Green ! Neutral choice
Yellow ! Medium choice
Red ! Critical choice
– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
The LOM meter changes after playing the hole episode. After you have answered a choice positive or negative, the character’s head will pop up with a plus sign or min sign to let you know.
Costs: 1.100-1.450 AP and 120–262 Gems
Roy 1.344 AP and 120 Gems
Amanda 1.194 AP and 120 Gems
Devon 1.413 AP and 120 Gems
Jason 1.254 AP and 240 Gems
Thomas 1.119 AP and 120 Gems
Uncle Archibald 40AP
Outfit 50 AP
Waiting time 22 Gems
Special scene with love interest 120 Gems
If you get the second outfit with a replay 100 AP
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get 2 out of five in a single play through. You can get Jason’s illustration and Devon’s or Roy’s illustration. The illustrations depend on choices, LOM and outfit.
Uncle Archibald: at the west gallery. After you have got all your stuff at the mall, and before you drop the stuff at the office. His dialogue will cost you 40 AP, and he will give you a Pwetty Flawer outfit, if you answer: Oh actually… do you want to come?


Outfit Amanda and Thomas 50 AP

Outfit Devon, Jason and Roy 50 AP
Episode guide:
You start this episode in the meeting room with all your co-workers.
Elenda, Devon, Roy, Amanda, Thomas and Brune: (Choice) (Yellow !)
A. (I stared at the table, a bit embarrassed by all the attention) 40 AP + with Amanda and Elenda and / with Roy, Devon, Thomas and Brune
B. (I joined in the applause, a smile on my face.) 40 AP / with Amanda, Thomas and Brune and + with Roy, Devon and Elenda
C. (I modestly nodded as a sign of thanks.) 40 AP + with Thomas, Brune and Elenda and / with Amanda, Roy and Devon
Devon: You can go with one of us, there will be enough of us to finish things up here… (Red !)
A. Amanda, do you want to come with me? 80 AP / (you will go with Amanda to the mall and Amanda’s illustration)
B. Thomas, do you want to go for a walk? 80 AP / (you will go with Thomas to the mall and towards Thomas illustration)
C. I’ll admit that if you accompanied me, I’d feel more legitimate using this card… 80 AP / (you will go with Devon to the mall and towards Devon’s illustration)
D. Roy, how about a walk around the mall? 80 AP / (you will go with Roy to the mall and towards Roy’s illustration)
You will go to the mall with the person of your choice. At the mall, you get to choose your outfit.

Outfit Amanda and Thomas 50 AP

Outfit Devon, Jason and Roy 50 AP
Walk around the mall with the person of your choice.
Roy: Everything looks good. (Yellow !)
A. (Energetic) Plus, you can afford it! 45-60 AP
B. (Sweet) Yes, it’s always a dilemma. 45-60 AP +
C. (Rebel) It’s funny, I thought that great athletes paid attention to their diet… 45-60 AP
Unknown man: Hey, can’t you watch where you’re going (Green !) (going to the mall with Roy)
A. (Energetic) And you?! Can’t you be more polite?!
B. (Rebel) Why don’t you watch where you’re going?!
C. (Sweet) I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention…! /
Roy: Well, it looks to be out of harm’s way. (Green !)
A. (Energetic) We make a good team! /
B. (Rebel) Thanks, but I could have handled that just fine on my own.
C. (Sweet) Thanks. It’s rather practical to be accompanied with a tall and strapping man like you.
Devon: (Choice) (Yellow !)
A. (Energetic) I’d say… None. It’s the first time you’ve set foot here. 40-60 AP +
B. (Rebel) I’d say children’s clothing stores? 40-60 AP
C. (Sweet) The game store, or the one for DVDs… 40-60 AP
Devon: In general, I mean; because I guess you haven’t had time to fully explore the mall yet… (Green !)
A. Any clothing store, I love fashion.
B. I like decoration shops!
C. Bookstores. No shop fascinates me more. /
Thomas: When we’re hungry, we make choices based on instinct, and we’d buy everything we want. (Green !)
A. That’s for sure. I always go grocery shopping after eating. /
B. But that’s what’s fun.
C. I never noticed… Anyway, it’s just an urban legend. /
Thomas: Not really. (Yellow !)
A. (Energetic) But don’t you want to be surprised? 40-60 AP
B. (Rebel) I couldn’t function like that. I’d feel limited. 40-60 AP /
C. (Sweet) It’s not a bad idea. Maybe I’ll try. 40-60 AP +
Thomas: The same people, who perhaps, let dogs lick their hands… (Green !)
A. I think I’m one of those people… /
B. It doesn’t bother me at all. Here. /
Amanda: With little cups, and everything… it’s too cute, don’t you think? (Yellow !)
A. (Rebel) Funny, I wouldn’t have thought it was your thing. 40-60 AP
B. (Sweet) It’s pretty cute! 40-60 AP +
C. (Energetic) It’s cute, but it’s really expensive! 40-60 AP
Amanda: And you? Is there anything you like? (Green !)
A. I like that little dress. It’s elegant and simple.
B. How do you think I’d look in those shorts?
C. I could definitely see myself wearing those overalls! /
Candy: (Choice) (Green !)
A. The drinks. That way we’ll have the heavy stuff at the bottom of the bag. / (towards Jason’s illustration) (another choice)
B. Things to snack on. It’s no to carry heavy things around with us. /
C. The food. That way, we’ll choose the rest in accordance. /
Go to the west gallery.
Jason: What am I going to do with my evening…? (Red !)
A. Certainly bore this poor gentleman until who knows when. 80 AP
B. I don’t want to know. 80 AP /
C. You, Sir, can come, if you want. 80 AP / illustration with Jason (Lucy)
Candy: (Choice) (Green !) (When you chose the food or things to snack on)
A. We can’t go wrong with the appetizer buffet. /
B. Sharing things is the friendliest option. /
C. Let’s get something from the deli: we will be sure to eat well. /
Candy: (Choice) (Green !) (When you chose the drinks)
A. (A whole assortment of little things to nibble on for an appetizer buffet.) /
B. (Pizzas and mini-quiches to share.)
C. (We decided to take various pre-cooked dishes directly from a deli.) /
Go to the west gallery, there you can meet Uncle Archibald.
Uncle Archibald: (Choice) (Yellow !)
A. I can’t be late. 40 AP /
B. Oh actually… do you want to come? 40 AP / (you get a Pwetty Flawer outfit for Taki)
C. You aren’t going to follow me there, right? 40 AP

Go back to the Devenementiel.
Elenda, Roy, Amanda, Thomas and Brune: (Choice) (Red !)
A. Let’s go to the park! 80 AP the party will be at the park towards Amanda’s and Thomas illustration
B. I really want to have the party at my place. 80 AP / the party will be at your house and towards Roy’s and Devon’s illustration
If you have the party at your house. Go home, then after a little part of dialogue go to your room and then go back to the living room. Elenda is the first to arrive.
If you have the party at the park. You go first to your house to freshen up. Go to your own room and then take the bus to the park. At the entrance, you meet Brune. Together you walk into the park.
Elenda: (Choice) (Green !) (your house)
A. And you, do you get along well with Devon? /
B. And you…? Well, I mean…tell me a bit about yourself…?
C. What do you think of Roy? /
D. What do you think of Thomas?
E. Do you get along well with Amanda?
F. And you, you seem to get along very well with Brune…
Brune: Did you choose the park to avoid upsetting Amanda? (Yellow !) (park)
A. (Rebel) That’s not really why I did it. 40-60 AP +
B. (Energetic) I found her idea of a neutral space a pretty good idea. 40-60 AP –
C. (Sweet) Yeah, I thought it’d be best. 40-60 AP /
You have to wait 10 minutes until the others arrive or pay 22 gems.
If you have the party at your house, only Devon and Roy come to the party. You have to show the house to your three guests. Go to the bedroom, back to the living room, then to the backyard and back to the living room. In the living room, you will play truth or dare.
If you have the party at the park, Devon, Amanda and Thomas come to the party. Devon will go away because he gets a phone call. Everyone starts to eat all the things that everyone brought to the party.
Devon: (Choice) (Green !) (your house)
A. (Energetic) I think I’d start by taking revenge on my ex.
B. (Sweet) Maybe I could become an investigative journalist? /
C. (Rebel) It’s obvious: I’d rob a bank.
Elenda: No, no, I’m kidding: I don’t really want to know more. (Yellow !) (your house)
A. (Energetic) I wouldn’t mind a few more details… 45-60 AP / with Elenda and – with Devon and + with Roy
B. (Sweet) (I was careful not to share my opinion.) 45-60 AP
C. (Rebel) Me neither, I’m not sure if I’m very interested… 45-60 AP / with Elenda and + with Devon and – with Roy
Amanda: (Choice) (Green !) (park)
A. I confess that I am intrigued by the asparagus toast…
B. I’ll take some raw veggies! I want to save room for the cake. /
C. I’m one of the ninety percent of people who loves mini-quiches! /
D. I think I’m going to try your tapas, Brune… /
Brune: Let’s say I’m in between… And you (nickname)? (Green !) (park)
A. I love to cook! /
B. I’m like you, Brune. /
C. It’s not really my passion either. /
Candy: (Choice) (your house)
A. (I hope that the card is for Devon…) (Red !) 80 AP / (towards Devon’s illustration)
B. (I wonder what this card’ll have in store for me…) (Yellow !) 40 AP
C. (I hope that the card is for Roy…) (Red !) 80 AP / (towards Roy’s illustration)
Candy: (Choice) (Red !) (park)
A. So, Thomas, you have a motorcycle? 80 AP / (towards Thomas Illustration)
B. Wouldn’t it be time for dessert? 80 AP / (towards Amanda’s illustration)
Roy: (Choice) (Red !) (your house)
A. (After all, it’s the game… Roy is attractive, here I go!) 80 AP / illustration with Roy (Belodie)
B. “Kiss”, it can be on the cheek! 80 AP
C. You mentioned a wildcard, didn’t you…? 80 AP
Devon: (Choice) (Red !) (your house)
A. You mentioned a wildcard, didn’t you…? 80 AP
B. (I smiled at Devon) 80 AP / illustration with Devon (Susan)
C. Isn’t that…a bit inappropriate…? 80 AP
Thomas: Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? (Red !) (park)
A. No, I think it’s scary. 80 AP
B. I’ve never been that interested in it. 80 AP /
C. I’ve never had the occasion, but I’ll admit that I’m curious to try! 80 AP / illustration with Thomas (Elizabeth (Lizzy))
Amanda: (Choice) (Red !)
A. Come on! It’s no fun alone! 80 AP
B. Well, I’m going… If you don’t come with me it’ll be even more ridiculous. 80 AP
C. What, it’s not prestigious enough for you? 80 AP / illustration with Amanda (Eleanor)
Amanda: The good times. When everything was easier. (Yellow !)
A. My mother was the one who took me to the park. 40 AP /
B. It’s true that everything seemed simpler when we were children. 40 AP
C. Because things are complicated now. 40 AP
If you have the party at your house, after the truth or dare game, your co-workers will go home. You will go automatically to your room and the episode will end.