– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Special thanks to someone amazing.
Action points: 950 – 1100 AP
Hyun 1026 AP
Nathaniel 996 AP
Priya 1010 AP
Rayan 1002 AP
Castiel 1042 AP
Fairy 46 AP
Outfit Dan 175G
Outfit Miss Paltry 175G
You will get an outfit from your lover
Illustrations: 7 in total. You can get two out of seven in a single play through. The illustrations depend on outfit and dialogue choices.
– My advice with the Illustration of Miss Paltry is try to get it when you are on Rayan’s route. When you are on the route of the others you can just choose if you like more to have the illustration with Dan or Miss Paltry.
– If you had wild night with Eric or only kissed him, and you tell your lover about it, your LOM will drop with -50. If it drops to 40 or lower, your lover will break up with you.
Fairy/Auntie: When you are skying, you get to choose which way you want to go. Choose right, there you will find her. She will give you Holo boots.


Dan 175G

Miss Paltry 175G

Lovers 0G
Episode guide:
You start this episode were the last episode ended. You are in the alley. Your lover will call you and ask you to come home. Then the next day will start. You will be working at the café until you get a call from Nathaniel. He will ask you to come to the station.
Eric: He does have a rather… particular profile…
A. I’m having a hard time believing this… Do you have proof? /
B. Now that I think about it… It would explain a lot. But I still don’t understand what I’m doing here. /
Nathaniel: So, what do you say? Will you help us to catch him?
A. Of course! So many things are clear for me after your explanation… I don’t want him to get out of this clean! + (Towards illustration with Dan)
B. Sorry, but… It’s too risky for me. I’m not like you. + (another choice)
Nathaniel: Great! You are doing us a huge favor! I’ll never be able to thank you enough. (If you choose the content of B on Rayan’s, Hyun’s, Priya’s and Castiel’s route)
A. I really hope that everything will go as planned. If he’s really the crime genius that you describe… – with Eric and / with Nathaniel
B. After all, what do I have to worry about with two bodyguards, right…? + with Eric and / with Nathaniel
Nathaniel: Great! You are doing us a huge favor! I’ll never be able to thank you enough. (If you choose the content of B on Nathaniel’s route)
A. I really hope that everything will go as planned. If he’s really the crime genius that you describe… – with Eric and / with Nathaniel
B. After all, what do I have to worry about with two bodyguards, right…? + with Eric and / with Nathaniel
C. Oh, don’t worry… We’ll find something. You can count on me to remember. – with Eric and / or + with Nathaniel
Eric: I don’t know. It was uncontrollable. (If you turned Eric down in episode 13)
A. I don’t want to talk about it again. But, still, it looks like you know how to read people when there’s something in it for you. –
B. It’s okay, don’t worry… And I’m sorry for having been a bit short with you, yesterday. +
Eric: I just wanted you to know that I miss you already. (When you had a wild night with Eric or only kissed Eric in episode 13)
A. I miss you too, you know. I would have liked for that moment to last longer… / or +
B. Ahem… I’m sorry, but I’m not sure the feeling is mutual. –
C. I appreciate that… But really, I insist. We have to stay very discreet. / or +
Eric: I hope that you know that you can count on me. On my end, this isn’t just a passing fancy. (When you had a wild night with Eric or only kissed Eric in episode 13)
A. Listen, Eric… I’m sorry but… I’m not sure this relationship really has a chance. – (another choice) (You will tell Eric that it was a mistake and that you still want to be with your lover. If you tell your lover the truth at the end of the episode and your LOM doesn’t drop to 40 or lower, you can still get the illustration with your lover.)
B. It isn’t that for me either, I promise you! And I would also really like for things to be simpler. / or +
Eric: (Choice) (If you choose the content of B) (When you had a wild night with Eric or only kissed Eric in episode 13) (It doesn’t matter if you choose A or B either way you will choose for your lover instead of Eric)
A. And even if I’ll always keep a good memory of that moment, I don’t think I’m ready to risk everything. – 20
B. And I’m sorry, but all of this was a mistake I made. I know I must seem inconsistant… – 40
Eric: And I promise you won’t hear of me anymore. (When you had a wild night with Eric or only kissed Eric in episode 13)
A. No, but that’s not what I… You are always welcome at the café, alright. –
B. Thanks. I think it’s best that way. Believe me, I never wanted to hurt you… +
Dan: *** About that… Who is this mysterious buyer who didn’t contact me directly? ***
A. I believe she wants to remain discreet. You’ll have to meet her intermediary, my friend, Yeleen. –
B. Well… don’t say that I told you, but… it’s Sybille Charlene. I guess you know her? + (Correct answer)
C. I guess I can tell you. It’s a certain Ms. Rubio, the owner of a gallery in London… –
You go to the café. There Nath and Eric will arrest Dan. Then you go home.
Hyun: Maybe it would be better if I spent the next few days at the café with you, don’t you think?
A. You watch too many movies, Hyun. Plus, he’s in the police’s hands now. –
B. That’s nice… But you have pastries to make, right? Don’t worry about me… / or +
C. That’s adorable, but I wouldn’t want to put you in any danger. If I see anything strange, I’ll call Nath immediately. / or +
Priya: Trusting people is never something you should blame yourself for, don’t you think?
A. That’s nice. I like your way of seeing things. You’re probably right. / or +
B. That’s nice, but it doesn’t help anything to butter me up. / or +
C. That’s nice… But I was particularly blind. Thinking about it now, the clues were as big as a house.
Rayan: Can you imagine if we always had to plan for the worst?
A. That’s nice, but in reality, I mostly choose to believe in the money that he represented when I needed it.
B. You’re probably right… Do you think we are too soft for this world? / or +
C. That’s nice… But I was particularly blind. Thinking about it now, the clues were as big as a house.
Castiel: Even if, in the end, his bag is filled with a special kind of snow.
A. That’s nice, but it doesn’t help anything to butter me up.
B. That’s nice. I like your way of seeing things. You’re probably right. / or +
C. That’s nice… But I was particularly blind. Thinking about it now, the clues were as big as a house.
The next morning you have to choose your outfit.

Dan 175G

Miss Paltry 175G
Then Nathaniel will call you and asks you to come to the station.
Dan: It seemed to me that I owed you an explanation.
A. Yes, indeed… Why, Dan? If you knew how disappointed I am… +
B. You mostly owe me an apology! How could you have dragged me into your criminal schemes? –
You go to the café.
Rayan and Miss Paltry: (Choice)
A. Hey! Aren’t you both forgetting someone? Marina’s year is over too, if not more… + with Rayan and / with Miss Paltry (Rayan will come back next year to teach at Antros academy.) (Illustration with Miss Paltry)
B. That’s true. You could at least apologize. Rayan did suffer because of you. / with Rayan and Miss Paltry (Rayan will leave Antros academy)
You go on vacation with your lover. You will get a winter outfit.
Candy: (Choice)
A. (I’m going to turn right! I can’t really see what’s ahead, but I’ll manage.) / (You will see the fairy. Her part cost 46 AP, and she will give you Holo Boots.)
B. (I’m going to turn left! The slope looks a little more challenging, but doable without any risk…) /
C. (I’m going to go straight! A calm ride down! Perfect!) /
Go to the chalet, to see your lover.
Hyun: Are you alright? You look upset, all of a sudden. If you prefer, we can also eat outside.
A. No, no. It’s not the meal. Listen… There is something we need to talk about. + (You will tell Hyun what happened with Eric at the end of episode 12 and 13) (Towards illustration with Hyun) (If you had a wild night with Eric or only kissed Eric in episode 13 -50 LOM)
B. No, no… I’m sorry… It’s just that… I can’t stop thinking about that story with Dan. (You will tell Hyun that you are still worrying about the whole situation with Dan)
Hyun: I was sure of it! The whole restaurant thing… I knew that his intentions were far from just amical.
A. I could have gone without that moment, yes… / or +
B. You shouldn’t be angry with him… He’s a good person. He’s just been lost since his divorce, is all… –
Nathaniel: (Choice)
A. Sweetie… Wait… I need to tell you something… / or + (You will tell Nathaniel what happened with Eric at the end of episode 12 and 13) (Towards illustration with Nathaniel) (If you had a wild night with Eric or only kissed Eric in episode 13 -50 LOM)
B. (Oh, well, I’ll make do. He’s put too much into this weekend for me to ruin this moment!) / or + (You will tell Nathaniel that you are still worrying about the whole situation with Dan)
Nathaniel: Eric, damn… Of all the women in this city… He had to make a declaration to you.
A. Thanks, that’s flattering… You mean that I don’t deserve a declaration? –
B. You know, I think it’s mostly an expression of his current and recent confusion… / or +
Priya: Gosh… You’re rather tense all of a sudden… Is something wrong?
A. Nothing gets by you, I guess… Yes. There is something we need to talk about. / or + (You will tell Priya what happened with Eric at the end of episode 12 and 13) (Towards illustration with Priya) (If you had a wild night with Eric or only kissed Eric in episode 13 -50 LOM)
B. No, no… it’s perfect… It’s just that… I can’t fully relax because of the whole story with Dan. / or + (You will tell Priya that you are still worrying about the whole situation with Dan)
Priya: Well… there are really people who will stop at nothing…
A. I definitely could have gone without it. / or +
B. You shouldn’t be angry with him… He’s a good person. He’s just been lost since his divorce, is all… –
Rayan: You alright, (nickname)? You seem a bit… absent and upset, all of a sudden. If you want, I can…
A. No… you can’t. It’s up to me to act. You’re right: I’m definitely upset… / or + (You will tell Rayan what happened with Eric at the end of episode 12 and 13) (Towards illustration with Rayan) (If you had a wild night with Eric or only kissed Eric in episode 13 -50 LOM)
B. No, no… it’s nothing. Well, actually… I just can’t stop thinking about that story with Dan. (You will tell Rayan that you are still worrying about the whole situation with Dan)
Rayan: Well… What a success! But I do understand why you were uncomfortable.
A. You shouldn’t be angry with him… He’s a good person. He’s just been lost since his divorce, is all… +
B. Frankly, it was rather pathetic on his part… –
Castiel: Are you alright, (nickname)? You look… strange… You don’t like it, is that it? You… You can tell me.
A. Yes! Your song is sumptuous, but I’m just not sure I deserve it. / or + (You will tell Castiel what happened with Eric at the end of episode 12 and 13) (Towards illustration with Castiel) (If you had a wild night with Eric or only kissed Eric in episode 13 -50 LOM)
B. Yes, yes, of course…. Sorry. I… I’m having trouble concentrating, is all. I can’t get… the Cosy Bear out of my mind. (You will tell Castiel that you are still worrying about the whole situation with Dan)
Castiel: Huh? What’s this nonsense?
A. Hey! You’re going to end up offending me! / or +
B. You shouldn’t be angry with him… He’s a good person. He’s just been lost since his divorce, is all… –
After you talked with your lover in the Chalet, the episode will end.