Dreamlight Parks Fest: Scrooge McDuck

Dreamlight Parks Fest: Scrooge McDuck
Talk to Scrooge McDuck.
This is a daily quest that starts in the week of May 15 and keeps running for 21 days. After you have completed this quest, you will get 4 green buttons. Here you can see all the subjects for it with explanations behind them. 

  • Cook 5 Stitch Cupcakes: make 5 Stitch Cupcakes from wheat, butter, milk, sugarcane and blueberry. Blueberries can be found at Dazzle Beach and the Forest of Valor. Wheat you can find at Goofy’s stall in the peaceful Meadow. Sugarcane you can find at goofy’s Stall on Dazzle Beach. Milk and Butter you can buy at Chez Remy.
  • Deliver the Stitch Cupcakes to any Villagers: give the cupcakes to 5 different characters.
  • Return to Scrooge McDuck: you can find on the map where he is. With talking to him, you complete this quest.

At 00:24:57 starts Dreamlight Parks Fest: Scrooge McDuck quest.

Stitch Cupcakes