… we have to face the facts… this was not a good idea. /
C. What would you say if I re-wrote every one of your tweets behind your back, without asking you? +
Nathaniel: Right now, I should be working on stuff that’s slightly more important than coffee. (Only on Nathaniel’s route)
A. Fine, Nath… we have to face the facts… this was not a good idea. /
B. You really aren’t into what you’re doing here, huh…? If it’s such a pain, I won’t keep you! +
C. Hey! We may not save the world with coffee… but we contribute! –
Priya: I dropped everything to help you. You could at least be a little flexible with me, huh…? (Only on Priya’s route)
A. Fine, Priya… we have to face the facts… this was not a good idea. /
B. If you didn’t want to do it, you should’ve refused in the first place. I would’ve understood! –
C. Sweetheart, I’m not going to lie to you: you are the worst waitress in the history of this café. +
Rayan: I meant well. Excuse me for wanting to help… (Only on Rayan’s route)
A. And I think that’s kind of the problem… If you really want to help… It’d be better for you to stop helping! –
B. Fine, Rayan… we have to face the facts… this was not a good idea. /
C. I’m the one who should apologize… I think you’re more comfortable in a classroom than in a kitchen. +
Castiel: Oh, fine, alright… You wouldn’t even talk to Pancake like that… (Only on Castiel’s route)
A. Fine, Castiel… we have to face the facts… this was not a good idea. /
B. You must admit, he obeys without arguing when he’s asked to do something… +
C. But next time he’s the one I’ll ask, if I want help. You can be sure of that! –
Go back to the café.
Dambi: I’m sorry… I didn’t see the table leg… Hold on, I’ll go get a broom.
A. Well, they’re just dishes. Things like that happen… +
B. Try to be a little more careful… /
At the end of the day, you go home to your lover.
Hyun: So, how’d it go with Dambi? Did she ace it?
A. It couldn’t have been much worse, even for a first day… She broke a tray full of dishes and she burnt herself with the coffee machine. /
B. You could’ve at least warned me that she was so clumsy! /
Nathaniel: I meant well, but you were right… I am definitely not cut out to be a waiter, even for a day.
A. It’s not that big of a deal. Your pride is part of your charm. +
B. … cut out to put your ego aside for the day?
You will have a romantic evening with your lover.
Hyun will do meditating exercises with you.
Nathaniel will have picnic with you in the park.
Priya will take you to a beginners class of roller derby.
Rayan will take you to the opera.
Castiel will take you to a fancy restaurant.
At the end of the evening you or your lover will get a call. They found out who the one is that is attacking Castiel online. They are going to get him. The episode will end.