Friendship Quests

An Icy Invitation (Level 2)
Lost Loves And Missing Memories (Level 4)
The Enchanted Ring (Level 7)
Do You Wanna Build A Snowman (Level 10)

The Lonely Island
The Missing Prince (Level 3)
Thingamabobs, Gadgets, and Gizmos (Level 7)
The Ancient Doorway (Level 10)

Buzz Lightyear
A Space Ranger Recruit (Level 2)
A Space Ranger Reputation (Level 4)
The Fragmented Past (Level 6)
The Definition Of A Hero (Level 10)
Collect ‘Em All: Little Green Men!
Collect ‘Em All: Strangers From The Outside!
Collect ‘Em All: Attic Mode
We Are Eternally Grateful!

Donald Duck
A House Fit For A Duck
A Fishy Dispute (Level 4)
The Forgotten Project (Level 6)
The Dreamlight Fountain (Level 10)
The Mystery Of The Stolen Socks
The Sock-Stealing Space Alien Strikes Again!
Built To Destroy!
Villager Of The Month: Donald

Breaking The Ice
What Home Feels Like (Level 3)
The Singing Ice (Level 6)
The Ice Cavern Mystery (Level 10)

A Warm Welcome
Photographic Memory (Level 4)
The Mysterious Wreck
Dinner With A Friend (Level 6)
Photo Fervor (Level 8)
Scrapbook Blitz (Level 10)
The Ones That Got Away

Burying The Eel (Level 2)
A Tale Of Stone And Fire (Level 4)
Demigod Of The Wind And Sun (Level 7)
The Heart Of Dreamlight Valley (Level 10)

A New Enchantment (Level 2)
A Lesson In Frustration (Level 4)
Crystal Mystery (Level 6)
A Dark Experiment (Level 8)
The Final Trial (Level 10)
The Golden Doorknob
Secrets & Schemes
Village Project: Timeless Treasures
Village Project: Timeless Trash
Village Project: Timeless Tools
Something Comes A’Knocking

Mickey Mouse
Hangin’ With Mickey (Level 2)
Missing Minnie (Level 3)
Shadows And Bows (Level 6)
Memory Magnification (Level 8)
The Secret Door (Level 10)
You Have Mail!

Healing House (Level 2)
A Taste Of Home (Level 4)
Meddling Mirabel (Level 7)
A Festival Of Friendship (Level 10)
A Letter For Antonio

Fixing The Boat (Level 2)
Peacemakers (Level 4)
The Remembering (Level 6)
The Search For Pua (Level 8)
The Ceremony (Level 10)

Staking Your Territory (Level 2)
Fishy Business (Level 4)
The Heart Of A Lioness (Level 7)
Here And There And Back Again (Level 10)

A Place For Joy (Level 2)
A Story To Tell (Level 4)
The Role Of A Lifetime (Level 7)
Olaf Presents…”Dreamlight Valley” (Level 10)
A Sticky Situation

Prince Eric
Poor Unfortunate Prince
Part Of His World (Level 3)
Back On The Waves (Level 7)
The Mystical Crystal (Level 10)

A Restaurant Makeover
Remy’s Recipe Book (Level 4)
The Price Of Fame (Level 7)

The Unknown Flavor (Level 10)

Three-Course Thank-You

Friends Aren’t Food (Level 2)
Breaking Bones (Level 4)
The Circle Of Life (Level 7)
The Making Of A Monarch (Level 10)

Scrooge McDuck
Dreamlight Valley Economy 101
The Haunting Of Dreamlight Valley
Customers Know Best (Level 2)
A Forgotten Combination (Level 4)
What’s Bad For The Business (Level 6)
The Treasure Hunt (Level 8)
The Treasure Hunt Part 2 (Level 10)

Goodness Level Check (Level 2)
Very Sleepy Stitch (Level 4)
Stitch’s Hobby (Level 7)
Making Music (Level 10)

The Fairy Godmother
Fire Alarm (Level 2)
A Lost Book (Level 4)
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Oops (Level 7)
A Magical Moment (Level 10)

Lair Sweet Lair
Magic Moments (Level 4)
The Ritual (Level 7)
A Deal With Ursula (Level 10)
Villager Of The Month: Ursula

Faith, Trust And Pixel Dust
Extreme Biome Makeover (Level 2)
Ready Player Fun (Level 4)
Boss Up (Level 7)
Fungeons And Dragons (Level 10)
Valley Visits!

It’s Good To Be Home
Village Project: The Garden (Level 2)
The Compressed Garbage Incident (Level 4)
The Broken Memory (Level 6)
A Friendly Exchange (Level 8)
The Astronomy Club (Level 10)