In this event you will have to succeed mission to get outfits and win the event illustration. This event had 13 missions. You could win three outfits. The story line for this event is that you will help Rosalya make three outfits for her friend. Those three outfits are the outfits you can win. Down below you can see all the missions and what you have to do to succeed them.



Mission 1: (giving the right answer)
Rosalya: Oh, (Nickname), since you’re here, you can give me some advice… I’m at a loss, I don’t know what to base my choices for the girls’ costumes on…
A. On their personality? (Correct answer)
B. On iconic heroes from horror films?
C. On your tastes?
You will get two items the Obscuria Crown and the Marionette Gloves. You can choose one of the 10 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Crown is 25 game dollars and the Glove 15 game dollars.
Mission 2: (finding something on the website)
You need to find Rosalya’s measuring tape. It can be found on the homepage. Next to the dashboard.
You will get the Catgirl Necklace and the Belt. You can choose one of the 10 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Necklace is 10 game dollars and the Belt is 30 game dollars.

Mission 3: (buy something for Rosalya)
You will need to go to town to buy fabric. The story line will take you there automatically. You will have to spend 10 game dollars to buy the fabric.
You will get the Marionette Boots and the Obscuria Veil. You can choose one of the 10 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Boots is 30 game dollars and the Veil is 20 game dollars.
Mission 4: (giving the right answer)
A. I think you should let her choose what she wants to wear…
B. I think you should play on her eccentric side…
C. Her passive for life simulation video games is quite inspiring! (Correct answer)
You will get the Obscuria Rings and the Catgirl Jacket. You can choose one of the 10 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Rings are 5 game dollars and the Jacket is 40 game dollars.
This is the mission you could see in the YouTube video part 1. You can find it above in this web-page.
Mission 5: (giving the right answer)
Rosalya: So, I thought that a Catgirl jumpsuit would fit her like a glove. However, I don’t want to do something that’s already been done…
A. You need something current and up to date!
B. You need something with a strong visual style! (Correct answer)
C. You should handle the character in the complete opposite as expected!
You will get the Marionette Hat and the Catgirl Boots. You can choose one of the 10 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Hat is 20 game dollars and the Boots is 30 game dollars.
Mission 6: (giving the right answer)
A. I would look towards the queen from Snow White for inspiration! (Correct answer)
B. I would look towards Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty for inspiration!
C. I would look towards Ursula from The Little Mermaid for inspiration!
You will get the Obscuria Collar and the Dress. You can choose one of the 10 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Collar is 15 game dollars and the Dress is 50 game dollars.
Mission 7: (buy something for Rosalya)
You will need to go to town to buy pins. The story line will take you there automatically. You will have to spend 5 game dollars to buy the pins.
You will get the Marionette Corset and the Catgirl Gloves. You can choose one of the 10 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Corset is 35 game dollars and the Gloves is 10 game dollars.
Mission 8: (finding something on the website)
You will run into Alexy. You get to hear that Rosalya has lost her thimble. You need to find it on one of the website pages. It can be found on your profile page right above the head of your character.
You will get the Marionette High Collar and the Catgirl Helmet. You can choose one of the 10 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The High Collar is 15 game dollars and the Helmet is 35 game dollars.

Mission 9: (giving the right answer)
A. (I have to rip Poppy’s fishnet stockings, lace up her shoes, glue the long claws on Anne’s gloves and the short claws onto Charline’s.)
B. (I have to glue the long claws on Charline’s gloves, the short claws on Poppy’s, lace up Anne’s shoes and rip her stockings.)
C. (I have to glue the short claws onto Anne’s glove, the long claws onto Charline’s, lace up Poppy’s shoes and rip her stockings.) (Correct answer)
You will get the Obscuria Corset and the Catgirl Tail. You can choose one of the 10 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Corset is 30 game dollars and the Helmet is 15 game dollars.
Mission 10: (giving the right answer)
Chani: Really? I’m not a great seamstress, but I have some basic skills! Do you think I could offer her my help, too?
A. Of course! Go see her, I’m sure that she’ll be happy to have an extra pair of helping hands.
B. Why not. If you want I can go with you, we can ask her. (Correct answer)
C. I don’t think that’s a very good idea.
You will get the Marionette Garter Belt and the Catgirl Pants. You can choose one of the 10 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Garter Belt is 20 game dollars and the Pants is 25 game dollars.
This was last item of the Catgirl outfit. You will now receive the Wig. You can choose one of the 13 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Wig is 55 game dollars.
Mission 11: (buy something for Rosalya)
You will need to go to town to buy pastries from the bakery. The story line will take you there automatically. You will have to spend 8 game dollars to buy the pastries.
You will get the Obscuria Heels and the Marionette Skirt. You can choose one of the 10 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Heels are 15 game dollars and the Skirt is 40 game dollars.
Mission 12: (finding something on the website)
You borrowed Rosalya’s Thread and can’t remember where you put it. You have to find it on one of the website pages. It can be found in your Dorm Room. Right under the couch.
You will get the Obscuria Gloves and the Marionette Strings. You can choose one of the 10 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Gloves are 25 game dollars and the Skirt is 10 game dollars.
This was last item of the Obscuria and the Marionette outfit. You will now receive the Wigs for both outfits. You can choose one of the 13 color option. If you want to have another color you could buy them in the event shop. The Wigs are both 55 game dollars.

Mission 13:
The final mission is just an end scene. At the end you will get the illustration of the event.
You can see the end scene in the YouTube video part 2. You can find it above in this web-page.