Green ! Neutral choice
Yellow ! Medium choice
Red ! Critical choice
– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
The LOM meter changes after playing the hole episode. After you have answered a choice positive or negative, the character’s head will pop up with a plus sign or min sign to let you know.
Special thanks to Ale D.D
Costs: 2.100 – 2.350 AP and 120 – 178 Gems
Roy 2.312 AP and 130 Gems
Amanda 2.133 AP and 120 Gems
Devon 2.258 AP and 124 Gems
Jason 2.285 AP and 120 Gems
Thomas 2.189 AP and 120 Gems
Uncle Archibald 40 AP
Outfit 67 AP
Waiting time at the fortune-teller 14 Gems
Waiting time at the drop ride 16 Gems
Waiting time at the Ghost Train ride 18 Gems
Waiting time at the rollercoaster ride 10 gems
Special scene with love interest 120 Gems
If you get the second outfit with a replay 135 AP
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get 1 out of five in a single play through. The illustrations depend on choices, LOM and outfit.
Uncle Archibald: at the shooting range. After the moment with your LI and before, you go over to the East Strip and decide to go home. His dialogue will cost you 40 AP, and he will give you an It Floats outfit, if you answer: Definitely not! On the contrary, I’m surprised they’re letting you handle a gun!

Mini-games: claw machine and shooting. You can get both items with one play through by winning the games.

Claw machine price: Fun Fair

Shooting game price: Candy Cart

Outfit Jason, Roy and Amanda 67 AP

Outfit Thomas and Devon 67 AP
Episode guide:
You start this episode in the office a few days after episode 5. You just received a good review about Eglantine’s birthday party. Everyone is in the office exited to go to the Carnival. One by one your coworkers are leaving to go home, change and then head to the carnival.
Devon: Actually, (nickname), what’s your favorite thing to do at carnivals? (Green !)
A. Above all, the atmosphere, more than the activities. /
B. I love thrill rides! The more it moves, the more I like it! /
C. I think I’ll go with Roy’s opinion: eating. /
You also go home. There you see that your mom and sister are back.
Tasha: (Choice) (Yellow !)
A. (Energetic) Well, it makes me happy. No one is forcing you to do the same… 40 – 60 AP +5 with Tasha and / with Zahra (Mom)
B. (Rebel) We can talk about it again when you have coworkers, eventually… 40 – 60 AP – 5 with Zahra (Mom) and Tasha
C. (Sweet) Do you want to come with me? You could have fun… 40 – 60 AP +5 with Zahra (Mom) and / with Tasha
Go to the bedroom, there you get to choose your outfit.

Outfit Jason, Roy and Amanda 67 AP

Outfit Thomas and Devon 67 AP
After choosing your outfit, you will go back to the living room and say goodbye to your mom and sister. Then go to the residential area, there you take the bus to the carnival. Roy and you arrived at the same moment. Together you walk over to the others. Time to eat some ice cream.
Devon: (Choice) (Yellow!)
A. I’m curious to taste the strawberry-kiwi… 40 AP / Towards Jason’s illustration
B. That’s nice, but no thank you. 40 AP /
C. Mango-chocolate sounds good to me! 40 AP / Towards Jason’s illustration
After getting some ice cream, Elenda will see someone familiar. It turns out to be Danica. Elenda takes her to your group. And Devon and Spencer will also join her after a bit of dialogue.
Elenda: Pets are family! (Yellow !)
A. I’ll agree that they are important, but not as important as a real baby. 40 AP +5 with Devon and Jason, -5 with Amanda and Thomas and / with Roy, Elenda and Brune
B. Sentimentally speaking, I agree, but practically… 40 AP +5 with Thomas and Brune, -5 with Roy and / with Elenda, Amanda, Devon and Jason
C. Totally! If not more, in certain cases! 40 AP +5 with Amanda, Roy, and Elenda, -5 with Jason, Devon, and Brune and / with Thomas, Spencer and Danica
Roy: We decided to spend some time together because we like each other. (Green !)
A. (It may seem like a subtle nuance, but I think it makes a difference.) /
B. (In my opinion, that’s playing with words…) /
C. (Did Devon loan him “Team Building for Dummies”?) /
The Goldreamz team leaves. You get to decide where you want to go. You can visit these 7 places at the carnival: Food truck, Main Strip, West Strip, Ghost Train, East Strip, Extreme Area and Shooting Range. At each place you will get choices. At the East Strip and Shooting Range, you get to play a mini-game. You have to go twice to the main strip and to each other places at least one time.
Food trunk:
Roy: Not for me! The ice cream was just a starter! (Green !)
A. I think I’ll have something too. / (Other choice) (towards Jason’s illustration)
B. No way. I don’t really trust this type of stand… /
C. Hmm… No, I don’t really want anything. /
Roy (Choice) (Green !) (If you choose; I think I’ll have something too.) (All the answers of this choice lead to Jason’s illustration)
A. I’m going to go with one of those big lollipops. /
B. You tempted me by talking about a candy apple. /
C. Well, I really want a hot dog! /
Main Strip:
Brune: Go ahead if you want, but I’ll pass on this one… (Yellow !)
A. I’m pretty curious… Devon, do you want to go together? 40 AP /
B. I’d like to try… Amanda, what do you say? 40 AP /
C. I want to try! Thomas, are you coming with me? 40 AP /
D. I’m interested! Roy, do you want to come with me? 40 AP /
E. Mm… Yeah, I’ll pass too. 40 AP /
If you choose to go to the fortune-teller, you have to wait 7 minutes or use 14 gems before she appears.
When you decide not to go to the fortune-teller, you have to wait 7 minutes or use 14 gems before Elenda and Roy return from their trip with the fortune-teller.
Second time main strip: Everyone want to go on the roller coaster. You have to wait for 5 minutes or pay 10 gems before you can get on the ride. You will automatically go in the same car as the LI that you have the highest LOM with.
West Strip:
Amanda: Yeah, it’s the same for me. What about you, (nickname)? (Green !)
A. I’ll admit that it’s not particularly appealing to me either… /
B. Frankly, I’m up for a ride on the bumper cars! /
C. Same: I’ll go with someone, but if we don’t go, I’m fine with that too. /
Devon: Well… In the meantime, if anyone wants some candy… I see the candy shop over there. (Yellow !)
A. (I didn’t say anything, I’m waiting to see what the others say.) 40 AP /
B. No thank you: I know myself, I’ll eat the whole package and be sick. 40 AP /
C. Come on I’m going! After all, it’s the carnival! 40 AP / towards Jason’s illustration
Extreme Area:
You all decide to go on the drop tower, there you have to wait for 8 minutes or use 16 gems.
Candy: (Choice) (Green !)
A. (I stepped aside to look at Thomas.) /
B. (I took a step to get closer to Amanda.) /
C. (I looked at Devon.) /
D. (I tried to get closer to Roy.) /
Brune: (nickname), you can take my hand too if you want. (Yellow !)
A. (Rebel) I’ll be okay, thanks. 40 – 60 AP +5 with Brune and / with Elenda
B. (Energetic) If you don’t mind…! 40 – 60 AP +5 with Elenda and / with Brune
C. (Sweet) I’m good, I don’t want to bother you. 40 – 60 AP -5 with Brune and / with Elenda
Elenda: Yeah, uh… for me… let’s say, so-so… Did you like it, (nickname)? (Yellow !)
A. It was… a bit too much for me. 40 AP +10
B. Definitely! It was really cool! 40 AP +5
C. I felt my left hand more than the ride, in the end! 40 AP /
Devon: Do you want to get some churros to help you recover from your emotions? (Green !)
A. Definitely! I’m hungry. / towards Jason’s illustration
B. Oh, no. I think that’d be a bad idea, at least for the moment… /
C. I think I’d prefer something lighter… /
East Strip:
Thomas: But most people find it less fun to shop in a store than to play the claw machine. (Green !)
A. (Energetic) Of course, claw machines are most interesting than automatic checkout stations. /
B. (Sweet) This is also why the prize is chosen at random, in some machines! /
C. (Rebel) I remain convinced that there could be a happy in between… /
It is time for a mini-game at the claw machine. Let the claw stop above the stuffed animals, and it will pack one for you, then let it stop again at the place where you can get the stuffed animal out of the machine.
Candy: (Choice) (If you didn’t win the prize)
A. It’s out of the question that I’m leaving without a prize. I’m playing again! 45 AP /
B. Okay, I’m going to stop there: I’m tired of this. Do you want to try your luck? /

Claw machine price: Fun Fair
Elenda: Great! Should we continue our visit? (Green !)
A. Yeah! Where do you want to go next? /
B. Hmm… I’d like to swing by the popcorn stand… / towards Jason’s illustration
C. Maybe we could take a little break first? /
Ghost Train:
You have to wait 9 minutes for the next train to arrive or use 18 gems.
Candy: (Choice) (Yellow !)
A. (Sliding in next to Roy.) 40 AP /
B. (Arranging to ride next Devon.) 40 AP /
C. (And Thomas, in particular, to ride in the same car as him.) 40 AP /
D. (Following Amanda’s lead.) 40 AP /
Candy: (Choice) (Yellow !) (If you choose to sit next to Roy)
A. (Energetic) (I didn’t wait for Roy to cling to me, I took the lead) 40 – 60 AP +5
B. (Sweet) (I did my best not to yawn) 40 – 60 AP
C. (Rebel) (I had a hard time keeping myself from bursting out laughing.) 40 – 60 AP
Candy: (Choice) (Yellow !) (If you choose to sit next to Devon)
A. (Energetic) (I had to develop acting skills to be able to hold on to Devon’s arm.) 40 – 60 AP +5
B. (Rebel) (I had a hard time keeping myself from bursting out laughing.) 40 – 60 AP
C. (Sweet) (I did my best not to yawn) 40 – 60 AP
Candy: (Choice) (Yellow !) (If you choose to sit next to Thomas)
A. (Sweet) (I did my best not to yawn) 40 – 60 AP
B. (Energetic) (I did my best to pretend to shake as I took Thomas’s hand.) 40 – 60 AP +5
C. (Rebel) (I had a hard time keeping myself from bursting out laughing.) 40 – 60 AP /
Candy: (Choice) (Yellow !) (If you choose to sit next to Amanda)
A. (Energetic) (I pretended to be scared anyway to grab Amanda’s hand.) 40 – 60 AP +5
B. (Sweet) (I did my best not to yawn) 40 – 60 AP
C. (Rebel) (I had a hard time keeping myself from bursting out laughing.) 40 – 60 AP
Shooting Range:
Stand Worker: I’m sure one of these young people will be delighted to be your partner! (Yellow !)
A. Why not… Thomas, are you in? 40 AP /
B. Without a doubt! Will you show me, Amanda? 40 AP /
C. Devon, do you want to try with me? 40 AP /
D. Certainly… Roy, how about it? 40 AP /
Time to play the shooting game. Try to hit as many targets as possible. If you get 300 points, you will win the prize.
Candy: (Choice) (If you didn’t win the prize)
A. I’ll try again, I want to win the grand prize! 45 AP /
B. Mmph… I think this is starting to get on my nerves. /

Shooting game price: Candy Cart
After going everywhere, head back to the Mean Strip. There you can go on one last ride.
Devon: (nickname)? Is there anything else you want to do again, or try? (Red !) (If you don’t choose the option that the one you have the highest LOM with will choose, they will ask you after this choice if you want to go on a different right with him/her, and you can choose if you want to go or want to do the ride you choose in the first place)
A. If anyone wants to try the bumper cars with me… 80 AP / Towards Devon’s illustration and the one you have the highest LOM with
B. I’ve been thinking about the Water Dragon since we passed by it earlier. 80 AP / Towards Amanda’s illustration and the one you have the highest LOM with
C. I want to finish in style and try the Mega-Catapult. 80 AP / Towards Thomas illustration and the one you have the highest LOM with
D. I’d like to ride the merry-go-round! 80 AP / Towards Roy illustration and the one you have the highest LOM with
Roy and Amanda: (Choice) (Red !) (If you picked Amanda’s choice but had the highest LOM with Roy)
A. A ride on the merry-go-round would be nice! 80 AP +5 with Roy and -5 with Amanda (towards Roy’s illustration)
B. No, I’m going to stick with what we decided. That’s fine with me. 80 AP
C. Uh… I don’t know what to say… 80 AP
Devon: (Choice) (Red !) (If you picked Roy’s choice but had the highest LOM with Devon)
A. That’s nice of you, but I’ll stick with the merry-go-round. 80 AP
B. I’ll admit that the bumper cars are rather tempting… 80 AP +5 with Devon and -5 with Roy (Towards Devon’s illustration)
C. I’m sorry, I don’t know what to choose now… 80 AP
Thomas and Roy: (Choice) (Red !) (If you picked Roy’s choice but had the highest LOM with Thomas)
A. I’ll admit that I am tempted by the catapult… 80 AP
B. I don’t really know what to say, so… 80 AP +5 with Roy and -5 with Thomas (Towards Roy’s illustration)
C. I’ll stick to what I said: I want to take a ride on the merry-go-round. 80 AP
Amanda: Randomly, just in case… What do you say, (Nickname)? (If you picked Devon’s choice but had the highest LOM with Amanda)
A. I… I don’t know what to choose now… 80 AP
B. That’s nice of you, but I’m going to stick with the bumper cars… 80 AP
C. Actually, yeah, I’d like to ride the Water Dragon! 80 AP +5 with Amanda and -5 with Devon (towards Amanda’s illustration)
If you eat and all the food (tried to get Jason’s illustration), you start to feel nauseous and leave the one you were going with on a ride on. Go to the East Strip. There you will see Jason.
If you choose to go on the merry-go-round, head to the West Strip.
If you choose to go on the bumper cars, head to west strip.
If you choose to go on the water dragon, head to the extreme area.
If you choose to go on the mega-catapult, head to the extreme area.
Jason: Let’s just say waiting outside attractions for Spencer and Danica to finish their ride isn’t my favorite thing to do. (Yellow !)
A. (Energetic) Well… At least they had fun, right? 40 – 60 AP
B. (Sweet) Hm… I can understand that, I guess waiting isn’t anyone’s favorite activity. 40 – 60 AP
C. (Rebel) And did you think about… riding the rides? That seems more fun than waiting… 40 – 60 AP +5
Jason: (Choice)
A. But I have to join my friends. 80 AP
B. Can I convince you to go on a ride with me? 80 AP
C. Are you sure you don’t want to try to have fun? 80 AP / Jason’s illustration (After the moment, the one which you go to the trip first hand will find you. Go back to the Extreme area and if you want to get Taki’s outfit, then go to the shooting range)
Roy: Or would you prefer another animal? (Red !)
A. (Rebel) Frankly, I don’t care. 80 – 120 AP
B. (Energetic) A seahorse is perfect! 80 – 120 AP / Roy’s illustration
C. (Sweet) I may not have chosen that… 80 – 120 AP
Devon: (Choice) (Red !)
A. (Sweet) At worst, I’m scared of not having enough room for my legs… 80 – 120 AP
B. (Energetic) And after all, we are also big children… 80 – 120 AP / Devon’s illustration
C. (Rebel) Plus… The worst that can happen to us is that security kicks us off the ride. 80 – 120 AP /
Amanda: Well, that bothered me. But since it’s my last ride…
A. (sweet) Riding all the other rides soaked would have been a pain. 80 – 120 AP
B. (Rebel) I don’t understand what bothers you so much… 80 – 120 AP
C. (Energetic) Yes, now there is no reason to be afraid of a little water! 80 – 120 AP/ Amanda’s illustration
Thomas: You know, I don’t mind going alone, if you don’t feel like coming…
A. (Energetic) I feel like coming! I’m great! No problem! 80 – 120 AP
B. (Rebel) No… It’s too late to back down. I’m coming with you. 80 – 120 AP
C. (Sweet) Are you kidding?! If anything happened to you, I’d never forgive myself! 80 – 120 AP / Thomas illustration
Roy: Are you very competitive? (Green !)
A. Clearly: I love to win, and mostly, I hate losing.
B. Not at all! I don’t care about winning or losing.
C. Moderately… I can give it my all to win a race, of course. /
After the moment with your LI, you can find Uncle Archiebald. Head to the shooting range. Don’t go to the East Strip on the way, then the episode will continue, and you won’t be able to meet Uncle Archiebald.
Uncle Archibald: Well now! Why’s that? Do you think I’m too old to have fun? (Yellow !)
A. I mostly thought that you wouldn’t have fun at a carnival… 40 AP /
B. It’s true that carnivals are imagined for young people… 40 AP /
C. Definitely not! On the contrary, I’m surprised they’re letting you handle a gun! 40 AP / (You get It Floats outfit for Taki)

Go to the East Strip. There you all decide to go home. Head to the Main Strip, there the episode will end.