– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points:
NSFW route 1.146 AP
Proposal route 1.070 AP
Making Lysander jealous route 1.158 AP
Auntie/fairy 16 AP
Outfit 195G
Illustrations: 2 in total. You can get one out of two in a single play through. The illustrations depend on LOM and dialogue.
You can end this episode in more than one way. The NSFW route, the proposal route and making Lysander jealous.
For the NSFW illustration, Castiel has to have a LOM of 75 or 80 and Lysander a LOM of 100.
For the proposal illustration Lysander LOM has to be 100 and Castiel has to be under 60 doesn’t matter how low.
For making Lysander jealous, get his LOM lower than 100 or getting Castiel’s LOM above 85.
Fairy/Auntie: in the pastures. You can find her the second day after having lunch and before you go to the living room to make the new Crowstorm song. Her part costs 16 AP, and she gives you Ostif the scarecrow.


Outfit 195G
Episode guide:
You start this episode in the kitchen. You are having lunch with Lysander until the bell goes. Lysander and you go to the living room to open up the door. Castiel appears to be one who was at the door.
Castiel: Incredible. You’ll never change, heh…
A. Why would anyone want to change him? He’s perfect! / with Castiel and / or + with Lysander
B. I tried… +5 with Castiel and / or + with Lysander
C. Yeah, one day, he’ll forget his own head. -5 with Lysander and Castiel
Castiel: Hey! A little kiss on the cheek?
A. What?! I don’t get a hug too? +5 with Castiel and / or + with Lysander
B. Sure, what are you waiting for?! / with Lysander and Castiel
C. Don’t worry, there’s no need. -5 with Castiel and / or + with Lysander
Castiel: Even if in your case, (nickname), you didn’t really have the choice to refuse, I think…
A. It’s not like I can kick you out now that you’re here… -5 with Castiel and / or + with Lysander
B. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t have refused, even if I’d had the choice. / with Castiel and / or + Lysander
C. Are you kidding me?! You can stay as long as you want. +5 with Castiel and / with Lysander
After welcoming Castiel, Lysander and he leaves to do the deliveries. You go back to the kitchen to do the dishes. Then you go back to the living room to help all the visitors. After the last visitor left, Castiel and Lysander come back. You all go to the pastures to pick up apples.
Candy: (Choice)
A. (I wonder how Castiel’s doing…) +5 with Castiel and -5 with Lysander
B. (But this time, there were two of them… Twice as many reasons to let my gaze wander…) / or + with Lysander and +5 with Castiel (Towards NSFW illustration)
C. (One thought led to another, my gaze drifted towards Lysander.) / with Castiel and / or + with Lysander
It starts to get dark. You go back to the kitchen to make dinner. Lysander and Castiel join you, and you all eat together.
Castiel: If things don’t work out with Crowstorm…
A. Do you want to talk about that? +5 with Castiel and / or + with Lysander
B. I’m sure that Lysander would be thrilled to have you at the farm! He has plans for the future… +5 with Lysander and / Castiel
C. It’d be cool if things didn’t start up again! -5 with Castiel and Lysander
Castiel: To see if you like it, if you want to do things together again…
A. It doesn’t commit you to anything, Lysander: it might be fun to try… +5 with Castiel and / or + with Lysander
B. Don’t you think it would be easier to find someone who’s already motivated? -5 with Castiel and / with Lysander
C. I could do it! -5 with Castiel and Lysander
Castiel: So, it’s a perfect occasion for us to go back on stage together!
A. Did you really just try to guilt trip him? -5 with Castiel and / with Lysander
B. Maybe you should have started with that…? / with Castiel and / or + with Lysander
C. It is the ideal occasion… / with Lysander and +5 with Castiel
The story skips to the next day. There are not many things to do on the farm, so the story skips until after lunchtime. Then you can meet the fairy at the pastures. Her part cost 16 AP, and she will give you Ostif the scarecrow.

Go to the living room to write a new song for Crowstorm.
Castiel: Isn’t that a bit… weird? To put the name of the band in a song?
A. It’s been done… Not often, but it’s been done. / with Castiel and / or + with Lysander
B. I don’t think so. At least it’s coherent. +5 with Lysander and / with Castiel
C. Personally, I think it’s a bit weird too. +5 with Castiel and -5 with Lysander
Lysander: (Choice)
A. I heard the lies… But I kept my oath +5 with Caststiel and / or + with Lysander
B. I hope Zack dies… So does Leo / with Lysander and +10 with Castiel
C. I broke my ties… From a storm of crows -5 with Castiel and / or + with Lysander
You get to pick your outfit.

Outfit 195G
The story skips to the concert.
Candy: (Choice)
A. (I kept looking back and forth between Lysander and Castiel.) +10 with Castiel and / or + with Lysander (Towards NSFW illustration)
B. (I couldn’t take my eyes off Castiel.) +5 with Castiel and / with Lysander
C. (I couldn’t take my eyes off Lysander.) / or + with Lysander and / with Castiel
After the concert Lysander, Castile and you go to Castiel’s house.
Castiel: In the end, I’m very happy about how things went, when I see you both.
A. (They fell silent. Maybe I should get out…) / with Castiel and Lysander (Towards NSFW illustration or getting Lysander Jealous) (another choice)
B. (Well, I’ve heard enough.) / with Catsiel and Lysander (Towards Proposal illustration)
Candy: (Choice) (If you choose the content of A)
A. (Even if it’s out of the question to do anything with Castiel, of course.) / with Castiel and Lysander
B. (I wouldn’t be totally against… getting closer. If it tempts Lysander…) / with Castiel and Lysander (Towards NSFW illustration or getting Lysander Jealous)
Candy: (Choice)
A. (It feels like the perfect time to try something new; a new experience.) / with Castiel and Lysander (Towards NSFW illustration or getting Lysander Jealous)
B. (But it was making me a little uncomfortable, we’d better go to sleep quickly.) / with Castiel and Lysander
Candy: (Choice)
A. (And he seems to like the idea, which excites me even more.) / with Castiel and Lysander (NSFW illustration)
B. (And he doesn’t really like the idea, it’s best to take a step back.) / with Castiel and Lysander
If you had the NSFW scene, the episode ends here.
If you choose that you heard enough or got Lysander jealous, you go with Lysander to a market a week later. There you walk into a chapel.
Lysander: I remember it like it was yesterday… Do you remember what I said to you at that moment?
A. Did you say something particularly memorable? /
B. You told me you were pleased to make my acquaintance. / (Proposal illustration)
C. You told me you weren’t a ghost. /