It is Halloween on My Candy Love: New Gen. It starts on 28 October 2024, and it will last until 3 November 2024. In this event, you need to play a bubble shoot game to collect tokens. Every day you get to play 3 times the bubble shoot game.
With the tokens you get from the game you can collect outfits, a room set and 5 dialogues with the love interest. You have to make choices in the dialogue with the love interest. The dialogue will lead to illustrations, no matter what choices you make.
You can also get one outfit, a room set and an outfit for your pet at the bank. In total, you can get 5 illustrations, 3 outfits, 1 outfit for your pet and 2 room sets.

Here you can see the choices: (each chose will lead to illustrations)
Thomas: Between forty and fifty percent of adults suffer from at least mild coulrophobia.
A. You didn’t want to wear a costume just because you liked it? /
B. Oh yeah, that seems like an optimal choice to me! /
C. That’s all? That number seems undervalued… /
Thomas: Can you pass me a piece of candy?
A. Sure, what do you want? /
B. Hang on, let me finish your makeup. /
C. No, it’s for the kids! /
Devon: (Choice)
A. (Especially since I wonder if that’s what Devon has planned…) /
B. (I took a deep breath to give myself courage.) /
C. (Even if Devon’s presence is always reassuring.) /
Devon: (Choice)
A. I think I saw something move… /
B. The installations we set up are a little too good… /
C. Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you… /
Jason: (Choice)
A. (I didn’t say anything. I’ll try to catch him at his own game.) /
B. Roy? Devon? Is anyone there? Thomas isn’t here… /
C. Thomas? Is that you? I swear, this really isn’t funny! /
Jason: (Choice)
A. You, again… One day, something bad is going to happen to you… /
B. This can’t be happening! Am I cursed or something?! /
C. Oh, it’s just you. If someone had to be injured, it might as well be you… /
Roy: (Choice)
A. (Since the beginning, I’ve managed to remain professional despite everything.) /
B. (It’s not that it bothers me, but…) /
C. (Actually, I’ve basically been enjoying the view since earlier.) /
Roy: Can you take a look? I can’t really see it myself…
A. (Under the pretext of examining his makeup, I got very close to him.) /
B. Yeah, it doesn’t look great… /
C. Your face is fine. /
Amanda: Anything to keep them from taking the candy!
A. Why do you want to keep the adults from taking the candy? /
B. We should do the opposite: it’s a lot easier to scare kids. /
C. Okay, let’s do that: we’ll give it our all for the adults. /
Amanda: And if we fail again, we’ll adapt.
A. (I nodded, trying to look determined.) /
B. Don’t you think you’re taking this a bit too much to heart? /
C. Okay, lead the way! /
Here you can see the illustrations:

Here you can see the outfits with the prices if you want to buy another color.

Soulless Puppett
Wig 92 AP Variety 9 Total 828 AP
Buttons 42 AP Variety 9 Total 378 AP
Dress 118 AP Variety 9 Total 1.062 AP
Boots 94 AP Variety 9 Total 846 AP
Joints 71 AP Variety 7 Total 497 AP
Marionnette Control Bar 83 AP Variety 9 Total 747 AP
Total 4.358 AP
Delicate Witch
Hat 110 AP Variety 9 Total 990 AP
Wig 93 AP Variety 9 Total 837 AP
Dress 128 AP Variety 9 Total 1.152 AP
Belt 55 AP Variety 9 Total 495 AP
Lingerie 46 AP Variety 9 Total 414 AP
Heels 57 AP Variety 9 Total 513 AP
Cauldron 79 AP Variety 9 Total 711 AP
Spell Book 82 AP Variety 9 Total 738 AP
Total 5.850 AP
Room set:

Bank Collection:

Sharp Countess
Eyes 23 AP Variety 9 Total 207 AP
Mouth 23 AP Variety 9 Total 207 AP
Bats 77 AP Variety 9 Total 693 AP
Tatoos 0 AP Variety 1 Total 0 AP
Heels 66 AP Variety 9 Total 594 AP
Skirt 148 AP Variety 9 Total 1.332 AP
Sleeves 114 AP Variety 9 Total 1.026 AP
Corset 148 AP Variety 9 Total 1.332 AP
Necklace 71 AP Variety 9 Total 639 AP
Wig 96 AP Variety 9 Total 864 AP
Total 6.894 AP