– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 950 – 1050 AP
Illustration route 1024 AP
Fairy/Auntie 24 AP
Outfit Lysander 0G
Outfit Nathaniel 270G
Outfit Rayan 270G
Outfit Hyun 270G
Outfit Castiel 270G
Outfit Priya 270G
Outfit Eric 270G
Illustrations: 1 in total. You can get one out of one in a single play through. The illustrations depend on outfit, LOM and dialogue. You need at least 60 LOM with Lysander.
Fairy/Auntie: infront of the university. You can’t find her after you had a drink at the cosy bear café, and before you pick out your wedding dress. She will give you Lysander in his wedding suit at the end of the episode, and her part cost 24 AP.


Outfit Lysander 0G

Outfit Nathaniel 270G

Outfit Rayan 270G

Outfit Hyun 270G

Outfit Castiel 270G

Outfit Priya 270G

Outfit Eric 270G
Episode guide:
The episode starts in the town where Lysander asked you to marry him. You are handing out baskets to customers. Afterward, you visit the cemetery.
Then you see a slide: The Wedding rings.
Lysander and you are in a jewelry store.
Lysander:If you don’t like the idea, I understand, of course.
A. And what do you think of Thia? / or +
B. Are you kidding me?! It’s a wonderful idea! +5
C. Why not Little Oboe instead? / or +
Lysander: (Choice)
A. I really like these, slightly art nouveau, and plant-inspired. / or + (Towards illustration)
B. What do you think of the ones with the stones? They sparkle, I like that! / or +
C. Like you said, these: in gold, very simple. / or +
After buying the rings, Lysander and you go to the cosy bear café.
Lysander: (Choice)
A. I don’t think so. I’d prefer to stay on the farm, at home… / or +
B. I really want to! But it sounds crazy. / or +
C. That’s nice of you, thanks… But we already have a wedding to prepare. / or +
After going to the cosy bear café, you can meet the fairy. She is in front of the university. Her part cost 24 AP. And she gives you Lysander in his wedding suit at the end of the episode.

Go to Leigh’s shop.
There you see the slide: The Dress.
At the shop, you see Rosalya and Leigh. Lysander goes away with Leigh for his suit. You stay behind with Rosalya.
Rosalya: (Choice)
A. I’m sure that Alexy would be happy to be my co-man of honor! / with Rosalya and Alexy
B. Do you think Kim would accept to be my co-maid of honor? / with Rosalya and Kim
C. I’ll ask Priya! / with Rosalya and Priya
You get to choose your wedding dress. You see all the dresses from MCLLL Episode 16. The choice you make here won’t matter for the illustration. You only have to pay for a dress if you didn’t choose that one in episode 16 of MCLLL.

Outfit Nathaniel 270G

Outfit Rayan 270G

Outfit Hyun 270G

Outfit Castiel 270G

Outfit Priya 270G

Outfit Eric 270G
Leigh and Lysander come back to the shop. Lysander got his suit. Lysander and you go back home.
Next slide: The Caterer.
A few weeks flew buy. Lysander and you are in the kitchen. Choosing what to do with the meals for the wedding and other things.
Lysander: But use our products, I thought that could be nice.
A. That would be too much work! We have to enjoy our day… / or +
B. It’ll go great with the atmosphere. It’ll really suit us! +5
C. I’m a little worried about the “picnic basket” side. /
Lysander: And I really liked the fruit versions.
A. Let’s go with the more generous option! / or + (Another choice)
B. I’d also prefer to be sure with the tiered wedding cake. /
Lysander: I agree. Do you remember which flavor you preferred? (If you choose Let’s go with the more generous option!)
A. Obviously! The chocolate one, without a doubt! / or +
B. I loved the pear and vanilla one! / or +
C. The berry one was amazing! / or +
A. We could do something we know how to do: a miniature farm! / or +
B. Outdoor games, like a tin can toss? Or a game of corn hole? / or +
C. We could organize a big treasure hunt in the area! /
Next slide: The bachelorette party.
You and your friends have a great time at the party.
Next slide: The Big Day
You start this day in the bedroom and are stressed. Alexy comes to you to calm you down. Then Rosalya comes inside with the dress. You all go to the kitchen to get you a drink to calm down. Afterward, Rosalya and you go back to the bedroom. You find the goat eaten up your dress. Lysander has a solution by wearing his mother’s wedding dress.
Lysander: (Choice)
A. But… I think I’d like to stick with Rosa’s dress. /
B. I’d like that. I will wear her dress. / (Towards illustration)
If you choose to stick with the dress you got, Rosalya will be able to fix it. And you get to wear it for your wedding.
If you choose to wear the dress of Lysander’s mother, you will see the dress. And get to put it on.

Outfit Lysander 0G
Rosalya will take you to the chapel. There you get married and your illustration. Then the episode ends.