My Candy love is going to meet the New Gen. It starts on 17 January 2024, and it will last until 31 January 2024. In this event, you need to answer dialogue choices. It doesn’t matter which answer you choose, you get the illustration anyway. You can get one illustration. You also get an outfit. In total, you can get 1 illustration and 1 outfit.

Event guide:
You start this event with choosing your LI. It doesn’t matter which one you choose.
Candy: Who do you want to live this mini-episode with?
A. Eric /
B. Rayan /
C. Nathaniel /
D. Hyun /
E. Priya /
F. Castiel /
Then you plan to meet up with an event team at the Cisy Bear Cafë.
Devon: Is there a particular occasion that prompted you to reach out to us? (Choose what answer you like, you get the illustration anyway)
A. The Cosy Bear is doing quite well, but I’d like to reach a wider client base with my café-gallery. /
B. If you want to know everything, I finished paying off my loan. I figured I had to celebrate. /
C. I just wanted to see what an agency could bring me in terms of new ideas. /
Thomas: Such an affair, of course, pops up on the web. People love scandal.
A. I know… But Amanda isn’t wrong. It really is a page in my story that I’d rather forget. /
B. True, but that’s my story. In a way, it helped get me to where I am today. /
C. I’m afraid so, yes. But I guess I just have to deal with it. We cannot rewrite the past. /
Amanda: Fascinating… By the way, how would you define your artistic approach? (Choose what answer you like, you get the illustration anyway)
A. I favor young artists. Yael has always been in this niche too. /
B. I work with what I like. If I like an artist’s work, I exhibit it. It’s that simple. /
C. I like the idea of approachable art. We are a gallery… but also a café. /
Roy: How would you see them, these new customers? Who would you like them to be? (Choose what answer you like, you get the illustration anyway)
A. I don’t know… I think I’d like to attract a few more artists outside the openings. /
B. People… who would order a little more pumpkin lattes and a little less plain coffee. /
C. I wouldn’t want to change a thing, I just wish there were more of them. /
Thomas: The website needs to be redone, it’s horrible. (Choose what answer you like, you get the illustration anyway)
A. Yes, but that’s not really the topic of the day. /
B. Well… At least you can’t be called a hypocrite. /
C. Yes, I know… Plus, it hasn’t been updated since… /
You go back home and eat with your Lover. Then you go to the workplace of the event team.
Devon: In short, a kind of café social network, coded by our little in-house genius. (Choose what answer you like, you get the illustration anyway)
A. But… Do I really have the means to finance such a thing? /
B. Wow. I am blown away. That’s an amazing idea! Customers will love it. /
C. I don’t know. Isn’t that a bit too much? /
Devon: In short, endorse the idea that the Cosy Bear is part of the heritage of this city. (Choose what answer you like, you get the illustration anyway)
A. I see the idea, but the museum… Isn’t that a bit elitist? Is that really respecting the image of the café? /
B. Is that really possible? Do you really think you could bring the Cosy Bear to the museum? /
C. I’m impressed, Amanda. It’s a terrific idea. I’d love that. /
You go back to Café and meet Rosalya and you get to put on the outfit foor the event.

Outfit free
Prices for the other colors
Bag 35G Variety 19 Total 665G
Necklace 20G Variety 19 Total 380G
Bracelets 20G Variety 19 Total 380G
Belt 45G Variety 19 Total 855G
Top 60G Variety 9 Total 540G
Skirt 60G Variety 9 Total 540G
Earrings 25G Variety 19 Total 475G
Dress 75G Variety 9 Total 675G
Shoes 50G Variety 9 Total 450G
Hair Clips 40G Variety 9 Total 360G
Make-up 30G Variety 9 Total 270G
Eyes 30G Variety 9 Total 270G
Total 5.385G
You get to enjoy your event and the illustration. After finish the episode you can play it again pr go to the shop.