– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 550 – 800 AP
Nathaniel 610 AP
Kentin 618 AP
Lysander 574 AP
Armin 766 AP
Castiel 644 AP
Fairy 4 AP
Underwear (lingerie) 6G
Outfit Nathaniel & Kentin 18G
Outfit Armin & Castiel 14G
Outfit Lysander 15G
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get one out of five in a single play through. The illustrations depend on outfit LOM and dialogue choices.
Fairy/Auntie: In this episode there are three moments you can find the fairy. When you go looking for Penny, she is in the gym. When you try to find out what the boys think of your outfit, she is in the student council room. And after you have saved the rabbits, she is in the gardening club. Her part cost 4 AP, and she will give you Rabbit Ears.


Underwear (lingerie) 6G

Outfit Nathaniel & Kentin 18G

Outfit Armin & Castiel 14G

Outfit Lysander 15G
Episode guide:
You start this episode in the hallway. You are talking with Alexy.
Alexy: Tell her that you aren’t mad at her!
A. She should already know that, right? /
B. Alright… But it’s just to make you happy. /
C. But I am! /
You go looking for Peggy. She is in the student council room. This is the first moment you can find the fairy, she is at the gym.
Armin: Yeah, of course! They are dark and make superstitious people uncomfortable. Plus, when they caw, they at least make a real noise!
A. Yeah, it’s true that their black feathers are very beautiful. +
B. I find the cawing of a crow more annoying than a bird. –
C. They scare me… /
Lysander: If I was absent, would you worry about me as much?
A. Of course! Even more! +
B. Not as much no. –
C. That depends on the circumstances. /
Rosalya: Of course! I was serious before! We need to do something! You want to catch a guy’s attention, right?
A. No, all the guys in school are ugly… /
B. Y-Yes… /
After you have found Peggy, walk back to the hallway. There you will see Nathaniel. He will tell you that Castiel has to come back to school tomorrow. You leave the school and walk towards your house.
Kentin: Do you want to continue your walk with me? We could go to the park near your place!
A. Well, I’ve been outside for a while now. I think I’d rather go home. /
B. If you want! / (Another choice)
Kentin: I don’t understand why you are always talking about how pitiful I was before. (If you answered the content of B)
A. You weren’t pitiful! /
B. I like to make you suffer. +
Armin: Yeah, but games are expensive! But I can still offer you a glass of lemonade!
A. OK! Let’s go then! / (Another choice)
B. No, I would prefer not to, I’m going home. /
Armin: Are you serious? (If you answered the content of A)
A. Do I look like I like ribbons? +
B. What? It’s cute… –
Castiel: …And why are you looking at me like that?
A. Did you buy your new clothes on sale? /
B. I wasn’t expecting to see you with new clothes, that’s all… +
C. You finally threw out your horrible brown jacket? –
The next day will start. You go looking for Rosalya and Castiel. They are in Classroom B.
After you have seen them, go back to the hallway. There you will talk with Nathaniel and Castiel. Castiel will drag you to the courtyard. Go back to the hallway to talk with Nathaniel.
Then you try to find Castiel again. He is in Classroom B.
Castiel: No… She just said that it’s in my records and that she promised to tell my parents at the next teacher-parent meeting. I also have a detention, but I don’t know if I’m going to go.
A. Admit that you went looking for trouble this time… +
B. Don’t be an idiot, you have to go! –
Leave the school, you will see Rosalya. She will take you out shopping. Walk towards the shops. You have to buy some underwear, they cost 6G. Then you have to buy your outfit.
Rosalya: It’s up to you to tell me! Try to see what outfit you think will please the boy you like the most!
A. I would like to please Lysander… + with Lysander and / with Armin, Castiel, Nathaniel and Kentin (Towards Lysander’s illustration)
B. I would like to please Nathaniel… / with Armin, Castiel, Nathaniel and Kentin and – with Lysander (Towards Nathaniel’s illustration)
C. I would like to please Kentin… / with Armin, Castiel, Nathaniel and Kentin and – with Lysander (Towards Kentin’s illustration)
D. I would like to please Armin… / with Armin, Kentin and Castiel and – with Nathaniel and Lysander (Towards Armin’s illustration)
E. I would like to please Castiel… / with Armin, Kentin and Castiel and – with Nathaniel and Lysander (Towards Castiel’s illustration)

Underwear (lingerie) 6G

Outfit Nathaniel & Kentin 18G

Outfit Armin & Castiel 14G

Outfit Lysander 15G
After buying your outfit, go to your home.
The next day will start. You are in the hallway and go to look for Castiel, Nathaniel, Kentin, Armin and Lysander. Walk around the school. This is the second moment you can find the fairy. She is in the student council room.
Castiel: I change clothes, then you… If I run into a wall, will you follow me?
A. No, run into a wall on your own. +
B. Rosalya made me get new clothes… –
Kentin: Sorry, I didn’t even notice, so I don’t really know what to say.
A. Don’t worry, I didn’t buy the clothes for you anyway. /
B. Just tell me if you think I look pretty! +
Armin: You’re cute like that!
A. So, I’m not usually cute?! +
B. Shoot, it wasn’t you would I wanted to please… /
After talking with all of them. Go to the hallway. There you will see Rosalya and Nathaniel talking. They are going to do something together after school. Walk again to the next room. You decide to follow them. So you leave the school. On your way home, you see Nathaniel.
Nathaniel: Y-Yeah… I wanted a change.
A. Phew! You finally got rid of those horrible pants! /
B. You look nice! I like the idea for your tie! +
C. Oh no! You were much better before… –
Walk to your house. The next day will start. Follow the teachers to the science room. There you will see little rabbits. Then follow Peggy to Classroom B. There your whole class will be. You decide together to save the rabbits. Go back to the science room. Take some rabbits and go to the courtyard. You will give you Rabbit to Violette. Then go back to the hallway. You will see Capucine and Peggy. They think they got the last Rabbit. Walk back to the courtyard. There you will see the boy you have the highest LOM with. He and you will go check the science room again for a Rabbit. But before you do that, you can meet the fairy in the gardening club. This is the last moment you can.
Lysander: *whisper* Is it a teacher?
A. No, I don’t think so, it must be a student coming to help us. (Illustration with Lysander)
B. Maybe! We should hide! /
Armin: (Choice)
A. I’d like to play too! (Illustration with Armin)
B. Can we play together? /
Castiel: Great, I’m locked in the science room with a little girl and a rabbit!
A. Castiel, please… I’m locked in too. /
B. Pass your bad mood on to someone else! (Illustration with Castiel)
Nathaniel: Careful, he’s running towards you!
A. (Move to the right) (Illustration with Nathaniel)
B. (Move to the left)