– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 1200 – 1400 AP
Meal 3G
Bag (satchel) 26G
Outfit Lysander & Nathaniel 37G
Outfit Castiel 38G
Outfit Armin & Kentin 44G
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get one out of five in a single play through. The illustration depends on outfit and dialogue choice.
Fairy/Auntie: in the basement. You can find her during the object: you can’t stay in the school cafeteria any longer. Go eat outside. You will get a Spaghetti Bowl.

Hidden item: After you have been to Iris house, you will go home. If you go by the shops, you can buy a bag (satchel).


Outfit Lysander & Nathaniel 37G

Outfit Castiel 38G

Outfit Armin & Kentin 44G
Episode Guide:
You start this episode in front of the school. You are worrying if you will get questions today. Because people may have seen that, you did go to your boyfriend at the end of the party. The first class will start. You have history, and you will sit next to your boyfriend.
A. Are you angry with me? –
B. Are you trying to avoid me?
C. Is everything okay? / Or +
No need to beat around the bush, I know you need to talk.
A. I wanted to know… Are you angry with me?
B. Do you need to talk?
C. I wanted to know… Is everything okay? +
A. Are you angry with me
B. Are you trying to avoid me?
C. I wanted to know… Is everything okay? /
A. Are you mad at me? +
B. Are you trying to avoid me?
C. I wanted to know… Is everything okay? –
No way… What do I have to do for you to understand?
A. Swear to me that it won’t happen again.
B. Besides erasing the utter downfall of the spin the bottle game from my mind, I don’t know…
C. I heard what you said on Saturday. Message received. +
Your next class will be gymnasium. You will talk to some girls in the locker room.
Until the end.
A. What do you mean? /
B. I don’t see what you’re talking about. –
C. (I look at her.) +
And it’s also important to have boys on your team. They are stronger than us and can hold us up more firmly during lifts.
A. What you’re saying is redundant. A girls can very well be stronger than a boy. /
B. Huh… You seem pretty thrilled about this lifting ordeal.
C. I will be sure to choose my team very carefully in that case… /
After your gym lessons, you go home to take a shower. You would walk with Rosa together and you will meet Iris on the way.
So it’s a passionate romance, huh…
A. You’re joking, but seriously it is… +
B. Stop it already! /
C. Of course not, it’s not that… –
A. You’re also going home to eat? /
B. You know, if you need anything, I’m here. We can talk about it… –
C. Are you going to tell me what’s going on? –
The next day will start and you have to choose your outfit.

Outfit Lysander & Nathaniel 37G

Outfit Castiel 38G

Outfit Armin & Kentin 44G
At school, you will walk into a few people before class starts.
You were the one that went and filled Capucine’s head with the idea that it would be a good thing to date that loser!
A. I convinced her of nothing. She chose all by herself. – (- with Charlotte)
B. I just told her that she had to make her own choices. – (- with Charlotte)
C. Yes, that’s exactly it. Too bad for you, right? – (- with Charlotte (with this answer your LOM will drop the most.))
So, was your little party at Iris’s fun?
A. Yes, we had a lot of fun! / (+ Later)
B. It was alright. /
C. Hmm… It went bit sideways towards the end… /
A. (Many of us weren’t very nice with Melody. It’s time to make amends.) /
B. (I don’t want to talk to Melody. I prefer to slip away.) –
If Armin is your boyfriend, these are your options:
A. (I wasn’t very nice with Melody. It’s time I mend things.) /
B. (I don’t want to talk to Melody. I prefer to slip away.) –
Hello (Nickname)
A. What are you doing? /
B. I wanted to talk to you about the party. /
Ahh, there’s the finest of them all!
A. Ahhh, stop it, will you? –
B. I thought Rosa was the finest? +
C. Wow! Today is the day for compliments! /
After attending art class, you will go to the cafeteria.
I’m coming. I just got back from the gym.
A. Did you ask for private lessons from Mr. Boris? /
B. Did you ask for an exemption again? /
C. Did you play basketball with the club? +
A. I’m sorry am I in your way? /
B. I was here first. Move! /
C. (I’m not going to say anything and just take my place behind them in line.) /
Amber will make you fall and your spaghetti will land on your hand. Priya will come to help you. She will take you outside. You will eat at the café, the meal will cost 3G
Now you can find the fairy. She is in the basement. Go back and forward between the basement and the staircase until she pops up.
Are you okay?
A. No… I’m not okay, no. /
B. I already feel a little better, yes… /
C. (I shrugged my shoulders while sniffling.) /
A. I have other things to think about right now. /
B. I pity her really. Her, and her friends. And I don’t want to stoop to their level again. / (+ later)
C. She will never stop. /
It’s in the past now. It was hard, but now, I’ve moved on. Most people you meet are often just passing along. And anyway, what I lived in Tokyo I had already lived before, so…
A. Well, you have such a complicated love life! /
B. Well, you’re filled with sorrows of love! /
C. Well, you haven’t been lucky! /
I think gender has no great importance. You can love a person basked off of their personality, their attitudes or even physically, why not… But whether it’s a girl or a boy, it won’t stop me from being attracted to them.
A. I see. I can understand that, even if I have never been attracted to a girl. /
B. I had never seen things from that angle before. That’s going to make me think. /
You will go back to school. You hear Iris had lost her phone.
The phone can be found in different places. It depends on who your boyfriend is.
Nathaniel in the art room.

Castiel in the garden.

Lysander in the library.

Kentin in the science room.

Armin in the cafeteria.

What’s going on (Nickname)? Did you lose something?
A. No, I… I’m helping Iris find her cellphone. /
B. Hmm… In a way… –
C. No, no. Have you seen Iris by chance? +
What are you doing little nosey parker?
A. I’m not being nosey!
B. Did I ask you why you’re lurking around here?
C. I’m helping Iris find her cellphone. +
But what happened? Did you slip?
A. (I should just tell her the truth.) +
B. (No need to worry her by talking about Amber and her friends.) /
A. I think the entire high school saw me… +
B. And…?
C. I imagine it must have made you laugh too. –
A. (No, no, no. I’ll content myself with just bringing the phone to her and asking her if it’s hers.) /
B. (Come on, just a peak, she will never know…) /
Armin will convince you to look at the phone. You two want to know more about what is going on with Iris. You go to her house to study and try to get a look in a computer.
Well thanks for the confidence.
A. I trust you, but we don’t both need to go. I just don’t want to give her the impression that we’re invading her space. /
B. Don’t be a child, I should be the one to go. –
C. I’m telling you, stay put! +
A. Wrong door!
B. I’m waiting on Iris to come out of her room, so I was just walking around. + (+ later in the conversation)
C. I shouldn’t have come into your room like that, I’m so sorry. +
A. That’s not how you’re going to be able to figure out the social inequalities of the countries in the European Union, you know. –
B. Yes, let’s talk about other things than geography. +
C. Yes, okay… Let’s move. /
Yeah, Alexy always needs me when I’m not there.
A. So that’s what it’s like to have a twin. /
B. And Iris? We have to help her with geography… / (+ with Iris)
C. Alexy is throwing fits… +
After studying, you will walk home together.
Someone wants to hurt Iris. She’s getting really threatening messages.
A. Do you know who’s sending them?
B. Threats? What kind of threats? /
C. But why? What did she do? /
Now you can find a hidden item. Go to the shops. You get an option to buy a bag (satchel). The bag will cost 26G.
A. (Well, it’s too expensive for me and I don’t really need it…)
B. (Well, it’s too expensive for me, that’s true… But I don’t often buy purses for myself…) (Keep the bag)
When you come home, you notice that your parents aren’t there. You will call your boyfriend to ask if he wants to come.
A. What did you go do?
B. If I hadn’t taken the time to get to know Priya, I would have been jealous. +
C. I was a bit sad that you didn’t come talk to me.
Me too, you came to my rescue not that long ago…
A. (I don’t want to go back there…)
B. (If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second.) / (Nathaniel’s illustration)
C. (Maybe he need to talk about his father?)
A. What did you go do?
B. If I hadn’t taken the time to get to know Priya, I would have been jealous. /
C. I was a bit sad that you didn’t come talk to me. +
I will have to watch you closely, you mean.
A. I just need you to be by my side. /
B. Yes, to watch out for my clumsiness… /
C. I don’t need a babysitter! / (Castiel illustration)
A. What did you go do?
B. If I hadn’t taken the time to get to know Priya, I would have been jealous.
C. I was a bit sad that you didn’t come talk to me. +
I’ll help you. I want to be there to protect you.
A. You’re exaggerating… I’ll be fine.
B. I sure hope so!
C. I don’t want to force you to do anything and get you involved in a messed up situation… (Lysander’s illustration)
A. What did you go do? /
B. If I hadn’t taken the time to get to know Priya, I would have been jealous.
C. I was a bit sad that you didn’t talk to me.
I wanted to take part too. Don’t try to stop me.
A. I didn’t see myself starting the investigation without you. (Kentin’s illustration)
B. Are you sure you want to be a part of this?
C. What authority!
A. That’s it, you feel at home now, don’t you?
B. This looks like an indecent proposal…
C. (I laid down next to him, happy to see him so at ease.) (Armin’s illustration)
You will get your illustration.
Episode 34 will end.