– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Special thanks to a lot of amazing people. This Guide is really a fandom effort.
Action points: 750 – 950
Hyun: 812 AP
Priya: 800 AP
Nathaniel: 840 AP
Castiel: 806 AP
Rayan: 780 AP
Eric: 880 AP
Fairy: 28 AP
Outfit Nathaniel 270G
Outfit Hyun 270G
Outfit Priya 270G
Outfit Eric 270G
Outfit Castiel 270G
Outfit Rayan 270G
Illustrations: 6 in total. You can get one out of six in a single play through. The illustrations depend on outfit and dialogue.
Fairy/Auntie: in the kitchen. You can find her in the friends part of the episode. After you have talked with Gabin and Nina. But before, you go to the shop to pick out your dress. Her part costs 28 AP. She will give you your love interset, so you can put him/her next to your customized candy. She will only give you the LI of the route you are playing. If you want to have all of them, you have to play every route, for example; with a single replay, and find her every time.


Outfit Castiel 270G

Outfit Nathaniel 270G

Outfit Rayan 270G

Outfit Hyun 270G

Outfit Priya 270G

Outfit Eric 270G
Episode guide:
You start this episode on the day of choosing the wedding rings.
You wake up at home and have some breakfast time with your lover. On Eric’s route, you start in front of the café. Then you go together to the jewelry store at the shop street. On Nathaniel’s route, he leaves for the station after waking you up. You go there to pick him up. On Castiel’s route, the jewelry store owner will come to your house. On Rayan’s route, you don’t go to the jewelry store because you let him pick the rings. On Eric’s route, you go to the station together.
Nathaniel: No one’ll ever know.
A. You… You aren’t serious, I hope? / or +
B. Hey ho?! Such a sense of humor! It’s nice, even after all this time, you never cease to amaze me!
C. Really… ? Do you think we can do that? Why not, after all…
Rayan: Back in the day, it was usually the guy that task fell to.
A. Right, but times have changed. I, for one, want to be a part of the process!
B. It’s not as if I were stuck here doing the cooking, either. I trust you. + (Towards illustration with Rayan)
Jewelry store owner: So, what do you say? (Only on Hyun’s route)
A. I must admit, the ones with diamonds are tempting. Do you think…?
B. What do you think about “Forever”? I love the symbol, and it is stunning… / or + (Towards illustration with Hyun)
C. Personally, I really like the simplest design. What about you?
Jewelry store owner: (Choice) (Only on Priya’s route)
A. We’re going to take “Gaïa”. A sensual vine – that reminds me of someone. + (Towards illustration with Priya)
B. We’re going to take “Raw”. Its rough, but enticing style is totally you.
C. We’re going to take “Fusion”. I think that sums us up nicely.
Nathaniel: Tell me. I’ll follow you with my eyes closed! I already told you: now and forever…
A. I really like the rock ‘n’ roll designs. Surprising, I know… But, after all…
B. I really like the ring with diamonds. And for you, I see you with the down-to-earth model, the one in silver with the groove in it. / or + (Towards illustration with Nathaniel)
C. I think we can go for two down-to-earth models. That’s the one that’s most like us, I think.
Jewelry store owner: That’s one solution. But quite often one partner chooses for the other… We also have ring duos. (Only on Castiel’s route) (The content of A and B will lead you to Castiel’s illustration)
A. Oh yes, a duo! That’s a good idea.
B. Um, no… I agree with you, Castiel. We can each choose the ring we like. +
C. How about we choose for each other? That’s romantic, right? –
Castiel: So is there something in particular that caught your eye?
A. The solitaire diamond is tempting for sure… + (Towards Castiel’s illustration)
B. Since I’m marrying a rock star, might as well have the ring that matches, huh? I really like this designer ring.
C. I think I like the simple designs, actually.
Castiel: (Choice)
A. Even though I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to afford its twin for you… /
B. It may be a little bling-bling, but hey, you only get married once!
Eric: Er… I hadn’t given it much thought. But I think I’d rather you picked for both of us…
A. Personally, I don’t mind, but are you sure you won’t regret it? +
B. Oh no. We have to decide together. That’s the whole idea of marriage, isn’t it?
Eric: (Choice)
A. But precisely, that’s the point: there’s no comparison. I’m not Melissa. /
B. And I think your superstitious side is cute. So let me be our lucky charm then! +
Eric: That’s us to a T.
A. For sure, but I really like the design of the “Forever” rings… and the message they send out!
B. I see what you mean. But still, “Entangled”…
C. Great minds meet… and get married, on top of that! Those are my favorites, too. + (Towards Eric’s illustration)
Hyun: So… why not Thia…?
A. I’m sorry, sweetheart, but for practically the past ten years I’ve told myself that when the time came, it would be Rosa.
B. Actually, if you don’t mind, I’d love for Chani to handle that. She’s really a very close friend, and… / or +
C. That’s a great idea! I’m sure she’ll be very proud.
Priya: And I’m sure she’d love doing it.
A. Actually, if you don’t mind, I’d love for Chani to handle that. She’s really a very close friend, and…
B. I’m sorry, sweetheart, but for practically the past ten years I’ve told myself that when the time came, it would be Rosa.
C. That’s an awesome idea! She’ll enjoy it, I’m sure of that, too. /
Nathaniel: How about my sister? I’m sure that would make her happy.
A. Actually, if you don’t mind, I’d love for Chani to handle that. She’s really a very close friend, and…
B. Oh sure, why not… but how about Thia? That would be so cute, don’t you think?
C. Yes, good idea. She and you have gone through so much together… That would be nice and symbolic. / or +
D. I’m sorry, sweetheart, but for practically the past ten years I’ve told myself that when the time came, it would be Rosa.
Castiel: Absolutely! I was thinking that Pancake could bring them to us!
A. I’m sorry, sweetheart, but for practically the past ten years I’ve told myself that when the time came, it would be Rosa.
B. Perfect! I couldn’t dream of a better ring bearer. /
C. Actually, if you don’t mind, I’d love for Chani to handle that. She’s really a very close friend, and…
D. Oh sure, why not… But what about Thia? That’d be so cute, don’t you think?
Eric: (Choice)
A. How about Thia? She’d be so cute, don’t you think?
B. Actually, if you don’t mind, I’d love for Chani to handle that. She’s really a very close friend, and…
C. I’m sorry, sweetheart, but for practically the past ten years I’ve told myself that when the time came, it would be Rosa.
D. Sure, Nath seems like an excellent idea to me! /
Your lover and you go to the park to celebrate making these choices for the big day.
Rayan: I’ve always liked her, and for me, she is synonymous with the days when we met.
A. Actually, I was wondering if we shouldn’t ask Thia. That would be so cute, wouldn’t it?
B. I’m sorry, sweetheart, but for practically the past ten years I’ve told myself that when the time came, it would be Rosa. /
C. That’s a perfect idea! I can’t think of anyone more appropriate.
Hyun: And this gazebo would make a great altar, wouldn’t it?
A. For sure, it’d be nice, but I had something else in mind… How about doing it at the beach?
B. That’d be awesome! I really like the idea of doing it in this park where I have made so many memories, since high school! / or +
Priya: Married in the very place where we kissed each other for the first time.
A. For sure, it’d be nice, but I had something else in mind… How about doing it at the beach?
B. Yes! It’d be perfect! I really like the idea of doing it here! /
Nathaniel: It would be really symbolic… and a great setting, don’t you think?
A. Yes! It’d be perfect! I really like the idea of doing it here! / or +
B. For sure, it’d be nice, but I had something else in mind… How about doing it at the beach?
Castiel: Well, I’ll have you know I’ve given it a little thought. I was wondering… how about if we did it at the beach?
A. For sure that would be nice, but in the end… When I see this gazebo, that brings back so many memories…
B. Oh! That would be perfect! The sea air, the setting… Great idea! /
Rayan: Just instinctively, I would’ve imagined doing it at the beach. But I’m not committed to the idea, so long as I marry you.
A. For sure, it’s not bad either, but I think I still prefer the park.
B. Oh yes, great idea! The beach is even better! /
Eric: And that gazebo would make a great altar, right?
A. For sure. Besides, it’s a place where I have lots of memories. So let’s go for it then!
B. No, you know what… I imagined something else for us! More original: at the ocean! On the beach! What do you say to that? /
The next slide comes in; family.
You and your lover are showing your family the place of the wedding.
Hyun: So, if you don’t mind, we’re going to do it our way. We heard your comments…
A. And we appreciate that you’re getting involved. But we’ve given it quite a bit of thought already, on our own. / or +
B. And we’ll be sure to talk them over some more, just the two of us, right, honey?
Family of Priya: It’s been so long since we were all together. Of course, you are welcome to come along, too, (nickname)!
A. Er, sure, my pleasure! We’re pretty busy with the wedding, but we should still be able to find a time.
B. Thanks! I’m sorry, I’m going to borrow Priya from you for a few minutes. I… just got an email from the caterer. +
Your mom: It’s wonderful! When I think back about you in high school… It’s wild how people change! (Only on Nathaniel’s route)
A. Sorry, Amber, my mother didn’t mean any harm. She just meant to say that what you’re doing is great.
B. Mom! Amber traveled a long way for our wedding, and not to hear that kind of thing! / with your mother and Amber and / or + with Nathaniel
Castiel: (Choice)
A. Castiel, I know perfectly well that you’re used to handling everything, and that you like your independence. But put yourself in their shoes…
B. Castiel… Try to cut your parents some slack. They mean well. /
Rayan: That should allow optimal flow between the kitchen and the guest tent.
A. Did you want to say something, Fathia? / with Rayan and his mom
B. Um… Honey… hold on. I think your mother has something to say.
Family of Eric: (Choice)
A. Oh right, hey, that might be nice. But I’m not sure we can afford it, so…
B. I think we have everything we need, Jonathan. Thanks though. We promise to call you, if we need more ideas. +
Next slide; the caterer.
You and your lover are with the Caterer at the cosy bear café deciding what you are going to eat on the big day.
The Caterer: (Choice)
A. The “Land and Sea” platter! There’ll be something for everyone. And your smoked salmon was scrumptious. / with Priya and Castiel
B. The salad with citrus fruit. I really liked the sweet-and-sour pairing, and it’ll be good if the guests are still hungry for the main course. / or + with Hyun and / with Rayan
C. The scallops! I know, not everyone likes them, but I can’t imagine a festive meal without them! / or + with Nathaniel and / with Eric
The Caterer: As far as the courses are concerned, it doesn’t change much, they can all be done for both options.
A. I’d rather people spend as much time as possible together at the table… That seems more enjoyable. / with Hyun and + with Nathaniel, Rayan and Castiel
B. I think I’d rather do a buffet. It can be a little more original. And I want people to be able to choose. + with Hyun, Eric and Priya
The Caterer: (Choice)
A. The theme cake! I want it to be our own personal cake, for our special day! / or + with Hyun and Nathaniel and / with Rayan (Another choice)
B. The tiered wedding cake! Nina’s right: it wouldn’t be a wedding without one. / with Priya, Eric and Castiel
The Caterer: (Choice) (If you choose the content of A)
A. The chocolate one! Definitely the chocolate! To be honest, I don’t even know why I tasted the other two again… / or + with Nathaniel
B. I really like the red velvet. I think we’ll go with that. / with Rayan
C. Hmm… I really like the raspberry. It’s a little lighter, too. Ideal before dancing! / or + with Hyun
Next slide; the wedding gown.
You are having dinner with your lover at the restaurant. On Eric’s route, you are at the café.
Priya: Yes! And ties! Or ascots. Just to totally go against convention and shake things up a little!
A. Oh no! No way! I mean, you do whatever you want, but I, for one, want my gown! / (Towards illustration with Priya)
B. That’s not what I had in mind but after all… Why not? Could we try some on?
Next slide; friends.
You are at the cosy bear café with Gabin and Nina.
After you talk with them, you can find the fairy in the kitchen. Her part costs 28 AP, and she will give you your love interset, so you can put him/her next to your customized candy.

Go to Leigh’s shops to pick out your dress. You see there Rosalya, Chani, Yael, Priya and Leigh. On Priya’s route, you won’t see her.
Wedding dresses:

Outfit Castiel 270G

Outfit Nathaniel 270G

Outfit Rayan 270G

Outfit Hyun 270G

Outfit Priya 270G

Outfit Eric 270G
Then it is time to choose your bridesmaids.
Yael: (Choice)
A. And I’d really like Alex to be one of them. So, that leaves me only one other. / with Chani, Yael, Rosalya, Alexy and Priya
B. And I hate the position that puts me in, right now, this very minute. Especially after having such a good time. / with Priya, Yael, Chani and Rosalya
C. And I’d really like Nina to be one of them. Over the years, she’s really become like a little sister to me. / with Chani, Rosalya, Yael, Priya and Nina
Rosalya: So then… (nickname)? The suspense is killing me! (Only on Hyun’s, Castiel’s, Rayan’s and Nathaniel’s route)
A. Chani… you have always been by my side, and I’m going to need you once more. / with Chani, Priya, Yael and Rosalya
B. That would be a pity because I’m still going to need you to be my bridesmaid.… / with Rosalya, Yael, Priya and Chani
C. Yael… Sorry, but I think you’re to have to buy us a round! / with Rosalya, Yael, Priya and Chani
D. Well then… Priya, would you do me that honor? After all, considering how long we’ve known each other. / with Priya, Chani, Yael and Rosalya
Rosalya: So then… (nickname)? The suspense is killing me! (Only on Priya’s route)
A. That would be a pity because I’m still going to need you to be my bridesmaid.… / with Rosalya, Yael and Chani
B. Chani… you have always been by my side, and I’m going to need you once more.
C. Yael… Sorry, but I think you’re to have to buy us a round!
Yael: See, that wasn’t so hard! (Only on Hyun’s, Castiel’s, Rayan’s and Nathaniel’s route)
A. No, but don’t think you’re going to get off that lightly. You’re going to buy the first round, according to your own rule… as my bridesmaid!
B. Above all, it’s not over yet. Priya, what would you say to being my second bridesmaid? / with Chani. Priya, Rosalya and Yael
C. Right, but it’s not over. Rosa, you don’t honestly think you were going to get off the hook like that. / with Chani. Priya, Rosalya and Yael
Yael: See, that wasn’t so hard! (Only on Hyun’s, Castiel’s, Rayan’s and Nathaniel’s route)
A. But it’s not over… Chani, you didn’t possibly imagine I was going to get married without you by my side? / with Chani. Priya, Rosalya and Yael
B. Above all, it’s not over yet. Priya, what would you say to being my second bridesmaid? / with Chani. Priya, Rosalya and Yael
C. Right, but it’s not over. Rosa, you don’t honestly think you were going to get off the hook like that. / with Chani. Priya, Rosalya and Yael
Yael: See, that wasn’t so hard!
A. No, but don’t think you’re going to get off that lightly. You’re going to buy the first round, according to your own rule… as my bridesmaid!
B. But it’s not over… Chani, you didn’t possibly imagine I was going to get married without you by my side? / with Chani. Priya, Rosalya and Yael
C. Right, but it’s not over. Rosa, you don’t honestly think you were going to get off the hook like that. / with Chani. Priya, Rosalya and Yael
Yael: See, that wasn’t so hard! (Only on Priya’s route)
A. But it’s not over… Chani, you didn’t possibly imagine I was going to get married without you by my side? / with Chani, Yael and Rosalya
B. No, but don’t think you’re going to get off that lightly. You’re going to buy the first round, according to your own rule… as my bridesmaid!
Go with your friends to the snake room. There, Alexy joins your group.
Then go with all of them to the café. There, your bachelor party starts.
Next slide; music.
You are with your lover at home, planning things. On Eric’s route, you are in front of the café.
Hyun: (Choice)
A. We could set up a giant chessboard! And a checkerboard. That’d be dramatic. / or +
B. Oh! An inflatable castle for grown-ups! And it’s huge! I love it… That’ll make things feel like the fair!
C. How about we set up a ring toss? Rings and a peg. We could customize the rings like wedding rings.
Priya: (Choice)
A. Oh! An inflatable castle for grown-ups! And it’s huge! I love it… That’ll make things feel like the fair! /
B. We could set up a giant chessboard! And a checkerboard. That’d be dramatic.
C. How about we set up a ring toss? Rings and a peg. We could customize the rings like wedding rings.
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. We could set up a giant chessboard! And a checkerboard. That’d be dramatic.
B. Oh! An inflatable castle for grown-ups! And it’s huge! I love it… That’ll make things feel like the fair!
C. How about we set up a ring toss? Rings and a peg. We could customize the rings like wedding rings. / or +
Castiel: (Choice)
A. We could set up a giant chessboard! And a checkerboard. That’d be dramatic.
B. How about we set up a ring toss? Rings and a peg. We could customize the rings like wedding rings.
C. Oh! An inflatable castle for grown-ups! And it’s huge! I love it… That’ll make things feel like the fair! +
Rayan: (Choice)
A. We could set up a giant chessboard! And a checkerboard. That’d be dramatic. /
B. Oh! An inflatable castle for grown-ups! And it’s huge! I love it… That’ll make things feel like the fair!
C. How about we set up a ring toss? Rings and a peg. We could customize the rings like wedding rings.
Eric: (Choice)
A. We could set up a giant chessboard! And a checkerboard. That’d be dramatic.
B. Oh! An inflatable castle for grown-ups! And it’s huge! I love it… That’ll make things feel like the fair!
C. How about we set up a ring toss? Rings and a peg. We could customize the rings like wedding rings. +
Next slide; the honeymoon.
You are with your lover in the bedroom. On Eric’s route, you are with him at the restaurant.
Hyun: (Choice)
A. But in terms of trips, that doesn’t sound very restful. Wouldn’t you rather we go lounge around in the sun.
B. But I think, for our honeymoon, I’d rather tour around Spain and the castles there.
C. And personally, I like the idea of visiting Japan and taking off to discover your roots. / or +
Priya: And every evening, a ballet of about ten thousand birds announces nightfall.
A. Speaking of chateaux and enchanting landscapes… Wouldn’t you rather go to Tuscany? I’ve always wanted to go there.
B. Isn’t that just a little too intense, maybe? After all that, we should rest. I had the Virgin Islands in mind.
C. I see you’ve given your plan a lot of thought… and it sounds perfect to me! To you, me and Mount Kabru! +
Nathaniel: So? What do you say? Look at the pictures.
A. I don’t know… I was thinking of something a little more relaxing, after all the planning. What about the Virgin Islands?
B. Actually, I would’ve liked to visit Japan… The flowering cherry trees, the temples… Tokyo and Osaka!
C. That looks amazing. And if you think we can afford it, I’m more than willing! / or +
Castiel: Paradise islands, cities that never sleep, places in the middle of nowhere where no one will recognize me…
A. Alright! You bet! Let’s do it! +
B. I’m not sure I can blow everything off for so long. But the idea of a kind of exotic city sounds good to me.
C. No… We need to keep a little for later. However, your idea about a paradise island… I like that.
Rayan: And since we can afford it, I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t mind living like a king, just for our break.
A. I think we definitely deserve to live the life of luxury, for sure! Mediterranean Basin, here we come! +
B. Wouldn’t you rather something more laidback where we don’t spend too much time getting there? The Virgin Islands, for example…
C. But I want to visit California! Come on! You’ve aroused my curiosity!
Eric: And why not stop in Boulder on the way? You know, where there are traces of dinosaurs…
A. I’m not really sure… I think I’d prefer something a little more laidback. What about the Virgin Islands or the Grenadines?
B. I love the idea of being alone in the middle of wild open spaces, too. That’s perfect! +
C. I think I’d prefer a slightly exotic city, actually. I had Tokyo in mind.
Next slide; the big day.
You and your lover are finally getting married.
After trowing away your bouquet, the episode will end.