– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 100 – 150 AP
Ken 122AP
Castiel 122AP
Nathaniel 122AP
Fairy/Auntie 4AP
Outfit Castiel 21G
Outfit Nathaniel 20G
Outfit Ken 16G
Illustrations: 4 in total. You can get 2 out of 4 in a single play through. The illustration depends on outfit.
Fairy/Auntie: in the garden. You can find her when you are walking back and forward between Castiel and Nathaniel with the absent note. You will get a Rainbow Ball Bracelet.


Outfit Nathaniel 20G

Outfit Castiel 21G

Outfit Ken 16G
Episode Guide:
This episode starts in the hallway. You are talking with Amber. She is bothering you. You go to Ken, Nathaniel and Castiel to talk about it.
Ken: Hi (NickName)
A. Ken, what did you tell those girls?! +
B. Ken, did those three girls come and bother you? +
C. You!!! Stop telling people that nonsense! Especially to those three! –
Ken: W…well not really, I told them that you were the love of my life. Then they took my pocket money too. Wh…why do you ask me that? You want to go out with me?
A. Are you crazy? Never! And if you say once more that we’re going out together, to anyone…. –
B. What do you mean they took your money? +
C. M…maybe, but that’s their problem, watch what you say though! +
Ken: Yes, they pushed me down on the ground and took my money, saying they wanted to go to eat lunch in a restaurant instead of the cafeteria.
A. Do you have enough money left for me? /
B. You can’t let people do that to you! Be a man! –
C. Did they take a lot? Tell me how much and I can reimburse you if you want. +
Ken: B…but they pushed me on the ground! And there were three of them, what could I do?!!! Did they do something to you too?
A. Did they give you a photocopy? /
B. Yeah, they made fun of me! +
C. No, no nothing happened…. +
Ken: What did they do to you? If I wasn’t so afraid of them, I’d defend you!
A. Forget about it.–
B. It’s pointless for me to talk to you about it, you can’t even defend yourself. –
C. Ah, it’s nothing, be careful though.+
Nathaniel: Hi, so what’s new? Is everything working out for you?
A. (cry a bit) /
B. Could I ask you why my picture for my file is scribbled on and plastered all over the school. /
C. There are some girls here who really don’t like me and are trying their best for me to know it. –
Nathaniel: Listen, I’m sorry, I don’t know how anyone got a hold of your picture.
A. You’re not a very good student body president! –
B. …is it you? –
C. Can’t you do anything? Dish out some punishment to those who did it! +
Nathaniel: Pests? Who are you talking about?
A. They’re always together, and Amber, the blond girl mentioned you. In any case, they are real idiots the three of them. +
B. They’re always together, and Amber, the blond girl mentioned you. In any case it’s clear she’s the worst of the three, and I think she likes you, so be warned. –
C. Those three girls, especially Amber….She’s a real #@=?!!!! –
Castiel: (NickName), what are you doing here?
A. Nothing much, what about you? –
B. I’m trying to avoid three stupid girls. /
C. I’m avoiding this guy, he’s a real drag… +
Castiel: A real drag? You’re talking about Nathaniel, aren’t you?
A. I was actually thinking about a guy I know who followed me here to this school. /
B. Yeah, he’s a bit of a pain! +
C. No, actually you’re the one who’s the drag…What has Nathaniel ever done to you anyway? –
Castiel: Of course, just like half of the school.
A. You think that’s funny, huh? Maybe you had something to do with it? –
B. It’s not funny! It wasn’t your picture being put up all around school. +
C. Go head, make fun of me! I don’t care… /
Castiel: Just like that? And anyway, I don’t even know who’s responsible.
A. It was those three stupid girls! /
B. I see, just forget it. /
C. Please, help me… –
Castiel: Ah ha, you’re talking about Nathaniel’s sister and her friends? If there was an award or being stuck up pains, they would win it.
A. So you’ll help me? +
B. That’s for sure….But I didn’t do anything to them to deserve this. –
C. I’ll find a way to get them back someday. +
Castiel: Ah ha, and what exactly am I supposed to do? Go rough them up a bit?
A. You would do that? I’ll even pay you if you want! –
B. You’re horrible, I wouldn’t go that far! –
C. Haha, go for it, with a bit of luck you just might beat them in a fight. I’ll be the referee. +
Castiel: Ha, wait! What do you mean with a bit of luck? Are you trying to test my patience? (He punches me and flashes me a smile)
A. (Laugh and Leave) /
B. (Laugh and punch him back) +
You will see the principal. She will ask you in which club you like to participate.
Mrs. Shermansky: Miss (Nickname), just a minute please. I would like you to take part in some of the school activities. A club would be a great place to start. The Basketball club and the gardening club both could use some help at the moment. I’ll let you decide, where would you like to lend a hand?
A. I think I would prefer helping out the basketball club. (You join the basketball club)
B. I think I would prefer helping out the gardening club. (You join the gardening club)
If you choose the basketball club
You are going to ask around if someone knows where it is.
Nathaniel: Do you need something?
A. The principal said someone needed to help out with the basketball club. Can you send someone please? –
B. Do you know anyone in the basketball club? +
C. Can you show me where the basketball club is? /
Nathaniel: Well, I have to admit that I don’t spend much time at the clubs, I don’t know much about them, sorry…
A. (Insist) –
B. (Don’t Insist) /
Ken: Yes! The principal asked me to. I’m sure that you chose the gardening club, just like me, right?
A. Um, well guess you guessed wrong. +
B. In fact, I prefer basketball. +
C. Well…I’m glad I chose the basketball club I guess. –
Ken: Aw….If I had only known. Do you think I could change?
A. No! Gardening suits you! +
B. Don’t even try it! Stop following me around everywhere! –
C. I don’t know, you’d have to ask the principal. +
Ken: I asked the principal if I could change groups but she said no.
A. Good thing! –
B. Ah. That’s ok. /
C. You’ll be taking care of flowers, that’s good too. +
Ken: I’m still disappointed though…
A. By the way, you wouldn’t know where the basketball club is by any chance? /
B. (Leave) /
Ken: Oh I’m sorry, I was talking about the gardening club, I don’t know where the basketball club is.
A. Ah, that’s ok, anyone can make a mistake. I’ll go see if I can find it. +
B. … You’re one messed up guy…. –
C. Don’t you listen? –
Ken: I know where the basketball club is!
A. That’s alright, I know where it is. +
B. You’re as useless as ever, I already know where it is. –
C. Thanks, that’s nice of you but someone already showed me where it is. +
Castiel: Maybe
A. Could you give me a straight answer once in a while? You’re really annoying! –
B. Please, can you show me where it is? /
C. Or maybe not? +
Castiel: Ah, yeah I know. So what? What do I get out of showing you where it is?
A. Uh… /
B. The pleasure of my company? +
C. Nothing, but you could do it anyway, couldn’t you? /
Castiel: And why are you looking for the club exactly?
A. Something like mandatory participation in a school club, I think. +
B. The principal asked me to help out a club. –
C. I’m not sure, but I’m supposed to help out a club. /
Castiel: There you go. Across the schoolyard, on the left, that’s the garden club. You know what you’re supposed to do at least?
A. Um..no. +
B. You’re not going to help me? –
C. Do you know? /
Someone will take you to the club, it depends on who has highest LOM.
When you are at the club, you have to find basketballs.
Nathaniel: No, why? You have to find the club’s basketballs, right?
A. Yes. I’m having a hard time finding them, it’s a pain. –
B. Yes, I’m looking for them…It’s something to do at least. +
C. Humpf…Yeah, I’ve been looking everywhere but I can’t find them… +

Gardening club
You are going to ask around if someone knows where it is.
Nathaniel: Do you need something?
A. The principal said someone needed to help out with the gardening club. Can you send someone please? –
B. Do you know anyone in the gardening club? +
C. Can you show me where the gardening club is? /
Nathaniel: Well, I have to admit that I don’t spend much time at the clubs, I don’t know much about them, sorry…
A. (Insist) –
B. (Don’t Insist) /
Castiel: The gardening club? Why would I know where that is? That’s for girls.
A. I didn’t have a choice, and the basketball club was even less tempting. –
B. Are you kidding me? You didn’t land here yesterday, did you? You should know where it is, at least. +
C. Well, well…”for girls” huh. That’s not surprising coming from you. –
Castiel: I think that Iris helps out over there sometimes. But I’m not sure that she’s a member.
A. Cool, you can be helpful when you put your mind to it. (a friendly tap on the shoulder) +
B. Thanks, see it’s not too hard to be helpful. –
C. Do you know where she is? /
Ken: You’re not pleased? But we can garden together, it’ll be great!
A. Yes, I’m sure we’re going to have fun. +
B. I think I’m going to ask the principal if I can change. /
C. But I’m not going to garden with you. –
Ken: (You Start Discussion)
A. Do you know anything about plants? +
B. Do you at least know anyone in the gardening club? +
C. Why did you choose the gardening club? –
Ken: (NickName)! I was coming to find you but I see you’ve found the gardening club all on your own. It’s nice, isn’t it?
A. Oh you’re here too, should we look for something to do? +
B. Are you still following me or what? –
C. (sigh) /
Ken: (You Start Discussion)
A. We should split up and try to manage each on his own. –
B. I think you have to go and look for plants, in the forest! /
C. We’ll have a look around, ok? There might be something…. +
Someone will take you to the club, it depends on who has highest LOM.
When you are at the club, you find out that you have to put plants in the school. If you put the fig tree in the student council room, your LOM with Nathaniel will go higher.
Ken: Ah, that’s really nice! I watered the plants in the schoolyard.
A. Do you need help? +
B. I don’t care what you do? –
C. Ok…well, I haven’t finished yet, I’m off! +
Castiel: So, what are you doing?
A. I have to put these plants in a classroom and the student council room. /
B. I didn’t think you were interested in plants? Well, I have to put them in a classroom and the student council room. +
C. Something. –
Castiel: Ah, what are you going to put in each room?
A. Well, I thought I’d put the fig tree in the classroom and the mimosa in the student council room. +
B. Well, I thought I’d put the fig three in the student council room, and the mimosa in the classroom. +
C. Not really, any ideas? +
Castiel: If I were you, I’d put the fig tree in the classroom and the bouquet of mimosas in the student council room.
A. Ah… I’ll do the opposite then. –
B. Ok, I’ll do that then. –
Nathaniel will come to you to ask you to bring an absent note to Castiel. Walk back and forward between them, you can also find the fairy in the garden.
Nathaniel: Ah, I’m glad you’re here, I was heading for the schoolyard. Can you do me a favor?
A. No, I don’t think so. –
B. Yes, of course. +
C. What kind of favor? +
Nathaniel: Well I have an absentee note that Castiel needs to sign, and frankly the less I see of him, the better. Can you get him to sign it as bring it back to me please?
A. Don’t you think that’s you’re job? But ok, if I’m supposed to be at the service of the student body president…. –
B. Ok, no problem. /
C. Castiel?… He’s not east to get along with, but I’ll try my best. +
Castiel: (You Start Discussion)
A. Sign this please. –
B. So you cut class again? I’ve got a note for you to sign. +
C. Nathaniel gave me an absentee note for you to sign please. –
Nathaniel: He’s as stubborn as a mule, you have to insist a bit more and he’ll sign.
A. Ok, I’ll try again… +
B. Humpf! You talk of a favor…. –
C. Yeeaah….but that guy gets on my nerves. +
Castiel: What now?
A. Look, sign this and we can forget about it. –
B. You really don’t want to sign this? –
C. He’s insisting you know…. +
Nathaniel: So?
A. So…he said if you were a man, you’d go ask him yourself. /
B. “Come and ask me yourself if you’re a man!” (imitate Castiel’s voice) +
C. Your a guy, your’re the student body president, you go ask him yourself! –
Ken: Not much, do you need help?
A. Maybe, how did you know? +
B. No, not from you anyway. –
C. Yes, can you do me a favor? +
Ken: Of course I can!
A. Thanks Ken, you’re great. (Give the absentee note to ken) +
B. Hmm… No, don’t worry about it, I’ll do it myself. (Keep the absentee note) /
Iris: Of course, what do you need?
A. Can you take this note to Castiel and get him to sign it, then take it to Nathaniel please? –
B. Nathaniel asked me to get Castiel to sign this absentee note… I’m not sure how to go about it. +
Castiel: What now?! Good grief, you’re persistent!
A. Eh… I know, but Nathaniel keeps pushing me too… /
B. Like you mentioned earlier, a real man accepts his responsibilities, so just sign it, that’s all. –
C. Well…he said if you were a man you would accept your responsibilities and sign it. So, if you wouldn’t mind…. –
Castiel: I understand, but I’m as stubborn as he is. I’m not signing anything. And I’m sure he’s just doing this so that I might get expelled from school.
A. Ok listen, I’m tired of all this, sign it and if you are not happy, take it up with him. (Force Castiel to sign the absentee note) – with Castiel and + with Nathaniel
B. What, really? I don’t want you to get expelled, forget about the note, I’ll give back to him. (Don’t get Castiel to sign the absentee not) + with Castiel and – with Nathaniel
Then the moment for the illustration comes.

Outfit Nathaniel 20G

Outfit Castiel 21G

Outfit Ken 16G
When you have the highest LOM with Castiel or Nathaniel; there will be fight between them. You can choose if you come up for Nathaniel or Castiel.
When you have the highest LOM with Ken, he will walk you home.
Then the episode will end.