– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right, result this page will be updated.
Action points: 1600 – 1800 AP
Groceries 1G
Outfit 67G
Illustrations: 6 Total. You can get 2 out of 6 in a single play trough. Dialogue choices will depend on if you get the illustration.
Fairy/Auntie: Garden. She can be found during the objective: bring the dishes to the living room. You will get a party hat.


Episode Guide:
You will start this episode in the school. You will go to Iris and Alexy to organize a party.
Otherwise, they could always leave when we have the party.
A. Nothing phases you! – (/ with Iris)
B. True, maybe you could ask them Iris? / (- with Iris)
C. If they say no, then what? We lock them in the closet? +
I don’t see which one.
A. The park? / (+ with Iris)
B. The café? / (+ with Iris)
C. A restaurant? / (+ with Iris)
Actually, I’m sure my mom won’t mind. It would also be nice to see all of you outside of school.
A. That’s so sweet of you! +
B. Are you sure you’re okay with organizing everything? /
C. Why did you look so panicky two seconds ago? /
You will go inviting people for the party.
Nathaniel said he may come. It surprises me, but it’s good to see he’s relaxing a bit.
A. It surprises me too, but it’s nice. The more the merrier! /
B. I’m sure you’re happy about that! +
C. Personally, I find him way more relaxed than before. /
If Nathaniel is your boyfriend, these are your options:
Nathaniel said he may come. It surprises me, but it’s good to see he’s relaxing a bit.
A. He doesn’t need a party for that. He’s a lot more relaxed than before. /
B. It doesn’t surprise me
C. Oh he didn’t tell me anything.
A. (It’s better not to mention any of this in front of her, so she doesn’t invite herself…) /
B. (I would love to provoke her a bit…) /
Yes, she just told me about it, but I won’t be able to come.
A. How come? /
B. That’s too bad… +
C. It would be the perfect place for a news coverage! –
Then you go home to ask your parents permission to go. Your mother will give you 10G to buy a nice dress. You will go to the shops.
So… What exactly are you looking for? What kind of style do you like?
A. I don’t know. I trust your judgement! /
B. I want something a little flashier than normal! +
C. Well, you seem to be doing much better now. It’s nice to see. +
You will buy this outfit.

Then you go home to pack everything for the party. Don’t forget your KEYS.

You will have to do some shopping before going to the party. You decide to buy the groceries with your boyfriend.
A. (I took Nathaniel’s hand.) +
B. (I tried to ignore my attraction to Nathaniel and concentrate on what I needed to buy.) /
C. (I chatted with Rosalya.) /
A. (I took the lead of our little group…) /
B. (I walked around staying as close to Castiel as possible…) +
C. (I let Castiel take the lead while I chatted with Rosalya.) /
A. (I didn’t let go of Lysander.) /
B. (I let Lysander walk in front of us as I chatted with Rosalya.) /
C. (I shouldn’t stay glued to Lysander all the time. I’ll take lead of the group and go choose the juice I want to get.)/
A. (Kentin and I exchanged a knowing glance.) +
B. (I let Kentin walk in front while I chatted with Rosalya.) /
C. (I took lead of our little group, already knowing what I’m going to buy.) /
A. (I let Armin go ahead to talk to Rosalya.) /
B. (I tried to pretend that Armin wasn’t my boyfriend.) /
C. (I took Armin by the Arm) +
The groceries you buy will cost 1G. You go to party with Rosalya and your boyfriend. You will get a tour through Iris house.
This is my room.
A. It’s really pretty! +
B. I wasn’t expecting this… /
C. (I don’t have anything to say about this room…) /
Thomas (Iris’ brother):
Oh, you know, okay given the circumstances.
A. What do you mean by that? +
B. You haven’t changed, haha. /
C. Uh, okay… /
Then Priya will come inside and tell you that Violette doesn’t want to come.
It’s Violette, she doesn’t want to come anymore.
A. Oh, why? /
B. That doesn’t surprise me…–
C. Oh no! +
You go with her to convince Violette.
You know I’m not really comfortable in that kind of environment…
A. Yet you came when we slept over at Melody’s. /
B. Iris will be upset if you don’t come. –
C. We would be really happy if you came. +
You will go back to the party together.
Yeah. That kid is weird.
A. He’s different from other kids his age, that’s all. / (/ with Iris)
B. I like him. / (+ with Iris)
C. Totally, he makes me so uncomfortable. / (with- Iris)
Two groups will be made. You will be in the group who invent the activities.
So… What are we going to do?
A. A board game? / (+ with Armin)
B. A musical quiz? / (+ with Priya)
C. We can talk among ourselves. / (+ with Violette)
Are you serious?
A. I find it funny! / (+ with Armin and Alexy)
B. I don’t like it at all. +
C. I don’t really know what to think of it…
You go back inside to tell everyone which activity will be happening at the party.
A. Are you making… A cocktail? /
B. You want to drink… Alcohol?? /
C. You’re making punch?! / (Correct Answer)
Yes, I’m replacing one of my contacts… It was bothering me and I almost lost it.
A. Those tricky contacts… It looks complicated to manage. +
B. You shouldn’t fuss so much… –
C. I’ve tried to put in colored contacts once, you just have to get the hang of it. /
If Kentin is your boyfriend, these are your options:
Yes, I was just repositioning one of my contacts… It was bothering me and I almost lost it.
A. Are you okay? Does it hurt? +
B. I hate to see you inflict that on yourself… /
C. You wouldn’t have that problem if you wore your glasses you know… –
Violette & Melody:
I think everyone can do as they wish.
A. (I’m sure she’s talking about this whole punch debacle. I prefer to stay out of it.)/
B. (I’m sure she’s still talking about this whole punch debacle. I would love to say something.) /
To decide on whose team you are with the hiding activity, you will do a Rock, Paper Scissors game.
A. (…Rock.) + (Win)
B. (…Paper) / (Lose, go against Rosa)
C. (…Scissors.) / (Tie)
Priya: (Tie)
A. (…Rock.) / (Lose, go against Rosa)
B. (…Paper.) + (Win)
A. (…Rock.) / (Win)
B. (…Paper.) / (Win)
C. (…Scissors.) / (Win)
You will go hiding with your boyfriend. In the end you will end up in Iris’ room
It’s none of your business.
A. You’re right, let’s get out of here. / (Towards Priya and Iris illustration)
B. Where has your detective ways gone? / (- with Iris)
A. Well, I have to stop being so curious. / (Towards Priya and Iris illustration)
B. I kind of want to know more. (- with Iris)
A. I still want to know who it is. (- with Iris)
B. You’re right. I have to stop poking in to people’s private lives. (Towards Priya and Iris illustration)
No idea…
A. Well, better not to look. / (Towards Priya and Iris illustration)
B. I’m intrigued… (- with Iris)
You want to look?
A. Yes, I’m too curious. (- with Iris)
B. No, it’s better to stay quiet. (Towards Priya and Iris illustration)
Well, we still have a lot of people to find. While waiting for the game to finish, you can get yourselves something to drink in the kitchen. There are also some appetizers.
A. You mean, we should serve ourselves from the fridge? /
B. Who else is left to find? /
C. Are you very upset with us going into your room? /
What do you want, Nickname?
A. I’d like a soda, please. /
B. I’d like to try the punch, please. /
Can I serve you a glass of something?
A. I’d like a soda, please. /
B. I’d like to try the punch, please. /
What would you like (Nickname)?
A. I’d like a soda, please. /
B. I’d like to try the punch, please. /
I’ll get you something, (Nickname). What will you have?
A. I’d like a soda, please. /
B. I’d like to try the punch, please. /
What can I get you Nickname?
A. I’d like a soda, please. /
B. I’d like to try the punch, please.
You want to talk to someone else, so people don’t think that you have a relationship. The boy who you will talk with has to have a Love’O’Meter above 75 for you to receive your illustration at the end of the episode. The boy you choose will also be the one the bottle ends on with spin the bottle.
A. (I think I’ll go talk to Nathaniel.)
B. (I think I’ll go talk to Castiel.)
C. (I think I’ll go talk to Lysander.)
D. (I think I’ll go talk to Armin.)
E. (I think I’ll go talk to Kentin.)
It’s funny… That after all this time, we are still here enjoying moments like these together.
A. Haha, because you followed me, may I remind you. +
B. So, grandpa, feeling nostalgic are we now? /
C. It makes me really happy. +
A. I’m surprised to see you so relaxed at a party. +
B. I’m surprised that you came. /
C. I’m surprised that we haven’t organized a party like this before. /
A. You too, in a way. +
B. You know, you don’t have to be sarcastic all day long… +
C. Hard not to relax in this type of setting! /
A. What are you thinking about? /
B. (I let out a happy sigh.) +
C. (I forced myself to respect his silence.) /
I didn’t see if Iris had any game consoles… We could probably play together after.
A. Now that you mention it, I haven’t even seen a T.V…
B. That’s a really good idea! I think a lot of people would like it too. /
C. I’m not really interested, it would get in the way of us really getting a chance to talk. +
After you have talked to the boy, Iris will ask your help to set the table.
This is the time when can meet the fairy. Don’t go after Iris. Go to the garden. Go back and forward between the garden and the patio until you meet her.
You are going to eat pizza. You will go to the bathroom to wash your hands. Don’t forget your bracelet.

On your way back to the living room you come across Iris’ room.
A. (I prefer to go eat, I don’t want to bother Iris even more than I already have.) / (Towards Priya and Iris illustration)
B. (I’ll just go check her room really quickly and then leave…)
After eating pizza you all have to write down a truth or dare. Melody is the one who has to do your truth or dare.
A. (First of all, I prefer writing down a truth question.) /
B. (First of all, I prefer writing down a dare.) /
A. (I’ll stay soft. I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable.) /
B. (I’m going to write down something rather bold…) /
The truth or dare game will start. You spin the bottle and the one who it lands on has to do a truth or dare.
A. Everything okay, Iris?
B. (I looked at her with an enquiring expression.) /
C. (I’ve already bothered Irish enough today, I won’t ask any more questions.) / (Priya and Iris illustration)
If you answered everything right you will get Iris’ and Priya’s illustration.
After this, the bottle will land on you. You will have to spin the bottle and it lands on the boy who you chose previously to go to. If you are on Armin’s route, he has to spin the bottle to kiss someone.
I have to kiss someone?
A. No! /
B. (Don’t say anything… I’m about to explode, that would reveal our secret…) /
C. Apparently… / (Armin’s illustration)
In the end the kiss won’t happen because your boyfriend gets upset and runs to the garden. You will go talk to him and receive your illustration. If you are on Armin’s route, he has to kiss Melody. The kiss won’t happen because you run into the garden and Armin goes after you. You will receive your illustration.
You will go back inside. Everyone is making themselves ready to leave. The episode will end.