– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 1250 – 1400 AP
Hyun 1344AP
Rayan 1276AP
Nathaniel 1306AP
Priya 1384AP
Castiel 1316AP
Eric 1354AP
Fairy 44AP
Telling Yael what happened with Eric, when he tried to kiss you 22AP
Telling Rosalya what happened with Eric, when he tried to kiss you 36AP
Outfit Hyun & Eric 170G
Outfit Rayan & Priya 165G
Outfit Castiel & Nathaniel 170G
Illustrations: 6 in total. You can get 2 out of 6 in one play through with the blue outfit. You can get 2 out of 6 on Rayan’s route with the outfit for Rayan’s and Priya’s illustration. On the other outfits/routes you can get 1 out of 6. The illustrations depend on outfit and dialogue choices.
– You can get Priya’s, Hyun’s and Eric’s illustration on each route.
– My advice for the illustrations. Try to get the one with your lover on your route. Try only to get the one Eric if you are not happy with your relationship.
– You can let the part with Eric end in four options.
Option 1: Rejecting Eric.
Option 2: You say it’s not like you’ve ever thought about this, and if the circumstances were different.
Option 3: Kissing Eric.
Option 4: Kissing Eric and having a wild night with him.
I will write down at the choices to which option they lead.
Fairy/Auntie: at the shop street. You can find her after you have been to Hyun’s house and heard what is going to happen with Hyun’s business, and before you go back to the café. Her part cost 44 AP. She will give you an e-scooter.


Hyun & Eric 170G

Rayan & Priya 165G

Castiel & Nathaniel 170G
Episode guide:
You start this episode at home. It is the morning after you saw Eric.
Candy: (Choice)
A. (Let’s not kid ourselves… our relationship evolved quite a while back, and I haven’t been totally clear either…) / with Hyun, Nathaniel, Castiel, Priya and Rayan
B. (I didn’t see it coming at all… and it was big-time awkward. I’m willing to admit that Eric is a little lost…) / with Hyun, Nathaniel, Castiel, Priya and Rayan
Candy: (Choice) (On Rayan’s, Castiel’s and Hyun’s route)
A. (I think so. The longer I wait, the more I’m likely to create drama where there isn’t any… Tough luck if it upsets him…) / with Hyun, Castiel and Rayan
B. (Probably not. It’s better he never finds out. It would just create unnecessary drama.) / with Hyun, Castiel and Rayan
Candy: (Choice) (Only on Nathaniel’s route)
A. (I think so. I’m going to have to talk to Nath about it, sooner or later. He has the right to know…) / with Nathaniel
B. (Probably not. It’s better Nath never finds out. It would just create unnecessary drama.) / with Nathaniel
Candy: (Choice) (Only on Priya’s route)
A. (I think so. The longer I wait, the more I’m likely to create drama where there isn’t any… Tough luck if it upsets her…) / with Priya
B. (Probably not. It’s better she never finds out. It would just create unnecessary drama.) / with Priya
You have to choose your outfit.

Hyun & Eric 170G

Rayan & Priya 165G

Castiel & Nathaniel 170G
You leave for work. On your way you get a call from Yael. Then go inside the café. There you see Nina and Dambi talking.
Dambi: (Choice)
A. You know your brother well… I also think that now’s not the best time for you to talk to him about it. / (Hyun will lose Kawaii Cakes)
B. I think you should talk to him. Times of crises are precisely the best opportunities to change things. + (Towards Hyun’s illustration)
Then it is time for the art show with Yael. Go to the main street.
Yael: How about having a drink?
A. No, I don’t think so… It’d probably be better if I went home. I need to talk to… /
B. Great idea! I have to admit, I’m not exactly in a hurry to go home. +
After having a drink in the snake bar, go back outside.
Yael: What’s preoccupying you like that?
A. Oh, nothing… Never mind. This isn’t the right time. And… I really need to talk to someone else about it first. –
B. Can I count on your discretion? It’s really personal. + (You will tell Yael what happened between you and Eric, this part cost 22AP)
You go home. Then the next day will start. You have to work at the café. Hyun will bring cupcakes. Go with him into the kitchen.
Hyun: (Choice)
A. So, what do you say? It wouldn’t be that bad, right? –
B. There’s the plan. Well, I’m telling you because I told her I would tell you, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. +
Then go back inside the café. There you will see Marina.
Marina: Hello, (nickname)… I… I wanted to see you. I hope you don’t mind…
A. I… I’m a bit surprised. But you are welcome here. +
B. The café is open to the public. You can do what you want. –
Marina: I know this may seem un-called for, coming from me, but I’m worried about him… Is he okay? (Only on Rayan’s route)
A. What do you think? One doesn’t recuperate from such a shock easily. –
B. I wouldn’t go that far, but overall things are alright. He has questions, lots of questions. +
After this you will have a meeting with Dan at the restaurant.
Dan: *** A… scheduling problem. Sorry. It’s a bit chaotic around here at the moment. You know how things can be… ***
A. Of course, it could happen to anyone. I just hope that things aren’t too serious on your end. +
B. You could have at least let me know. I’ll have you know that I have things to do too. – (another choice)
Dan: *** I hoped you would be a bit more indulgent with me. *** (If you choose the content of B)
A. You have some nerve. Wasn’t it you would lectured me on the lesson of being fifteen minutes late? –
B. Yes, yes… Of course… Let’s not get upset. I didn’t want to frustrate you more. +
You go back to the café. There you find Rosalya talking with Eva.
Eva: If you think that I want my baby to become on of those dummies glued to a screen, you’re wrong…
A. Eva… I think Rosa knows what she is talking about. She’s a psychologist. + with Rosalya and / with Eva
B. You’re right, Eva. No one knows better than a mother what’s good for their child, right? – with Rosalya and / with Eva
Go to the terrace with Rosalya.
Rosalya: (Choice)
A. I still don’t know what to think of her. I feel bad for her just as much as I’m angry with her… –
B. It’s strange, but, deep down, I’m not even angry with her. Paradoxically, she’s almost a victim… +
Rosalya: Is everything alright with you?
A. Hmm… I’m afraid that our lesson in psychology isn’t over for today… I’ve been wondering about a lot, actually… + (Another choice) (You will tell Rosalya what happened between you and Eric, this part cost 36AP)
B. Yeah, don’t worry… I’m tired, but it’s nothing. Some work thing. /
Rosalya: (Choice) (If you choose the content of A)
A. But I don’t know why he put such an idea into his head. He knows that I’m in a relationship. +
B. And I really don’t know what to think… /
Castiel will call you and ask you to come to the studio. You will also see Priya there.
Priya: And that’s the last thing I saw coming…
A. Priya… You’ve always held yourself… in high esteem. It may be time for you to learn how to look at yourself in a new way, don’t you think? + (Towards Priya’s illustration) (Towards singing back vocals with Priya, that will come on the next album of Crowstorm)
B. Priya… You can’t let what happened affect you like that. It wasn’t your fault. –
Castiel: We are straying from our original idea: (nickname), what would you do in my situation?
A. I’m sorry, Priya… But if I were you, Castiel, I wouldn’t complicate things, and I would sign. + with Castiel and – with Priya (Illustration with Castiel) (Castiel will sign the contract with Ronnie Dialy)
B. You aren’t going to like my answer… But I would follow Priya’s advice, even if that means you’ll have to wait. – with Castiel and + with Priya (Illustration with Priya) (Castiel will start his own label) (Singing back vocals with Priya, that will come on the next album of Crowstorm)
Go back to the café. You will call with Eric.
Eric: *** I wanted for us to talk… about what happened between us, the other night. ***
A. And… You couldn’t have just stopped by? On the phone, it’s a bit… +
B. I’m not sure I want to talk about it. Maybe we should just forget it, don’t you think? /
Go home to your lover.
The story will skip two days, and then you have to go to work. At work, you get a call from Hyun. Go over to his place.
Then go back to the café. On your way you can find the fairy she is at the shop street. Her part cost 44 AP, and she will give you an e-scooter.

Candy: (Choice)
A. (Even though it’s just to settle things, nothing more. Why am I so nervous?) / with Eric and your lover
B. (Eric does trouble me… But we have to talk. Things can’t go on like this.) / with Eric and your lover
After closing the café, walk with Eric to the snake room.
Eric: And I’m not even sure that you want to go for a drink with me.
A. And why not? It appears as if you are the one who’s been avoiding me, since the other night… +
B. It’s okay, Eric. We are both adults. We can go have a drink together with the most honorable intentions, can’t we? –
C. Yeah, it may not be such a good idea… But you promised me that we would talk about the other night, didn’t you? /
Eric: How many times was I able to think of you, and you’ve always been there for me. And what my life would have been if…
A. Eric, I… I’m not sure that… –
B. Keep going… +
Eric: And I could definitely see that shiver of relaxation when I arrived…
A. Well, so much attention just for me… Careful, I’m going to end up thinking that you really like me. +
B. I was happy to see you, that’s true… But I never saw things from that point of view… –
Eric: And then you came into my life and everything I thought I knew didn’t mean anything anymore…
A. I know. I understand how you feel. Because I’m in exactly the same state. (Another choice) (Towards illustration with Eric) (Kissing Eric)
B. Eric… I’m flattered, but you and I know that this isn’t possible… / (Another choice) (You say it’s not like you’ve ever thought about this, and if the circumstances were different) (Another choice on Nathaniel’s route)
C. But… How dare you? Again, you are forgetting the most important part: I’m not available! – (Rejecting Eric) (Another choice on Nathaniel’s route)
Eric: (Choice) (If you choose the content of A in the choice: And then you came into my life and everything I thought I knew didn’t mean anything anymore…)
A. It’s… completely crazy. But… I think I need time to think. / or + (Saying that you need time and thinking what now)
B. I don’t know about you, but I could definitely pass on that drink… We could… go to your place? / or + (Illustration with Eric) (Going to Eric’s apartment and having a wild night with him. Thinking after that what now)
Eric: (Choice) (If you choose the content of B in the choice: And then you came into my life and everything I thought I knew didn’t mean anything anymore…)
A. But we both know that what you want wouldn’t go anywhere, for so many reasons… –
B. I still want to tell you… your declaration. It was… very touching. But we both know it would be crazy. +
Eric: (Choice) (Only on Nathaniel’s route) (If you choose the content of B in the choice: And then you came into my life and everything I thought I knew didn’t mean anything anymore…)
A. But I don’t know what I’m going to do. I haven’t decided yet. –
B. Considering everything we just said, I also think it’s best that this stay between us. +
Eric: (Choice) (Only on Nathaniel’s route) (If you choose the content of C in the choice: And then you came into my life and everything I thought I knew didn’t mean anything anymore…)
A. But maybe you should have thought about that before making a big declaration, don’t you think? –
B. Let me reassure you, I think it will hurt him more than anything else. I think it’s best if things stay between us. +
After the conversation with Eric, the episode will end.