– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
The spin-off starts with Love’O’meter of 0, and it does not effect your meter in the normal episodes.
Action Points: 1,490 AP. Once purchased you can replay it whenever you want. It doesn’t cost any more AP well playing.
160 G Outfit
10 G Bus ticket
Illustrations: 1 total. Based on the right dialogue.

The spin-off takes place during the 35 episode of High School. Somewhere after finding the box of Iris’ photos in the garden. With the Spin-off you will play if you are on Lysander’s route. It won’t effect your main story.
You start the spin-off in your bedroom. Getting explanations from auntie about how the spin-off works.
Get it?
A. Everything’s crystal clear, thanks, Auntie! (You can move into the episode)
B. Uh, not really… (Auntie repeats everything)
Who tried to kiss you during Iris’ party in Episode 33?
A. (Castiel!)
B. (Nathaniel!)
C. (Armin!)
D. (Kentin!)
Which boy you pick is the one who will show up for some jealousy scenes during the spin-off.
Then you will be send to school. You have science class.
(You start conversation)
A. (I’d better check for myself.) +
B. (Man, is he clumsy or what? I hope he didn’t cut himself…) –
When class is over, you will go outside and talk with Lysander.
(You start conversation)
A. (I need to talk to him about [Boy who nearly kissed you].) /
B. (I need to talk to him about us as a couple.) /
(You start conversation)
A. (I’ll wait for him to come and find me.) –
B. (I’d rather go and talk to him.) + More conversation
I was jealous and I’m sorry. That was no way to treat you.
A. It’s easy to apologize, but it’d be better if it never happens again. –
B. Thanks, it’s reassuring that you recognize when you’re wrong.
C. I’m touched that you’re apologizing, but why are you jealous again? /
Well, to get rid of any ambiguity between you two.
A. That’s crazy. There’s nothing between him and me. /
B. That isn’t really necessary. You’re the only one who matters to me. /
C. If I do it, will things go back to normal between you two? /
At the end of the conversation your LOM (Love’O’Meter) goes down. No matter what your choices are.
You will now go to Lysander’s point of view. If you had picked Castiel you will go to Nathaniel otherwise you go to Castiel. There will be no choices while you are playing as Lysander.
When you are done talking to Castiel/ Nathaniel you go back to being your own character. You will have some conversations in the school and then you will go home with Alexy and Rosalya.
Don’t worry (Nickname), I’m going to pamper your fingers AND I’ll let you choose the color! So, what do you prefer?
A. Candy pink!
B. Liquorice black!
C. Emerald green! (Towards illustration) This is the only choice that matters for getting the illustration.
(You start conversation)
A. “Good for rummaging through the racks in a record shop.” /
B. “Good for skipping class together.” /
C. “Good for going to have coffee and reinventing the world.” /
(You start conversation)
A. “Good for a kiss on the neck.” /
B. “Good for a homemade dish.” /
C. “Good for a hug.” /
After some more dialogue you go back to school.
Of course, why?
A. Oh, it’s a surprise. /
B. Do you remember the restaurant we went to with Rosa and Leigh? +
Go back inside the school to finish class. Then go to the courtyard.
(You start conversation)
A. Rosa and me… – with Iris, + with Rosalya
B. Rosa and me, but you can come, Iris! + with Iris
C. Rosa and me, but you can all come! + with Violette, Kim, Priya, and Iris
You will go to the clothing store and buy your outfit. It will cost 160G.

(You start conversation)
A. Maybe another shape, huh? That one hides your eyes. +
B. Not bad! You should wear a hat more often. /
C. I prefer fedora hats!
After some more dialogue with the girls you will go to the bus stop. You have to go through the PARK. In the park you will meet Nina.
I see the two of you are always hanging out together.
A. We kind of in a hurry, do you mind? /
B. How’s your mom? + With Lysander
C. If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late to the restaurant! – With Lysander
Then you go to the bus stop and go eating in the restaurant.
…that I owe you a real apology. I hope you can forgive me, (nickname).
A. It’s hard to stay mad at you for long… /
B. It’s going to take me a while, I think.
(You start conversation)
A. …what was your first kiss like? / If you pick this one you get to ask both questions.
B. …why you have such a hard time with overly-curious people? /
(You start conversation)
A. …I was a huge fan of a boy band. /
B. …I fell asleep right in front of my History teacher. /
C. …I got caught up guard by puberty. /
After some more dialogue you will get your illustration and a necklace.

Then you go back home. Lysander will be staying over. Your parents are not home.
(You start conversation)
A. Do you want me to do it harder, or would you rather something gentler? /
B. Is there a specific place that’s tense? /
(You start conversation)
A. (I turned around to pull off my top.) /
B. (I didn’t take my eyes off him and I removed the top of my outfit.) /
The next day you will go back to school and then the spin-off will end.