Summary Positive Illustration NSFW
Summary Positive Illustration Group
Summary Neutral
Summary Negative Group Route
Summary Negative NSFW Route
Summary Fairy/Auntie
– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 650 – 750 AP
Positive route illustration NSFW 740AP
Neutral route
Negative group route 694AP
Negative NSFW route 710AP
Fairy 8 AP
Outfit 180G
Illustrations: 2 in total. You can get one out of two in a single play through. The illustrations depend on dialogue choices and LOM.
Fairy/Auntie: at the entrance of the farm after you wake up and before you join Lysander in the kitchen. Her part cost 8 AP, and she will give you a basket of pastries.


Outfit 180G
Episode guide:
You start this episode waking up in Lysander’s bedroom. There are visitors coming to the farm. Before you go to the kitchen, you can find the fairy at the entrance of the farm. Her part cost 8 AP, and she gives you a basket of pastries.

You go to the kitchen to have some breakfast before the visitors come.
Lysander: Actually, do you want to participate in the tour? You’ll see, it’s fun.
A. If it’s similar to what we did yesterday, I’ll read a little instead. -10 (You will not join the tour)
B. Sure, why not. I’ll help you keep an eye on the kids. (You will join the tour)
C. Sure! I told you, I want to spend as much time with you as possible! +5 (You will join the tour)
The visitors are here. If you agreed to join the tour, go to the garden. If you didn’t agree on joining the tour, go to the bedroom. This choice only happens when you joined the tour.
Visitor: Will we have the pleasure of seeing you again when we return, miss?
A. Unfortunately, I’m leaving at the end of the week.
B. Maybe! I’ll surely be back from time to time!
C. Probably! I’m counting on spending a lot of time here in the future. /
On both routes, you go to the living room. This is where the routes converge.
Lysander: Or we could spend the evening just the two of us. If you’d prefer that.
A. I’ll have plenty of occasions to see the others when I’ll be at school. / (Towards NSFW illustration)
B. I really want to spend some time with Rosa and your brother! / (Towards group illustration)

Outfit 180G
Lysander: (Choice)
A. You know… We can change our plans, for something more… intimate… -5
B. You’re… you’re very handsome. That looks great on you. +5
C. So? What do you think? Do like me like this?
You leave together to go to Amoris.
Click here if you choose the group illustration/spending time with Rosalya and Lysander’s brother.
If you choose the NSFW illustration/spending time with Lysander alone, you start the evening in front of Sweet Amoris. You walk together to the university and then go to the entrance of the park.
Lysander: Or I’m not made for it, perhaps.
A. It’s funny, you said almost the exact opposite when we were in high school.
B. I feel like I couldn’t go without it. /
C. I understand. Just after two days at the farm, I’m seeing things differently. /
You two go into the park. There you see Amber. After talking with Amber, you go to the restaurant.
Lysander: What are you in the mood for? I’ll have to admit that the toasted goat cheese salad sounds good…
A. I agree… If you want, I’ll get the grilled vegetable salad and we can share. +5
B. Great choice! I’ll have the same thing.
C. I think I’m going to get the steak tartare, it looks delicious. -5
Lysander: (Choice)
A. Hey, let me get this. You’ve welcomed me into your home… It’s only fair. -5
B. (I didn’t say anything. I like the idea of being taken out to dinner.)
C. What should we do, should we split the bill? If that’s alright with you… +5
Lysander likes to see Castiel. You two head to the snake room, to see him.
Castiel: Okay. An alcohol-free beer for Monsieur. And for the lady?
A. I’d like to have a cocktail. Can I get a Sex on the Beach? Do they make those? /
B. I’ll have the same thing. I’ll be in the car too.
C. A soda will be good for me. /
After seeing Castiel, it is time to go home. Head back to Sweet Amoris, where you left the car. From there, Lysander drives home and you two head to the bedroom. You get the NSFW illustration. The episode will end.
If you choose the group illustration/spending time with Rosalya and Lysander’s brother, you start the evening in front of Sweet Amoris. You walk together to the shops. There are Rosalya, Leigh, Kim and Alexy waiting for you.
Alexy: Yeah, well, we take breaks from time to time…
A. What about you, Kim? What have you been up to if you’re not at university? +5 with Kim and / with Rosalya, Alexy, Lysander and Leigh
B. Yes!!! I can’t wait, it’s going to be so cool!
C. And you, Leigh? Still at the shop? Is business good?
You all go together into the restaurant.
Lysander: What are you in the mood for? I’ll have to admit that the toasted goat cheese salad sounds good…
A. I agree… If you want, I’ll get the grilled vegetable salad and we can share. +5
B. Great choice! I’ll have the same thing.
C. I think I’m going to get the steak tartare, it looks delicious. -5
Kim: I’m just saying that when you like sports, that guy, well, he had a little something going on.
A. I agree. Well, I see what you mean.
B. I have nothing against sports, but this time, definitely no. +5 with Rosa and Alexy, -5 with Kim and / with Lysander and Leigh
C. (I stay concentrated on my dessert. It’s too weird.)
Lysander and Castiel texted under dinner and agreed to meet after dinner in the snake room. You all leave together to go to the snake room. There you see Castiel and have a great time with your friends. You get the group illustration.
After seeing Castiel, it is time to go home. Head back to Sweet Amoris, where you left the car. From there, Lysander drives home and you two head to the bedroom. There the episode will end.