It is Music Day on My Candy Love. It starts 16 June 2022, and it will last until 26 June 2022. So you have 11 days to complete this event. In this event, you have to make masks. You get to see it for a few seconds, and then you have to remake it. Try to get as many masks done as you can in 40 seconds. Every time you play, you have to give a bow. You get three bows every day, you can also play again for 50 AP or buy a mask for 10 AP. After every 7 masks, you will get an item for the Gentle Hide outfit. After you have made 35 masks, it is time for the dates.
You get to go on a date with every love interest. Every date cost a bow or 50 AP. On those dates, you will have to answer four choices. Every choice cost a bow or 50 AP. When you answer wrong, you can try again. After every date, you will get an item of the Red Velvet Outfit and an illustration.
There is also a community bar. You can fill it by making masks. But it is a group effort. Because it depends on how many masks, everyone that my candy love plays make. So if the whole community makes enough makes, you will get the Baroque Window bonus.
You can also get one outfit at the bank. In total, you can get 5 illustrations, 3 outfits and 1 bonus item.

Here you can see the answers for the choices on the date:
Hyun: (Choice)
A. And to be honest, I’d find it even more romantic if we played the surprise card. (correct answer)
B. But I guess we can match the rest of our outfits, that would be nice.
C. So, if you don’t mind, I’ll take care of designing our outfits! I’ll call Dambi tomorrow, and…
Hyun: You bet I am! Dambi and I have worked hard! So much so that I’m afraid you won’t recognize me!
A. Could you give me a hint, then? (correct answer)
B. Don’t tell me anything, that’s part of the game!
C. But of course I will! I’ll always recognize you! I love you and you are unique to me. Never forget that.
Hyun: (Choice)
A. (Ah! There he is! He may have his back turned towards me… That grey suit enhanced with brocade, that’s exactly his style!)
B. (That silhouette, over there, in that midnight blue suit studded with silver. I would recognize him anywhere!) (correct asnwer)
C. (Is that you over there in that jet-gold outfit? Looks good.)
Hyun: So, beautiful stranger? How would you like to enjoy this magical night?
A. Will you grant me the first dance? (correct answer)
B. How about we drink a glass of champagne?
C. (I couldn’t resist. I pulled him towards me and kissed him passionately.)
Priya: I’ll just have to choose the color… I’ll need a dominant tint and some brocade…
A. Why not blue and silver? You’ll be like a starry night…
B. Maybe something with purple and bronze? You’d be… captivating!
C. Red and gold could be beautiful, don’t you think? (correct answer)
Priya: (Choice)
A. Should we rent a limo to get to the ball? It’s a bit like the modern coach.
B. Will you be able to dance in your outfit? I would love to waltz with you.
C. What if we went to the ball separately? That way, we’ll be able to enjoy discovering each other there! (correct answer)
Priya: (Choice)
A. (I’m going to get us two glasses of wine, to toast to our reunion.) (correct answer)
B. (I’ll surprise her, it’ll be fun. I slipped through the crowd to get behind her.)
C. (And why make her wait any longer? I walked over, and saw her eyes light up when she recognized me.)
Priya: (choice)
A. Come, my love, let’s dance!
B. How about some champagne?
C. (I got a little closer to her, to better immerse ourselves in this whirlwind of feelings.) (correct answer)
Castiel: Ah… Are you sure you don’t want us to do something together, quietly?
A. Yet I can already see us there… Me, behind my mask looking for you in the crowd… And you in a sumptuous costume… I’m sure you’d be sublime. (correct answer)
B. But… I’ve already imagined everything. Come on… It will be so romantic.
C. As you wish, I’ll find someone else to accompany me. Pancake, how about an enchanting evening?
Castiel: Honestly, I’m not even sure you’ll find me tonight.
A. And I am convinced of the opposite. I would recognize you among a thousand, Castiel.
B. That’s part of the game… Why put on a mask if not to cause doubt…? (correct answer)
C. You’re not coming after all, are you?
Castiel: (choice)
A. (I’ll show them… Wait a minute!)
B. (I can attract a crowd too, and I’m going to show him!)
C. (I’ll just watch the scene.) (correct answer)
Castiel: May I have this dance, beautiful stranger?
A. You’re far too irresistible for me to refuse, sir. But let’s be quick, my husband isn’t far away.
B. With joy, my love! I was beginning to wonder if they would give us the chance.
C. At the risk of making some people jealous… with great pleasure! (correct answer)
Nathaniel: Do you have any ideas for the gift? I’m so bad in that department…
A. Yael told me about an artist that creates dinosaur themed pieces… (correct answer)
B. We could get him tickets to a concert. That would make up for Music Day.
C. I’d be happy to offer him free coffee all week next week.
Nathaniel: I’m not sure that the guys have the same intentions as you. Actually… Where should we meet, and at what time?
A. We can meet up here. I’ll be easier for the costumes.
B. Can you come get me at the Cosy Bear?
C. I’ve already thought about that, and actually, we won’t meet up. (correct answer)
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. (I know, I’m going to hit the dance floor! A central location is the best way to find him.)
B. (I’m going to stand in that slightly elevated alcove over there. I’ll get a better view.) (correct answer)
C. (I’ll wander around until I find him. We’re talking about a game of love and chance, right?)
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. (In any case, I’m sure it’s him! To dispel any misunderstanding, I kissed him on the lips.)
B. (He’s always been a great dancer. How about we confirm his identity on the dance floor?)
C. (And since tonight we are playing our roles in this fairytale, I returned his gaze and bowed.) (correct answer)
Rayan: I have a little idea for the style… It will be princely! However, for the color…
A. Princely? Go all out! Blue and gold, for example?
B. What about dark colors to enhance the costume. Like shades of grey…
C. If I may, burgundy would look great on you! (correct answer)
Rayan: Where do you want to meet and at what time?
A. Let’s meet there, at the door to the ball.
B. I’ll wait for your carriage in front of the Cosy Bear, after closing!
C. I don’t want to meet… (correct answer)
Rayan: (Choice)
A. (The best way to see is to be seen. I’m going to position myself in the middle of the dance floor!)
B. (I’m just going to wander around. After all, aren’t we talking about a game of love and chance…?) (correct answer)
C. (I have to get a good vantage point. I’m going to go to that slightly raised alcove over there.)
Rayan: (choice)
A. “So you walk softly, and look ardently…”
B. “So you walk softly, and look sweetly…” (correct answer)
C. “So you walk swiftly, and look ardently…”
Here you can see the outfits and the prices of the items if you want to buy another color.
Gentle Hide
Wig 55G Variety 12 Total 660G
Boots 50G Variety 9 Total 450G
Sleeves 40G Variety 9 Total 360G
Bracelets 25G Variety 9 Total 225G
Gown 90G Variety 9 Total 810G
Mask 35G Variety 9 Total 315G
Total 2820G
Red Velvet
Shoes 30G Variety 9 Total 270G
Wig 55G Variety 12 Total 660G
Cape 50G Variety 9 Total 450G
Gown 85G Variety 9 Total 765G
Necklace 40G Variety 9 Total 360G
Mask 35G Variety 9 Total 315G
Total 2820G
Bank outfit:
Eyes On Me
Wig 70G Variety 12 Total 630G
Mask 35G Variety 9 315G
Bustier 38G Variety 9 Total 342G
Jacket 50G Variety 9 450G
Pants 45G Variety 9 405G
Shoes 40G Variety 9 Total 360G
Jabot 32G Variety 9 Total 288G
Gloves 25G Variety 9 225G
Cape 40G Variety 9 Total 360G
Total 3375G