– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 1500 – 1700 AP
Present Chani 15G
Outfit Nathaniel & Castiel 190G
Outfit Priya & Hyun 200G
Outfit Rayan 195G
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get one out of five in a single play through. The illustration depends on outfit and dialogue choice.
Fairy/Auntie: in the Library. You can find her during the object: Go to your room. You will get a Butterfly cape.


Outfit Rayan 195G

Outfit Priya & Hyun 200G

Outfit Nathaniel & Castiel 190G
Episode guide:
You start this episode in Castiel’s room or Nathaniel’s room. If you are in Castiel’s room you will hear the whole story from Amber that Nath is back.
Castiel: Maybe they forced her to contact someone close. I have no idea. Maybe to get you to come there.
A. You’re letting your imagination run wild… I don’t see the point of getting me to come there. –
B. I’m going. We’ll see what happens. /
Castiel: Listen, go ahead. But let’s call each other, and stay on line until I’m sure there’s no danger…
A. Castiel, everything’s going to be OK. We don’t have to go to such extremes. –
B. OK, let’s do that. /
You go to Nathaniel’s room.
If you start the story in Nathaniel’s room, you will see that Nathaniel is back.
Nathaniel: You both have every right to be mad at me.
A. Do you realize how much you hurt Amber? I’d thought we were going to lose her. +
B. I’m not mad, I’m happy and reassured to see you alive. /
C. First explain what happened. I’ll decide how angry to be after that. /
Nathaniel: I realize that may seem careless, but it isn’t. Nothing bad’s going to happen to me.
A. That’s what you said before getting attacked, too… –
B. I hope you know what you’re doing. +
C. OK… but please be careful. /
Nathaniel will leave again. But not for long. He is going to take the drugs dealers down with the police. Amber goes to her hotel. In the park you will meet Castiel, and he will walk you home. On Castiel’s route you can also go to his room.
Castiel: Do you want to sleep at my place tonight…?
A. Sure. Yes, I do. It’s been a rough evening, and I don’t feel like spending the night alone. +
B. No, I think I’d rather go home, this time…
The next day you are going to study with Rosalya, Morgan and Alexy at Rosa’s apartment.
Rosalya: (Choice)
A. It was really not bad, Rosa! I’m sure you’re going to ace it like that the day of your presentation! / With Rosa – with Alexy
B. I think you need to work on the chronology. It was a little… disorganized. + With Rosa / with Alexy
C. The slides are good, but there’s a little something missing, I don’t know… How do you feel like it went? / With Rosa and Alexy
Alexy, Rosalya and Morgan: (Choice)
A. How about we go make some tea or something, Rosa? We’ll start over later when the tension subsides. / With Alexy, Rosa and Morgan
B. Do you mind settling your difference once and for all? So we can move on? + With Alexy / with Rosa and Morgan
C. I think it’s the stress talking on your behalf, and… anyway, we have more than enough time for everyone to practice today. – With Alexy and Morgan / with Rosa
Candy: (Choice)
A. (All the same, I cleared my throat to let them know there were other people around.) + With Alexy and Morgan / with Rosa.
B. (I tried to stay focused on the glass pitcher in front of me.) / With Alexy, Rosa and Morgan.
The next day you will only study in your room. The day after that you start with your last class of Mr. Zaidi.
Melody: (Choice)
A. Your photographs were awesome. I’m sure that if you persevered a little, you’d manage to get them exhibited. +
B. You have to admit Yeleen’s mother didn’t help. It would have worked better if we hadn’t had that problem. /
C. It’s no big deal. Our feedback is really well written! What matters is that we are aware of what happens to artists, don’t you think? /
Mr. Zaidi will take you outside to the park for a special last class. After that, you will go to the café with Chani.
Hyun: It’s OK with me, anyway, you’re not obliged to introduce me as your boyfriend.
A. True, I still have time to think about it.
B. You’ll have to meet them sooner or later. –
C. Yes, I’m ready to introduce you officially, after all, if we go on vacation together this summer, they’ll want to make sure I’m in good hands. +
You will go back to the cafeteria to have lunch with Chani. Then it is time for your last class of Mr. Lebarde.
Afterwards you can find the fairy/auntie. She is in the library. Go back and forward between de library and the campus quad until she pops up.
When you get back to your room you will call your parents. They will come to the party. Hyun and you will send invitations.
Candy: (Choice)
A. (It isn’t a good idea. She’s going to think I’m taking what happened lightly, and she’s likely to take it wrong.) / With Amber
B. (It’s a good idea. It’ll do her some good… I’m going to invite her.) + With Amber
The next day you are going to study.
Yeleen: Hmm… Same for me.
A. Do you want to study together? +
B. Feel free if you need help practicing for your oral. –
C. So good luck then. /
At the end of the day you get a message from Nina about the guy who attack her. Priya will come over.
Priya: (Choice)
A. Why did it take so long to arrest them if those guys were right under our noses! /
B. Ever since the judge dismissed the case… I no longer trust the court system. I’m waiting to be sure they’re behind bars. +
Priya: But the orals are tomorrow. To-mo-row. You have to stay focused.
A. Which is easy to say. /
B. I know, I know. I’m not going to screw everything up now, don’t worry about me. +
C. I’m going to try. –
The next day it is time for your oral. You are scheduled at 4 p.m., 5 minutes earlier than Castiel.
Castiel: Don’t laugh, it’s really been proven that it lowers your body’s levels of cortisol, you know, the stress hormone.
A. If you’re trying to make me laugh by talking all this nonsense, at least it’s working. /
B. You want me to try just, so I’ll make a fool of myself? –
C. OK, I’ll try and see! +
And then you finally have your oral. After that you see Castiel.
Castiel: Oh… Yes… I heard about it. I haven’t made up my mind yet and…
A. I’d like you to come. +
B. My parents will be there, so you have no choice! –
You go into town to buy a present for Chani. You will buy a stone, that brings good luck to her Oral. The stone will cost 15G.
Chani: I have to go. It’ll be better if I’m early.
A. Yeah, go! You’re going to ace it! / Or +
B. Don’t be surprised if our head teacher is part of the jury! / Or +
C. Stay focused, and keep the little stone with you! / Or +
Then it is time for the party, but first you have to wear the perfect outfit.
Candy: (Choice)
A. (My lightweight, flowing skirt with my crocheted top should do the trick.) Towards Rayan’s illustration
B. (This very sophisticated, low-neck dress… that I never wear. Tonight’s my chance!) Towards Hyun’s & Priya’s illustration
C. (Hmm… my tunic and sequined pants… I’m sure they’ll go together well.) Towards Nathaniel’s & Castiel’s illustration

Outfit Rayan 195G

Outfit Priya & Hyun 200G

Outfit Nathaniel & Castiel 190G
Now you can go to the party.
Alexy: Morgan, hold on to her!
A. Haha! No! I’ve already gone without you for too long… I plan on staying here for what comes next. /
B. If you hold on to me like that, yeah, I’m going to do everything I can to escape as quickly as possible from this city! Haha! /
C. It depends on my internship… But I’m looking around the area, in any case. /
Hyun: You never know! I’d rather not be short of anything.
A. You are over attentive. /
B. Right, but right now we already have three trays of pastries, two cakes, nine platters of appetizers, rice salad and tabouli. +
Castiel: (Choice)
A. Hi, honey! Are you alright? I was actually looking for you. I didn’t know you had arrived! +
B. Oh, Castiel, I was looking for you. My parents will be here soon, you have to see them.
C. Hey, what’s up? I didn’t know you were coming, Yeleen. I didn’t see you after your oral presentation. /
Yeleen & Castiel: (Choice)
A. Hey, is everything alright with you? I didn’t know you two would be here. – With Castiel / with Yeleen
B. Hahaha! Who is Gabin? – With Yeleen / with Castiel
Mom & Dad: (Choice)
A. And actually… We are together… Illustration with Castiel
B. Yes, we are a whole of Sweet Amoris alumni who have found each other! It’s pretty nice.
Then go back inside. Your parents will meet Hyun.
Amber will come at the party. She will take you to the kitchen. And there you see Nathaniel. The dealers have been arrested.
Once you go back inside your parents are dancing on the dance floor. When you are on Priya’s or Rayan’s route you will introduce her/him to your parents.
Priya: Oh!
A. Actually… Do you want to come? I’ll introduce you. Illustration with Priya
B. Actually… I’ve thought about it and I think that it’s still too early for introductions…
Rayan: So, I can leave the party and avoid an uncomfortable situation. Even if it will just push back our conversation with them, and you know this.
A. It’s true. You’re right. I can’t continue lying to them… We can always talk to them alone. Let’s go. Illustration with Rayan
B. It’s not the right time… We should wait for a calmer moment…
Then the episode will end.