– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 1.050 – 1.100 AP
Nathaniel 1.074 AP
Lysander 1.070 AP
Castiel 1.074 AP
Fairy 6 AP
Outfit Nathaniel 16G
Outfit other 21G
Candles 7G
Bus ticket 2G
Outfit Kentin 30G
Outfit Lysander 27G
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get 2 out of 5 in a single replay. You can get the one with Nathaniel and one with one of the other boys. The illustration depends on dialogue, LOM and outfit. For the one with Nathaniel, you need an LOM above 65.
Note: I am still working on this guide. You can get Nathaniel’s, Lysander’s and Castiel’s illustrations with it. The others will come later.
Fairy/Auntie: in the science room. You can find her while you are looking for Rosalya, after you have a talk with Nathaniel in classroom B when he has a black eye. It will cost you 6 AP, and she will give you a Panda Kigurumi.

Hidden Items: Scented candles can be found in the bathroom of Amber’s and Nathaniel’s house. They can be put on your dresser or used in episode replays. When you play a single episode replay, you don’t have to pay for the candles and can go directly to the bus stop. (Only works in episode replays not in story replays.)


Outfit Other 21G

Outfit Nathaniel 16G

Outfit Kentin 30G

Outfit Lysander 27G

Outfit Castiel + Armin 33G
Episode guide:
You start this episode in your room. You are getting your things ready to go to Amber’s house. Your mother also talked a bit with you before you leave to go to the shops. At the shops, you get to see Rosa and get a new pyjama.

Outfit Other 21G

Outfit Nathaniel 16G
After getting your pyjama, go home. Then walk towards the high school. On your way you can see Castiel.
Castiel: What a scaredy-cat… He was just saying hi.
A. Y-Yeah, but he could have jumped on me! /
B. Uh, well, he is scary when he barks! +5
C. He didn’t scare me, you did! –
Amber will not appear in front of the school. Go back home. There you will have a call from Amber, she will give you her address. If you are playing this for the first time or didn’t pick up the candles in Amber’s bathroom, you need to buy candles at the dollar shop for 7G. Go to the bus stop. A ticket cost 2G. Nathaniel will open the door when you arrive at the house. Then follow Amber to her room and go then to the dining room. There you see Nathaniel’s and Amber’s parents.
Nathaniel’s and Amber’s parents: (Choice)
A. A-And, where is Nathaniel? /
B. Can I help you set the table? /
Go to get Nathaniel from his room.
Nathaniel: Are you going to tell me what you are doing here?
A. Maybe I wanted to spend some time with you… /
B. I told you, Amber and I are starting off on new terms! -5
Nathaniel: So…?
A. I came to find you… Your parents want you to come set the table. –
B. So…? /
Go back to the dining room.
Nathaniel’s and Amber’s Dad: Excuse me, Miss. Normally, my son knows how to properly set a table.
A. It’s okay… / with Nathaniel and his dad
B. He doesn’t deserve for you to get angry at him like that, though… – with Nathaniel and / with his dad
Go back to Amber’s room. Then leave the room, you can go to the bathroom and pick up there the candle you bought for Amber. If you pick up the candle, you don’t have to buy it in a single replay.

Go back to Amber’s room. Then go to the bathroom. Then go back to Amber’s room.
Amber: What is wrong with you? This is the second time that you’ve worn the same clothes as me! (If you choose the blue pyjama)
A. If you think that I did it on purpose… /
B. I don’t know, maybe my only goal in life is to look like you? /
Go to Nathaniel’s room.
Nathaniel: It wasn’t that bad.
A. I-I… Nath… / Illustration with Nathaniel (LOM needs to be higher than 65)
B. It’s not nothing either… /
Go back to Amber’s room. The next day will start. Walk around the school until you see Amber.
Alexy and Violette: Choice:
A. (Talk to Alexy) – with Alexy and / with Violette
B. (Talk to Violette) / with Violette and Alexy
After you have talked with Amber, go to the gym, then to the locker room. There you see Dake.
Dake: And here is the most beautiful of them all! If I knew I would run into you in the locker room…
A. Dake… Why are you still at our school? /
B. Dake! I’m happy to see you so often at school! +
C, Oh no, not you! (I already have enough issues to handle without him being around!) -5
Dake: I couldn’t resist my desire to stay and talk to you a bit more.
A. You should really think about registering at Sweet Amoris. +
B. Listen, I have other issues to handle, right now. /
C. That’s nice but… +5
Dake: At least we had a nice time together at the mall, right, beautiful?
A. Yes, that’s true. +5
B. It was by chance. /
Go back to courtyard and talk with Rosalya.
Candy: (Choice)
A. It’s decided, I’m going to tell Kentin everything. / towards illustration with Kentin
B. It’s decided, I’m going to tell Lysander everything. / towards illustration with Lysander
C. It’s decided, I’m going to tell Armin everything. / towards illustration with Armin
D. It’s decided, I’m going to tell Castiel everything. / towards illustration with Castiel
You will go home for lunch and change your outfit.

Outfit Kentin 30G

Outfit Lysander 27G

Outfit Armin + Castiel 33G
Walk around the school until you have talked to the boy of your choices.
Kentin: Is everything okay, (nickname)?
A. Yes, don’t worry. /
B. I’ve had better days. / (More choices)
Kentin: What’s wrong? (If you choose; I’ve had better days.)
A. Oh, nothing… It will pass, I think. +
B. I can’t tell you. Sorry. -5
Castiel: Do you have a problem?
A. Uh, no, no. /
B. Yeah, but I don’t really want to talk about it. –
Lysander: You look pensive today.
A. Oh, yeah? -5
B. I have a few issues… +
Armin: At the same time, there’s nothing more frustrating than losing at Lol because of my internet connection.
A. There is worse, I think. / (More choise)
B. Oh, I like that MOBA. / (More choices)
C. LoL, like… Laugh out loud? –
Armin: What’s your favorite map? (If you choose; Oh, I like that MOBA.)
A. Crystal Scrape –
B, Twisted Treeline +
Armin: You say that because you’ve never played. (If you choose; There is worse, I think.)
A. Online games aren’t really my thing. +
B. Maybe. Can you show me some day? +5
Lysander: And you shouldn’t have to take care of things alone. I’ll be there to help you.
A. I don’t know how to thank you… +5
B. Are you sure? You don’t have to, you know.
Castiel: So that’s the info of the day? Mr. Student President got a little spanking by his dad? Ha ha!That’s a good one!
A. (This time he’s gone too far, he doesn’t have the right to laugh at such a situation!) / illustration with Castiel
B. (He didn’t understand anything, I regret having told him.) /
Castiel: Do you want me to stay with you?
A. I would like that. If I stay alone, I might back down. –
B. I-I can do it on my own. Don’t bother. +5
If you choose Lysander to talk to, walk through the whole school until you decide to make the call in town. Walk to the café.
If you choose Castiel to talk to, go up the stairs to make the call.
Lysander: I’ll make the call. I don’t think you need to take on another responsibility.
A. No, that’s nice of you, but I should be the one to do it. /
B. I… Okay. / Illustration with Lysander
Lysander: Even if the assistant doesn’t find anything, maybe Nathaniel will talk about his problems.
A. I doubt it.
B. Maybe… +5
Castiel: I always knew you were mamma’s girl…
A. Pfff… +5
B. You know what she has to say to you, this mamma’s girl? –
The boy you choose to talk to, will take you home.
Lysander: I’m sorry, but I have to go. It will be dark by the time I get home.
A. Okay. See you tomorrow. And thanks for walking me home! /
B. Try not to get lost for once! +5
Castiel: Don’t get to upset for now. Let things happen.
A. I’ll try. +5
B. That’s impossible. /
Go inside your house and talk to your mother. A few days later, you go back to school. The prince pall is talking with Nathaniel and his parents. Go to the second hallway to listen to the conversation. Nathaniel yelled at you, go to the basement. The boy you choose to tell everything will come to you. Then get out of the basement, you will see Rosalya. Then walk around the school, until you read that the story will skip a few days, and you are on your way home.
Kentin: Whoa, calm down. It’s just me!
A. Phew, I’m reassured. /
B. You scared me… +5
When you get home, you have a nice conversation with your mom, and then the next day starts. When you enter the school, you will talk to Peggy and Rosalya. Then you start to look for Amber. Walk around the school until you see Li and Charlotte. On the way, you will see Alexy.
Alexy: So, what’s your excuse?
A. I… I’m maybe a bit involved in Nathaniel’s disappearance. +
B. I’ll tell you about it later. -5
Once you have seen Li and Charlotte, you find out that Amber isn’t at school today. Walk further until you see Rosalya.
Rosalya: (Choice)
A. (I would like to go with Rosa, after all, she told me I could count on her.) / (You will go with Rosalya to Nathaniel’s house)
B. (I would like to go with a boy, I think I would feel more reassured.) / (You will go with the boy you told Nathaniel’s story to Nathaniel’s house)
Go looking for Lysander/Kentin/Armin/Castiel and then go to the bus stop near school. Or go directly with Rosalya to the bus stop near school. Then you arrive at Nathaniel’s house and talk with his mother. Nathaniel is not home, and you are not allowed to go inside. In front of the door, you talk a bit with the person you came to the house.
Lysander: Don’t worry. Nathaniel will have to come to school some time or another.
A. And what if his mom was making him stay home, as payback? / or +
B. But, it’s strange that it’s taking this long, don’t you think? /
Castiel: Don’t tell me you would invite her to a pyjama party.
A. Can you stay serious for two minutes? /
B. I’ll think about it. +5
You go back home, the next day starts, you are in the courtyard. Go outside the courtyard and then back to the courtyard. You get to talk with Rosalya. Then go looking around the school for Nathaniel until you find him.
Nathaniel: I was just thinking that it was strange you hadn’t come to see me yet.
A. You were waiting for me? -5
B. Did you finally understand that it’s because I care about you? /
Go look for Rosalya, then walk around until the next day starts. You will be in the hallway talking with Iris. Go look for Nathaniel at the staircase and follow him to Classroom B. There, Nathaniel tells you what happened. Then go find Rosalya again. In the meantime, you can find Auntie in the science classroom. Her part costs 6 AP, and she will give you a Panda Kigurumi.

After you have, find Rosalya in the courtyard. Walk around the school until you see Castiel.
Lysander: However, I noticed that they talked, the two of them. And since you weren’t very far away, I figured that Castiel was able to help, in one way or another.
A. You are confident! / or +
B. That’s because you know Castiel well.
After talk with Castiel walk around until you see Rosalya. She will tell you that someone wants to talk to you, and then the episode ends.