– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 1200 – 1350 AP
Fairy: 54 AP
Hyun: 1256 AP
Nathaniel: 1280 AP
Priya: 1252 AP
Castiel: 1242 AP
Rayan: 1266 AP
Outfit Hyun & Nathaniel: 105G
Outfit Castiel & Priya: 100G
Outfit Rayan: 105G
Illustrations: 5 in total. You can get one out of five in a single play through. The illustration depends on outfit and LOM.
Note: The LOM you need for the illustrations is already very high. So try to answer all the + ones or towards illustrations with the Love Interests.
Fairy/Auntie: in Leigh’s shop at the shops street. Right after you talked to Eric and before you go to the gym. She will give you weight.


Castiel & Priya: 100G

Hyun & Nathaniel: 105G

Rayan: 105G
Episode guide:
You start this episode in your house, you are waking-up with your lover.
Hyun: I hope that you aren’t too angry with me…
A. It seems a bit excessive to me… But if you think it’s for the best… –
B. Of course not! I think it’s a good thing that you’re so thoughtful in regards to Castiel. +
Nathaniel: This may be nothing. He’s seen worse…
A. Can’t you imagine how he must feel? With everyone that’s attacking him on the networks… –
B. You’re probably right, but we can’t be sure… I would prefer to clear things up. +
Priya: (Choice)
A. It’s probably nothing too serious, but just in case…
B. I’m worried about Castiel, I hope that he isn’t too upset… +
Castiel: Would it really be the end of the world if I saw Hyun tomorrow…?
A. I understand. If only I could get out of this meeting with my banker… +
B. No. You need to take care of your responsibilities, I’m afraid. It’s the price of fame… –
Rayan: All this seems to be upsetting your friend, if I remember our conversation the other night.
A. I won’t ask you to come with us. I’m afraid that it will make things too dramatic… +
B. Do you want to come with me? +
On all the social media they are talking about Castiel. So you go over to his house. On Hyun’s route he will go with you and on the other route you will meet Hyun in front of Castiel’s house.
Hyun: You… I’m not sure that you realize. It was… really violent!
A. Don’t worry, Hyun. Castiel is just like that. + with Hyun and Castiel
B. Gosh, he’s still allowed to joke, right? We aren’t online here! – with Hyun and + with Castiel
C. Castiel… I’m afraid that this isn’t the time to make that sort of joke… + with Hyun and – with Castiel
After the meeting with Castiel, your story will go to the next day.
You have to work at the café. In front of it you will see Nina.
Nina: Oh… I… I hadn’t thought of that. I really wanted to find a solution and…
A. Don’t worry about it. I’ll end up finding a solution. –
B. That’s nice of you… This isn’t your best idea, but don’t give up! +
Go inside the café.
After you have spoken with Priya and Renate go again inside the café.
Gustave: You aren’t the only commerce concerned by the weather, and our other accounts in town haven’t suffered like this.
A. But do your “superiors” have any idea what it means to run such a place?! +
B. I’m the first person to be sorry, believe me. But look, I’m getting things back on track! –
Gustave: But, at some point, you need to be pragmatic…
A. No, I can’t do that to Nina. – with Gustave and + with Nina
B. If we come to that point, I guess I won’t have a choice… + with Gustave and – with Nina
Go outside to talk with Yael.
Yael: Ah… the sinews of war! And… are things that bad?
A. Honestly… I feel like I’m in a chokehold. I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this… +
B. Oh, no, no. It’s alright. It was… a routine visit. –
Dan: There are always opportunities for those who know how to take them…
A. I would have liked for my banker to see things like that. +
B. Perhaps, but in my case, it’s a bit different. –
Dan: (Choice)
A. But you know, the band represented has many fans. It could be an interesting investment. –
B. Art is a simple question of feeling. +
Go inside to talk with Eric.
After closing up the café, you go to the gym. But first you can take a detour to the shops. That is where Auntie is hiding. Then go to the gym.
Kim: Hmm, that is complicated…
A. Let’s just say that I’ll need luck to get out of this… /
B. I’ll find a solution. I don’t know what yet, but I’ll find something. +
C. Yeah, I feel stuck. I wonder if I should just let things go. –
After the work out at the gym, you go to the university to see Chani. Sadly Chani isn’t around. But you will see Rayan and some students from his class.
Candy: (Choice) (Rayan’s route)
A. (Even today, I don’t know how our relationship is considered. In the doubt, I simply returned the salutation.) /
B. (So, I walked over, and I kissed him in front of everyone. A sort of small revenge…) +
Then you go to the studio. You try to make a video to clarify Crowstorm. But it didn’t go as plant.
Castiel: You watch too many series, Hyun…
A. Previously on “CSI: Crowstorm”… – with Hyun and / with Castiel
B. Because you see another possible explanation? Let’s face the truth, Hyun’s right. + with Hyun / with Castiel
Castiel: Yeah… I don’t know if he’s the right person for this sort of…
A. It would be more discreet than lodging an official complaint. /
B. Just say that you don’t want to owe him anything. +
You call Nathaniel and explain everything to him. Castiel and you go to the station.
Castiel there explain the process of writing a song. And Nath is going to investigate the problem.
Then it is time to go home, and put on something comfortable.

Castiel & Priya: 100G

Hyun & Nathaniel: 105G

Rayan: 105G
Hyun: Maybe there’s another possibility… You could ask my parents.
A. Listen, I’ll keep that idea in mind. But first I’m going to see if I can find a way out on my own. /
B. No. The Cosy Bear is my project, and I would prefer to solve this problem on my own. –
C. No. I would be too worried to create additional debts. +
Hyun: (Choice)
A. (Sometimes, I would like for his first reflex to be something besides having his family intervene.) –
B. (And I appreciate being able to tell him what I really think.) +
Nathaniel: That’s for sure, but you’d be surprised at the number of people who are ready to do anything to get revenge.
A. You are distorting things because of your job. Those are isolated cases. –
B. I think I would prefer not to know… +
Nathaniel: …to make the whole building fall down. Next time, don’t hesitate to counter their attack.
A. Yeah, well maybe that works with criminals, but not everyone is one. /
B. Well, you know, you weren’t there. You don’t know anything! You have never even seen him… +
C. Nath… Not everything is a power struggle. Sometimes you just have to tone things down a bit. –
Priya: I’ll call him tomorrow. We could represent him. If I can vouch for his honesty to Renata…
A. That’s a good idea, yeah. I think that he’ll be happy to have everyone around him. +
B. I don’t know if he’ll appreciate Renata’s style… –
C. Don’t you think it may be better to give him some time to digest everything…? /
Priya: They have obviously made commitments. There has to be laws that protect you. I have to do some research…
A. Uh… Don’t go overboard either. I think it would be best if I took care of it. –
B. If we get to that point, I’ll ask you. But the Cosy Bear is my project, and I want to defend it on my own. +
Illustration with Priya (NSFW)
Castiel: He should be the one supporting me the most. Instead of that, he’s asking me if I have something to admit…
A. He’s your friend. You misinterpreted his thoughts. He just wanted to be sure… –
B. Put yourself in his place. You said it yourself: you never really know people. +
Castiel: Seriously? But they can’t make you do that? You should have sent him packing!
A. Unfortunately, we don’t all have that choice, Castiel… I’m not a rockstar. –
B. Unfortunately, I’m not rich enough to be able to do that. /
C. Since you’re so smart, next time, I’ll send you to negotiate for me. +
Rayan: You have to try to see things from a different angle. “A problem without a solution is a poorly stated problem”, right?
A. To be frank, my dear, I’m afraid that your advice won’t be very useful in the business world… –
B. I’m afraid that philosophy won’t be of any help, this time around… +
After the moment with your lover, the episode will end.