It is Valentine on My Candy Love. It starts February 5, 2020, and it will last until February 16, 2020. In this event you go with Chani to a fortune-teller. You can choose one of the love interest. Then you get two days about the one you choose. Every day you have to answer four question.
The first day there are 3 hours between the question and for every correct answer you will get an outfit item. If you don’t want two wait those 3 hours you can pay 50 AP and will get your next question immediately.
The second day you get the question in one row and you see at the end how much you got good. To try again you have to wait 3 hours or spend 100 AP. If you got them all right, you will receive an illustration.
If you finished the whole event, you get another illustration. You can also get one outfit with spending money at the bank. In total, you can get/win 3 outfits and 6 illustrations.

Day 1:
A. (I chose the one with apricots.)
B. (I chose the one with grapes.)
C. (I chose the one with watermelon.) Correct answer
A. (I chose the card showing a goddes with a sprig of wheat in her hand. A turtledove is resting on her shoulder. Her name is “Dementer”) Correct answer
B. (I chose the card showing a god wearing winged sandals. His name is shown as “Hermes”)
C. (I chose the card showing a goddes with an aegis and an olive branch. An owl is resting on her shoulder. Her name is “Athena”)
A. (I chose the gold box)
B. (I chose the little steel dagger)
C. (I chose the thin copper bracelet) Correct answer
A. We can light the silver candle…
B. We can light the orange candle…
C. We can light the pink candle… Correct answer
Day 2:
A. (I chose Temperance, card number 14.)
B. (I chose the Wheel of Fortune, card number 10.)
C. (I chose the Moon, card number 18.) Correct answer
A. (I chose Othala, rune number 23)
B. (I chose Sowilo, rune number 16) Correct answer
C. (I chose Uruz, rune number 2)
A. The Raven…
B. The Snake… Correct answer
C. The Owl…
A. Will Hyun find a job that works well for him…?
B. What will happen next, between Hyun and me? Correct answer
C. Will Hyun get over the divorce of his parents? I know that it’s hard for him…

Day 1:
A. (I chose “Heroes”by David Bowie.)
B. (I chose “Nothing Else Matters”by Metallica.) Correct answer
C. (I chose “Heart-Shaped Box”by Nirvana.)
A. (I chose the card that showed an ibis-headed man… His name was written on the card: “Thoth”)
B. (I chose the card that showed a goddess wearing a headdress of cow horns and a sun disk. Her name was written on the card: “Hathor”.) Correct answer
C. (I chose the card that showed a god with a ram’s head. His name was written on it: “Ra”.)
A. Mercury…
B. Mars…
C. The Sun… Correct answer
A. (I chose the iridescent colored fabric…) Correct answer
B. (I chose the golden colored fabric…)
C. (I chose the dark blue fabric…)
Day 2:
A. (I chose Strength, card number 8.)
B. (I chose the Hermit, card number 9.)
C. (I chose the Emperor, card number 4.) Correct answer
A. (I chose Jera, rune number 12)
B. (I chose Sowilo, rune number 16) Correct answer
C. (I chose Raidho, rune number 4)
A. The Salmon… Correct answer
B. The Deer…
C. The Wolf…
A. Will Castiel succeed with his band, Crowstorm…?
B. What will happen next, between Castiel and me? Correct answer
C. Will Castiel reconnect with his parents one day…?

Day 1:
A. (I picked the bouquet of cinquefoll, I love the color of these little yellow flowers.)
B. (I picked the bouquet of jasmine, the scent is mesmerizing.) Correct answer
C. (I picked the bouquet of daffodils, I love how these flowers grow one-by-one.)
A. (I chose the card showing a god with an impressive stature, wielding a sword … His name is written on the card: Lü Dongbin”.)
B. (I chose the card that shows a god holding a balance in his hand. His name is written on the card: “Lu Hsing”) Correct answer
C. (I chose the card that showed a hunchbacked god watching over two people on the ground, his name is written on the card: “Tieguai Li”.)
A. (I chose the number 2.)
B. (I chose the number 6.) Correct answer
C. (I chose the number 5.)
A. (I chose the tiger’s eye. The circles remind of rings in a cut tree trunk.)
B. (I chose the orange carnelian. I was attracted by its autumnal color.) Correct answer
C. (I chose the fragment of blue lapis-laruli. It’s rare to see this stone, it can be expensive…)
Day 2:
A. (I chose Empress, card number 3.) Correct answer
B. (I chose the Lovers, card number 6.)
C. (I chose the Judgement, card number 20.)
A. (I chose Sowilo, rune number 16) Correct answer
B. (I chose Ingwaz, rune number 12)
C. (I chose Ehwaz, rune number 19)
A. The Otter…
B. The Falcon… Correct answer
C. The Bear…
A. What will happen next, between Priya and me? Correct answer
B. Will Priya do well in this law firm…?
C. Will Priya pass her bar exam?

Day 1:
A. I could definitely see him as Jean Valjean, straight from Victor Hugo’s famous story.
B. I can seem him as… Lancelot, one of the knights of the Round Table.
C. He would be… Westley from Princess Bride, without a doubt. Correct answer
A. (I chose the Nag Champa incense. It has a strong scent of sandalwood, and the deity Shiva is drawn on it…) Correct answer
B. (I chose the olibanum incense. It’s marked that it’s a very strong incense, and that it’soften used in honor of Ra in Egypt…)
C. (I chose the rose incense. It’s marked that this flower is associated with the goddes Venus…)
A. We can light the red candle… Correct answer
B. We can light the black candle…
C. We can light the golden candle…
A. (This card represents “Meili”. A god who’s holding their headand watching the stars…)
B. (This card shows a god with a big beard who’s playing the harp. He seems to be concentrated on what he’s doing… His name is written on the card: “Bragi”.) Correct answer
C. (This card shows a winged goddess on a chariot, pulled by two cats. Her name is written on the card: “Freyja”.)
Day 2:
A. (I chose the Hierophant, card number 5.) Correct answer
B. (I chose the Star, card number 17.)
C. (I chose Death, card number 13.)
A. (I chose Laguz, rune number 21)
B. (I chose Sowilo, rune number 16) Correct answer
C. (I chose Tiwaz, rune number 12)
A. The Woodpecker…
B. The Snow Goose… Correct answer
C. The Snake…
A. Will Rayan overcome his troubled past and be able to focus on the future?
B. What will happen next, between Rayan and me? Correct answer
C. Will our relationship cause any problems for Rayan’s job?

Day 1:
A. (This one is crow with outstretched wings.)
B. (This one is of a coyote running through a field.)
C. (This one is a brightly colored beetle.) Correct answer
A. (This card shows an old man, hooded in a lion’s skin and holding a club. His name is written, “Ogma”.)
B. (This card shows a god with a harp in one hand and lightning bolt in the other… His name is written on the card, “Lug”.)
C. (This card show a swan-winged god surrounded by four birds. His name is written on the card, “Oengus”.) Correct answer
A. Earth…
B. Water… Correct answer
C. Fire…
A. (I chose the thin copper bracelet.) Correct answer
B. (I chose the pewter pocket watch.)
C. (I chose the empty tin box.)
Day 2:
A. (I chose the Justice, card number 11.)
B. (I chose the Magician, card number 1.) Correct answer
C. (I chose the Sun, card number 19.)
A. (I chose Berkana, rune number 18)
B. (I chose Sowilo, rune number 16) Correct answer
C. (I chose Nauthiz, rune number 10)
A. The Raven…
B. The Beaver…
C. The Otter… Correct answer
A. Will Nathaniel make it through this challenging time?
B. Will Nathaniel find his purpose, a job or studies that make him happy?
C. What will happen next, between Nathaniel and me? Correct answer

Event Outfits:

Flowery Modern Witch
Tights 10G
Jacket 25G
Skirt 32G
T-Shirt 20G
Shoes 40G
Glasses 15G
Bag 28G
Hat 35G
Gloves 15G
Top 30G
Wig 50G
Earrings 15G
Card 10G
Top 28G
Belt 25G
Skirt 40G
Rings 15G
Pants 35G
Flats 30G
Necklace 20G
Cape 32G
Wig 50G
Bank Outfit

Love Sorceress
Wig 60G
Tiara 15G
Tights 10G
Tattoo 25G
Dress 40G
Cape 35G
Shoes 20G
Staff 25G
Potions 20G
Bracelets 10G