– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 1000 – 1250 AP
Nathaniel 1172 AP
Hyun 1124 AP
Priya 1154 AP
Fairy 16AP
Present for Rosalya (stuffed hippopotamus) 15 G
Outfit and Rayan 120G Total (Swimsuit 40G, clothes for over the swimsuit 80G)
Outfit Nathaniel and Priya 120G Total (Swimsuit 45G, clothes for over the swimsuit 75G)
Outfit Castiel 120G Total (Swimsuit 55G, clothes for over the swimsuit 65G)
Bus ticket 5 G
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get one out of five in a single play through. The illustrations depend on outfit, dialogue choices and LOM.
Fairy/Auntie: at the restroom. You can meet her after you have been to Rosalya’s apartment. She will give you a Flamingo Float


Outfit Hyun and Rayan 120G Total

Outfit Nathaniel and Priya 120G Total
I don’t have Castiel’s outfit yet.
Episode guide:
The episode starts were the last episode (6) ended. You are in your room with Rosalya and Alexy. Rosalya just told her big news.
Rosalya: He was with me when I found out. My period was late. It was Leigh’s idea to go and buy me a pregnancy test on his way home from work one night, and it turned out… That he was right.
A. What about school, how are you going to manage? –
B. Did you want to get pregnant? +
C. Weren’t you using any kind of contraceptive? /
Rosalya: I was frightened, but happy. I asked myself tons of questions: what about school, the apartment, all the rest. But in the end, I decided the time is never just right… I’m sure I’m making the right decision. If it happened now, it was meant to happen!
A. Have you and Leigh taken the time to talk it through? It’s a huge a decision. –
B. I’m really happy for you. /
Yeleen: Oh… Maybe I should’ve knocked. I really need to sleep tonight. I’m not exactly in the mood to have a party in the room. (If you have a high LOM with Yeleen)
A. I understand… +
B. We’re just chatting, do you mind? /
Yeleen: No, have mercy, not tonight, I really need some peace and quiet. (If you have a low LOM with Yeleen)
A. You could at least say it nicely. /
B. We’re not having a party, we’re just chatting.
C. Sorry I didn’t tell you ahead of time, Yeleen.
Yeleen: Did you buy the CD?
A. A… friend gave it to me. /
B. Hmm… Yes. / (Another choice)
C. How’s that any of your business? – (Only appears with low LoM)
Yeleen: I’ve had it for something like a thousand years. I know it so well I could sing it a cappella. (If you choose the content of B)
A. Oh, really… great. /
B. How did you hear about them? +
Yeleen: After hearing you chat with Rosalya and Alexy so much, I definitely figured out that’s where you all met. And so… Were you one of Castiel’s friends, too? (If Castiel was not your ex)
A. I knew him really well, yeah. /
B. Yeah, but we didn’t talk to each other much. /
Yeleen: After hearing you chat with Rosalya and Alexy so much, I definitely figured out that’s where you all met. And so… Were you one of Castiel’s friends, too? (If Castiel was your ex)
A. We were more than friends… + (Another choice)
B. He was in the crowd I hung out with. /
Yeleen: And so, are the two of you going to get back together?
A. I’d like to. /
B. No.
C. (It’s none of her business.) That didn’t even cross my mind.
Yeleen: I’m getting to know my roommate, is that so bad? (If you have a high LOM with Yeleen)
A. Despite what happened earlier, we haven’t been the best of friends in the world until now, so I’m a little surprised. /
B. No… It’s better than our usual arguments. +
Yeleen: I’m getting to know my roommate, is that so bad? (If you have a low LOM with Yeleen)
A. I’m just surprised. –
B. Dunno, considering what happened earlier between us, I find your behavior strange. /
The next day will start, you have a class from Mr. Zaidi. But on your way, you will see Kim.
Kim: I decided to do my daily jog all the way to campus this mornin’. Thought with a little luck I’d run into ya. A good thing I did, I guess.
A. Why’d you want to run into me so badly? /
B. Sorry Kim, I haven’t come to the gym lately, but I’m going to make up for it! +
C. Listen Kim, I’ve already paid for the whole month anyway, so whether I come or not, doesn’t change a thing for you. –
Kim: You pay to get in. But since I’m one of the organizers, if you promise me to try harder to come to the gym more often, maybe I can somehow let you in free!
A. I didn’t even know that was going on this weekend; I’m not sure yet if I can come… /
B. If I decide to come, I’ll make you a promise then. /
C. I’d love that, Kim! I promise I’ll come to the gym once a week! +
Mr. Zaidi’s class is in the auditorium 2.
Candy: (Choice)
A. (I prefer not to say anything.) / with Yeleen and Rayan
B. Enough already, we get the message! Mind if we skip your raunchy remarks and start class now? + with Yeleen and Rayan
Candy: (Choice)
A. (I took out my phone to discreetly send an SMS to Rosalya.) / (Another choice)
B. (I’m going to wait until the end of class.) /
Rayan: (Choice) (If you choose the content of A)
A. Sorry… My mind was elsewhere today. +
B. Ex-excuse me, I pulled out my phone just now; I listened to the rest of class. –
Rayan: To be honest, when I saw you at the back of the auditorium, I thought you were waiting to talk to me at the end of class…
A. Oh no, I was just not being attentive. /
B. Uh, well, to tell the truth… I wanted to know… Do you plan on going to the beach this weekend? +
Melody: I thought Mr. Zaidi was never going to manage to start his class; they sure are immature when they set their minds to it.
A. For sure, it was pretty annoying. /
B. They tried to get on his nerves and it didn’t work, Mr. Zaidi handled it well. +
Melody: I almost did… But that’s not my job. Even though I’m his assistant, I’m not there to make them behave. O-or to teach the class in his place…
A. I meant to tell you… I saw the two of you talking, last weekend, in the street… I was closing up the café a-and… / (Another choice)
B. Y-yeah, I understand. /
Melody: What did you see? (If you choose the content of A)
A. I heard you get upset, and leave crying. –
B. Not much. Then Mr. Zaidi came and talked to me afterwards; he had seen me watching the two of you. +
Walk to the quad, there is Chani.
Chani: Yeah, but that didn’t really bother me! The house was huge, I took tons of pictures.
A. But, weren’t you afraid? /
B. I admire how courageous you are. /
C. I’d love to try some day! +
You go together to Chani’s room, it is next to your room.
Chani: Ignore the mess…
A. I love your plants! /
B. Wait, I can’t begin to guess… Which side is your roommate’s, and which is yours? +
Chani: Let’s see… what’s left… I have all kinds of juice, tomato, cherry, cranberry, strawberry, or “True Blood”. What’ll it be?
A. Wow… It’s red…! /
B. “True blood?” What’s that? /
Chani: Is that your thesis?
A. Y-yes, that’s all I’ve written so far… /
B. Uh, no, it’s just my outline, I forgot to bring the rest. –
It is time to meet up with Rosalya and Alex. Head over to Rosalya’s apartment. On the way, you pick up a present for Rosalya. It cost 15 G.
Rosalya: So, here’s the living room with a little mezzanine that we transformed into a little bedroom, and there’s the bathroom, and an extra bedroom.
A. An extra bedroom? You’d already planned it for the… (I lowered my voice) baby? /
B. Is it Lysander’s old room…? /
Rosalya: (Choice)
A. How’s it going, have you had… morning sickness? /
B. So, are you happy? +
Alexy, Leigh and Rosalya: (Choice)
A. Darn, I’m not free this weekend. – with alexy and / with Leigh and Rosalya
B. What do you say to celebrating it at the surf competition this weekend? + with Leigh and / with Rosalya and Alexy
Alexy and you leave Rosalya’s apartment. You two go back to campus. On the way you see Morgan.
Candy: (Choice)
A. Alexy… Are you coming anyway or not? + with Morgan and Alexy
B. So… well… I’ll be on my way. / with Morgan and Alexy
You will walk into the gates. This is the moment you can meet the fairy. She is at the restroom. She will give you a Flamingo Float and her part cost 16 AP. Then go to your room. The story will go to the next day. You will just read what happened that day, and then it goes to the next morning. Alexy will wake you up.
Alexy: Didn’t anyone ever tell you to lock your door before going to bed? Anyone could come in.
A. Isn’t Morgan with you? +
B. And you walked into my room without knocking! –
Alexy and you walk to the shop. There you will pick out your outfit.
Candy: (Choice)
A. (I saw several swimsuits, including a mermaid bikini that really caught my eye!) (Towards Castiel’s illustration)
B. (I saw several swimsuits, including a seafoam green bikini with a wrap top.) (Towards Priya’s and Nathaniel’s illustration)
C. (I saw several swimsuits, including a floral one-piece with a deep-cut neckline.) (Towards Hyun’s and Rayan’s illustration)

Outfit Hyun and Rayan 120G Total

Outfit Nathaniel and Priya 120G Total
I don’t have Castiel’s outfit yet.
After you got a nice swimsuit, Alexy Leigh, Rosalya and you go to the bus in front of Sweat Amoris high. The bus will take you all to the beach, it cost 5G.
At the beach, you first go to the bar.
Alexy: Let’s just say I had a good time last summer…
A. Was his name Dake, by any chance? /
B. Tell me more, now! /
Alexy: A toast? You want to make a toast? You never talk, so a speech, what the hell’s going on now?! What’re you about to announce?!
A. Alexy, let him finish! + with Leigh and / with Alexy
B. Are you getting married?! – with Leigh and / with Alexy
Alexy: You two are going to have to stop making announcements. This is too much for one week!
A. Congratulations to both of you! / with Alexy and Leigh
B. You’re going to be so faraway! / with Alexy and + with Leigh
Rosalya: Yes, yes, yes, yes!!
A. Yes! Let’s go! –
B. We can meet up later. +
Go back to the center of the beach. Surprise, Morgan will be there. You will also see Hyun.
Alexy: Uh, well, yes. That’s surprising, I-I didn’t…
A. I thought it was just supposed to be the 4 of us for tonight! –
B. Hahaha, you sly little devils! +
Hyun: Darn, I forgot my trunks! I didn’t think the weather’d be so warm.
A. Yesss! Hyun! +
B. Hyun? The whole campus got the word! –
Hyun: Those two are really made for each other.
A. You don’t mind Alexy spending all his time in your and Morgan’s dorm room? /
B. True and it’s kind of thanks to me! / (Another choice)
Hyun: Yeah, I’m convinced we all have a soulmate waiting for us somewhere… (If you choose the content of B)
A. Seriously? So how do we know when we’ve met? +
B. I really like that kind of myth. –
Hyun and you go to the cosy beach.
Hyun: So you didn’t experience the joy of having little sisters who stick their nose in your business non-stop? You really missed out!
A. Actually, I have Rosalya for that. –
B. Haha, I hardly dare imagine! /
Hyun: My sisters are real pests. They’ve already asked me millions of questions about you!
A. How do they know I even exist? / (Another choice)
B. What kind of questions? – with low LOM and + with high LOM
Hyun: Oh, uh well, I just told my family I had a new co-worker and… I… (If you choose the content of A)
A. You really share everything with them… +
B. Your family? You talked to your family about me? –
Hyun: No, not all that much… But I never say no to a night-out with friends!
A. I’m starting to get to know you, I know that even if you seem all shy like that, you’re a true partier at heart! /
B. When we had our first little get-together in your dorm room I seem to remember you knowing how to enjoy a party to the fullest. –
Priya and Castiel shop up. But Castiel leaves immediately to go to the bar.
Priya: (Choice)
A. “Pulled that off”? What? What have you done now, Priya? +
B. What’s his trip? –
Priya: How could I forget that moment!
A. Actually, if we could forget about it, that’d suit me just fine. – with Priya and Hyun
B. Don’t make fun! + with Priya and / with Hyun
C. Without her, I would’ve most likely screwed the trial run up. / with Priya and Hyun
Priya: Yeah, I ran into her. Apparently Leigh bought a house around here; looked like she was in seventh heaven! What’d you rather do?
A. We can join them after we’ve walked. /
B. I’d love a drink, let’s go see them! /
If you choose the content of B, you go back to the bar and see you friends. Click on this link. There the guide will continue for that part.
If you choose the content of A. You go back to the center of the beach and talk with Priya.
Priya: Ever since they set up the competition, yeah. I definitely have to stop hitting the books at some point.
A. Whereas I for one should seriously start hitting the books. / (Another choice)
B. Isn’t it pretty hard to study law and have a social life too? /
C. Yeah, you’re right, it’s nice being here. /
Priya: Inhale, push out your stomach and breathe in rhythm with me. (If you choose the content of A)
A. (I let myself go and listened to her instructions.) +
B. Are you playing yoga instructor?! –
Priya: Of course it’s different. We’re different. For you, it’s a passion. And for me, my principles are what have led me down this path.
A. Is it related to what you talked about at the first self-help class? +
B. What are you going to specialize in? /
Priya: Progress is being made, but never fast enough to my liking.
A. Aren’t you concerned about how others judge you? –
B. Have you told your parents about being bisexual? +
Priya: (Choice)
A. Are you close to Castiel? / (Another choice)
B. Did you only come to the beach with Castiel? No one else…? + (Another choice)
Priya: So I may have a chance of spending my evening with you then, unless you’d rather be a fifth wheel for the two couples. (If you choose the content of B)
A. Easier to handle if there are two of us. +
B. I’m used to it. /
Priya: Why all the questions? (If you choose: are you close to Castiel)
A. I don’t see him often and no one really talks to him, so it’s a good opportunity to find out more. –
B. I was wondering about the kind of relationship you two have. /
Priya and you go to the beach bar. There you see Nathaniel and Amber.
Nathaniel: Did you get tired of listening to Crowstorm non-stop in your room? Did you decide to get out to see the real world?
A. What about you, do you have a life outside of the boxing gym? /
B. Yep, but I lost track of time, I could’ve listened to the album for ages. +
C. Yeah, I personally have a very active social life. –
Amber: Oh stop, you’re gonna make me cry. Darn, it’s time, I have to do my duty as a model.
A. They hire models for this kind of thing? +
B. Will you meet back up with us afterwards? /
Priya and Amber will leave you alone with Nathaniel.
Nathaniel: You know, she can’t believe you even speak to her.
A. She can’t believe it? You mean, I’m the one who can’t believe how her personality has changed! +
B. Oh really? When someone talks to me nicely, I have no reason to be on the defensive. –
Nathaniel: I’m pretty proud of her.
A. What about her, is she proud of you? –
B. That’s sweet. /
C. I know you don’t want to get back on the topic, but… I worried about what happened the weekend of Castiel’s concert. +
Nathaniel: Why, am I already boring you? We could chat…
A. Suits me. Let’s chat. –
B. Now you want to chat? Up until now, every single conversation we’ve had has been a source of conflict. +
Nathaniel: Never… I mean, let’s say very rarely, I’m not a big fan.
A. I’m kind of surprised… That’s not what the rumors say. + (Another choice)
B. Oh, you’re driving Amber home, so… –
Nathaniel: And so, you believed them? (If you choose the content of A)
A. After seeing your change in style, kind of, yes… /
B. I don’t know Nath, in any case, do as you like. +
Nathaniel: I tell her lots of things… She’s kind of the only person I can confide in these days. And she advised me to talk about it again with you. (If you went with Nathaniel to the concert in episode 4)
A. Why does Amber want you to talk to me, personally? It’s weird. +
B. She’s right, I’m a good listener! –
Nathaniel: Let’s not jump ahead. That particular night, I know you were much more afraid than you wanna admit, so I’m telling you all this to reassure you. And to get rid of any doubt you might have about me still being involved with those bastards.
A. That doesn’t reassure me in the least, it worries me more than anything, tell me more! +
B. Okay… Let’s take it slow. But I won’t let you off the hook that easily. Promise me that some day you’ll explain everything to me. –
Rosalya will join you and Nathaniel goes to his sister.
Rosalya: I hope so…
A. Still, we were having a nice chat… +
B. Mind finally telling me what the problem with Nath is? –
Rosalya: Doesn’t that make you happy?
A. You’re answering my question with another question. /
B. I thought I’d been clear: I don’t want you to play matchmaker for me! /
C. I admit I’m happy to see him. –
Rosalya and Leigh: (Choice)
A. Well… I’ll let you eat, I’m gonna take a little walk and enjoy the beach before it gets dark. / with Leigh and Rosalya
B. (I turned to face Leigh right away.) So do you know him well? + with Rosalya and / with Leigh
Walk around the place. You will see a few characters; Clemence, Yeleen and the Administrative officer. When you see Rayan, the story will continue.
Clemence: Well, well, well! Some people enjoy the weekends when the café’s closed!
A. Hello Clemence, how are you? /
B. Yeah, like you, from what I can see… –
Clemence: Hold on, not so fast! I saw Hyun and he told me about the day you managed the café on your own…
A. I’m sorry about the broken coffeemaker, and about the unsold pastries… I really tried my best. + (Another choice)
B. Oh… And what’d he say? /
Clemence: He didn’t say anything about that… You broke the coffeemaker? (If you choose the content of A) (If Hyun helped you in the café at episode 5)
A. To tell the truth, he’s the one who broke it. He didn’t do it on purpose, obviously. /
B. Yeah, I’m sorry. /
Clemence:He didn’t say anything about that… You broke the coffeemaker? (If you choose the content of A) (If Priya helped you in the café at episode 5)
A. Yeah, I’m sorry. /
B. Actually… A friend who helped me out at the cafe during my lunch break broke it… –
Yeleen: (Choice)
A. (I turned back to face Yeleen.) Who are they…? I don’t get the impression they’re at school with us… /
B. I’ll be on my way, see you later Yeleen… –
Administrative Officer: Hello (Nickname)! I’m surprised to see you here instead of working on your thesis.
A. How do you know I need to be working on my thesis? –
B. Yeah, hello to you too. /
Administrative Officer: (Choice)
A. Which of your comments should I deal with first…? The fact that you’re treating me like a weak student, or the fact that you’re accusing me of disrupting Yeleen’s studies? /
B. Is she the one who told you that? /
C. Yes, everything’s fine between us now. Don’t worry about it. /
Rayan: Well now… This town really is tiny.
A. We’ll most likely run into each other again. My plans were to spend the day with them, and the evening, too. –
B. Have you been friends long? +
Rayan: I wasn’t expecting the area just outside of the town to be so gorgeous.
A. It’s nice, but I’m still a mountain lover. Too bad there aren’t any nearby! +
B. I agree, it’s awesome. And just wait because you’re only on the stairs now, you haven’t seen the rest. /
Rayan and you walk to the center of the beach.
Rayan: It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything except bury my nose in art books all day long.
A. You should’ve come here from time to time. –
B. I’m surprised, coming from you. You’re always telling us not to take out our books! /
C. Oh really? It does some good to look up from your books once in a while. +
Rayan: I don’t want to seem impolite, but I’m going to meet up with Leigh. We’re meeting at the bar on the beach, I wouldn’t want him to get fed up waiting. Want to come with me?
A. (I glanced over at Castiel at the other end of the beach; he wasn’t on the phone anymore.) I’ll join you later, I still have a few people to see. /
B. I’ll come along, sure. /
If you choose the content of B, you go with Rayan back to the bar. Click on this link. There the guide will continue for that part.
If you choose the content of A, you will talk with Castiel.
Castiel: The word “dragged” is especially appropriate. I would’ve definitely preferred to stay home, composing.
A. If you only leave home to perform and make recordings, you’re going to turn into an old hermit. +
B. I’m glad to see you in any case. –
C. Priya is especially persuasive. / (Another choice)
Castiel: To say the least. But she’s basically the only one who has tried to stay in touch with me since high school, so I don’t want to run her off. (If you choose the content of C)
A. What do you mean “the only one who has tried to stay in touch”? –
B. Yeah, plus if you intend to “run Priya off”, be prepared to hang in there. /
Castiel: Yeah, I’m planning on meeting up with Priya at the bar, later. But I still have to call my damn manager, he’s totally useless.
A. Okay, I’ll let you make your phone call. /
B, Oh really? What’s going on? / (Another choice)
Castiel: Stuff about touring, and the band, that’s not going to interest you. (If you choose the content of B)
A. Tell me anyway, I’ll see for myself. / (Another choice)
B. Okay, I get it. I’ll let you make your phone call. /
Castiel: Well… The band manager already sees us as headliners. He wants us to start touring the country… I think it’s a little too soon…
A. Well, no, just the opposite! That’s awesome! Go for it. +
B. True, it’s soon. –
You go back to the beach bar. There you will sit with Rosalya and Leigh. A lot of your friends will join you.
Rayan: Please sit down, Miss… I mean, (Nickname). What would you like to drink?
A. Well… What are you having, Rayan? +
B. Well, I don’t know… What are you having, sir? –
Rayan: I’m going to have a margarita.
A. I’ll have the same. / with Rayan and Rosalya
B. I’m going to have a virgin cocktail. + with Rosalya and / with Rayan
Rosalya: Well, what? We don’t care. I bet your art teacher doesn’t care about knowing that Castiel was your ex, either. Unless… you’re interested in him? (If Castiel was your ex)
A. Come off it, what’re you talking about?! He just doesn’t need that info. –
B. Come off it. It just feels weird talking about that kind of thing in front of my teacher. /
Castiel: No, we’re recording now, I’m going to spend a few months on campus.
A. Watch out for the fan riots to come! –
B. Have you already written the songs for the next album? /
C. I bet Castiel’d like to talk about something other than his band, at least for one night. +
Rosalya: I’m getting tired… Can we go home?
A. Oh no, already? We can go dance! Or enjoy the beach, but stay! /
B. You’re right, take care of the two of you. +
Priya: Your teacher sure is nice for sure!
A. You bet, he’s the best teacher! /
B. Haha, you’re saying that because he’s buying us a round? +
C. Tonight, he’s not my teacher, he’s Rayan. –
Nathaniel: Is he serious?
A. Aren’t you fed up with this rivalry that’s been dragging on since high school? –
B. Where’s Amber? +
Morgan: Hyun refuses to go dance in public because he’s got two left feet, or so he says. He says everyone’ll make fun of him.
A. I’m not a big dancer either, if that’s any reassurance. / with Morgan and Hyun
B. No one’ll watch. / with Morgan and – with Hyun
C. Can’t you leave him alone, just a little? / with Morgan and + with Hyun
Rayan: I feel like I know you better now. And I see you are a thoughtful person, your friends count on you a lot. That’s a nice quality.
A. Still, you didn’t talk a lot. –
B. I was afraid you’d be bored. +
C. So, I’d need to meet yours to know more about you. /
You are going to talk to the lover you have the highest LOM with.
If Hyun is your highest LOM, go to the center of the beach. Illustration with Hyun.
If Nathaniel is your highest LOM, go to the beach stairs. Illustration with Nathaniel.
If Priya is your highest LOM, you stay at the bar to dance with her.
Priya: So dance with me! Come on!
A. Okay! Here I go! /
B. Hmm, I’d rather watch you. (Illustration with Priya)
If Castiel is your highest LOM, go to the cosy beach. Illustration with Castiel.
If Rayan is your highest LOM, you stay at the bar. Illustration with Rayan.