Goodness Level Check (Level 2)

Goodness Level Check
You found some vandalized signs in the Peaceful Meadow. It seems like Stitch has been bothering Donald.
Donald is hopping mad because Stitch has been vandalizing the signs he put up around the Village. He asks you to put a stop to Stitch’s pranks. You decide to help Stitch make amends to Donald by replacing the signs he vandalized.
You help Stitch by repairing a couple of the signs and showing him how to do it.
With your help, Stitch “repairs” a sign.
You can get this quest after getting friendship level 2 with Stitch. And picking up a vandalized sign of Donald in the Peaceful Meadow. Here you can find all your subjects for the quest and explanations behind it.

  • You found a sign with a strange drawing of Donald on it. Show the Vandalized Sign to Donald: with talking to Donald, you show him the sign. You can see on the map where Donald is.
  • Talk to Stitch: go talk with Stitch, you can see on the map where he is.
  • Gather the following materials to repair the signs: 15 Hardwood, 15 Softwood and 3 Vandalized Sign near the entrances to the Peaceful Meadow: the hardwood can be found in Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust, Sunlit Plateau and the Frosted Heights. Softwood can be found at the Plaza, Peaceful Meadow, Forest of Valor and the Glade of Trust. The signs can be found in the peaceful meadow.
  • Give some of the materials to Stitch: 5 Hardwood, 5 Softwood and 1 Vandalized Sign: with talking to Stitch, you give him the stuff.
  • Craft two Donald Sign at a Crafting Station: graft the sign from the material you just gathered.
  • Show the repaired signs to Stitch: with talking to him, you show him the signs.
  • Place the 3 Donald Sign (and Stitch’s Donald Sign) in the Peaceful Meadow: you can find them in your backpack under the tab furniture. Place hem in the Peaceful Meadow.
  • Talk to Stitch: you can see on the map where he is.
  • Listen to Stitch apologize to Donald: follow Stitch towards Donald and listen to their conversation.
  • Talk to Stitch: with talking to Stitch, you complete this quest.

At 00:00 starts Goodness Level Check quest.

Vandalized Sign
Crafting the signs
Iron Ingots
Shovel blade