– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Special thanks to Sakurina
Action points: 1350 – 1450 AP
Hyun 1418 AP
Castiel 1406 AP
Priya 1372 AP
Nathaniel 1408 AP
Rayan 1392 AP
Fairy 16 AP
Outfit Nathaniel & Priya 225G
Outfit Group & Eric & Castiel & Rayan 220G
Outfit Hyun & Single Future 225G
Illustrations: 8 in total. You can get two out of eight in a single play through. The illustrations depend on outfit and dialogue choices in episode 12, 13 and 14.
Notes: There are 4 different endings
Ending 1: Your lover will ask you to marry him/her, and you say yes. You will get the illustration with your lover. This happens when you did not have a wild night with Eric or only kissed him. Or when you did those things but still choose to be with your lover. And not tell him/her about Eric or told him/her when you had a high LOM.
Ending 2: You end up with Eric. You will get the illustration with Eric. This happens when you have a wild night with Eric or only kissed him, and choose to be with him. And tell your lover about it.
Ending 3: You end up single. You will get the single illustration. This will happen when you have a wild night with Eric or only kissed him. Choose to be with your lover. Tell him/her about what happened with Eric. And your LOM with your lover has to be lower than 40 after you told him/her.
Ending 4: You end up single and will get no illustration. This happens when you have a wild night with Eric or only kissed him. You choose to stay with him but do not tell your lover about it at the vacation. Your lover will spot you kissing Eric. Your lover will leave you and Eric also breaks-up with you. You will shrug it of with your head held high and do some soul-searching.
I only have played ending 1 yet. In the guide you won’t find the choice that happen on the other endings. As soon as I played the other ending, I will update the guide and this note will be changed.
To safe the café:
– If you don’t get the money in time, Castiel will help you no matter what.
– On Nathaniel’s, Priya’s and Rayan’s route you need to have the help from everyone and to answer the content of A in the choice with Nina.
– On Hyun’s or Castiel’s route you can also get it without the help from one lover or with answering the content of B in the choice with Nina and the help from everyone.
The help you can get to safe the café:
– Nina and Steve will come up with the crowdfunding campaign
– Hyun will help to make the video – You need 30 LOM with Hyun
– Chani and Violette will sell painting together
– Violette will make special painting for the event – You need 20 LOM with Violette – Your (Candy’s) parents will donate money
– Crowstorm will do a concert – You need 30 LOM with Castiel
– Kim will do a benefit race – You need 20 LOM with Kim
– Yael will get all her contacts to the event and ask other artist to also sell paintings – You need 20 LOM with Yael
– Dambi will do a charity stream – In episode 11 you get a choice if you want to fire Dambi, choose to keep her
– The banker (Gustave) will lent money to invest in the crowdfunding campaign – You need 20 LOM with Gustave
– Only on Hyun’s route his parents will make a donation
– Rosalya and Leigh will make a donation – You need 20 LOM with Rosalya
– Nathaniel will get the other police offers to help – You need 30 LOM with Nathaniel and this will not happen on Nathaniel’s route
– Priya will get her fellow lawyers to donate and will donate something self – You need 30 LOM with Priya and to let her leave her job at Renate’s firm – This help will not happen on Priya’s route
– Rayan will get the other teacher to donate and donate something self – You need 30 LOM with Rayan and to let him keep his job at Antros academy – This help will not happen on Rayan’s route
– The auctioneer will work for free
– Eric will sell his fathers old guitar – You need 20 LOM with Eric
Hidden Item: if your lover asks you to marry him/her. You will get this engagement ring

Fairy/Auntie: at the park. When you go to get your outfit with Rosalya. Her part cost 16AP. She will give you a rainbow.


Outfit Nathaniel & Priya 225G

Outfit Group & Eric & Castiel & Rayan 220G

Outfit Hyun & Single Future 225G
Episode guide:
You start this episode in front of the café. You will be talking with your banker about your finance. Then go into the café. There you will see Nina, Steve and Eric. After work, it is time to go home.
Hyun: (Choice)
A. And the more I think about it, the more I’m starting to like the idea. It’s kind of idealistic, maybe, but… / or +
B. Nina is totally into it. I’m not as convinced, but hey… –
Castiel: (Choice)
A. And the more I think about it, the more I’m starting to like the idea. It’s kind of idealistic, maybe, but… –
B. Nina is totally into it. I’m not as convinced, but hey… / or +
Priya: (Choice)
A. Nina is totally into it. I’m not as convinced, but hey… –
B. And the more I think about it, the more I’m starting to like the idea. It’s kind of idealistic, maybe, but… / or +
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. And the more I think about it, the more I’m starting to like the idea. It’s kind of idealistic, maybe, but… –
B. Nina is totally into it but don’t you agree it’s a waste of time? Nobody knows me… / or +
Rayan: (Choice)
A. And the more I think about it, the more I’m starting to like the idea. It’s kind of idealistic, maybe, but… / or +
B. Nina is totally into it. I’m not as convinced, but hey… –
The next day will start. You are at the café.
Nina: Get the tears flowing a bit!
A. Yes, I wasn’t sure, but I think that you’re right. Plus, at least it will be a change… / or + (You will tell the whole story for the campaign. You will get the money faster to safe the café.)
B. I know, that’s what Steve said… But I’m not comfortable with that. / or + (You just tell that something has happened and that you need money)
After making the video you go to Chani. There you will get help from Chani, Violette and Yael.
The next day will start, you are at the park. You will get a call from your mom. In between you walk to the studio. There you will arrange things with Castiel for the concert at the event. You go back to the café. There you will talk with Nina, Steve and Kim. The story will skip three days.
You are in front of the café. Go to the restaurant. There you will get a quick phone call from Rosalya, and then you have your appointment with Yael. After that go back to the café. There you will see Nina and the banker. Then the story skips till the day of the event.
You are in front of the café. Go inside. There you will set everything ready for the event. Rosalya will take you to the shop to get your outfit. While you are on your way go through the park. There you can see auntie. Her part cost 16 AP, and she will give you a rainbow.

At the shop you will pick your outfit.

Outfit Nathaniel & Priya 225G

Outfit Group & Eric & Castiel & Rayan 220G

Outfit Hyun & Single Future 225G
Go back to the café. The event will finally start. Walk around at the café and the terrace between the conversations. At the end of the event you will have a group illustration. After the event your lover will ask you to marry him/her.
Your lover will give you a ring and the episode will end.