– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 1000-1050 AP
Positive route 1032AP
Neutral route 1014AP
Negative route 1010AP
Kitchen 6 AP
Fairy 8 AP
Outfit 150G
Lysander Work Outfit 90G
Illustrations: 1 in total. You can get one out of one in a single play through. The illustrations depend on dialogue choices.
Hidden items:
Victorian Couple outfit: you can get it with your first purchase at the bank between 26 January 2022 and 6 February 2022. After you have made the purchase at the bank, you can find the other colors of the outfit in the shop.

Victorian Couple Outfit
Lysander 90G
Coat 70G
Blouse 47G
Shots 43G
Boots 55G
Belt 35G
Fairy/Auntie: in Lysander’s bedroom. You can find her after you have arrived at the farm and start looking for Lysander. She will give you a straw hat.


Outfit 150G
Episode guide:
You start this episode infront of the university. You are thinking back about the last two years. Today is the day you are going to see Lysander again. But first you have to pick up your keys for your room at the university. Go to the main auditorium, there you will see Rayan.
Rayan: I hope that you’re studying modern art.
A. Yes, I am, actually… I’m in my final year of my master’s degree. /
B. Why do you hope that? What does that change for you? -5
C. I’m guessing you’re teaching master’s students. +5
Go to the dinning hall to see the office administrator.
Administrative Officer: And I don’t even want to eat it. That’s sad, isn’t it?
A. If you made it yourself, that’s at least more… authentic than gnocchis, perhaps? /
B. I… Yes. I suppose. Maybe you should have tried chicken? /
C. (I don’t say anything. What am I supposed to answer to that?) /
Go to the dormitories to see your room. There you will pick your outfit. For this episode, you can only choose one outfit.

Outfit 150G
Go to the café, there you will see Hyun and Rosalya.
Rosalya: (Nickname)! You’re here! I can’t believe it! You look great!
A. Rosalya?! What are you doing here? /
B. I… Thanks, you too. You’re beautiful, you… Did you do something with your hair? +5
C. (Without thinking, I jumped up from my chair to take her in my arms.) +10
Rosalya: Not more than me. Do you think I’ve changed a lot?
A. Yes! Even just your haircut, that’s quite a change! /
B. Not at all! I recognized you by your stride when you showed up! /
C. I know very well that’s a trick question. +5
Rosalya will take you to the farm. There she will leave you behind. You go inside Lysander’s house and try to find him.
To find Lysander, you have to go into the bedroom.
Candy: (Choice)
A. (Maybe a “play room”, full of leather accessories…) /
B. (Maybe a… walk-in closet?) /
C. (Maybe just a junk room?) /

You can go into the kitchen (optional will cost 8AP), into the Garden, then to the pastures and back into the garden.
Candy: (Choice)
A. (I threw myself into his arms without thinking.) / (Illustration)
B. (I advanced slowly towards him, without looking away.) /
C. (The torrent of emotions inside me kept me from making the slightest movement.) /
Lysander: (Choice)
A. I… That was… My head is spinning. Are you okay? +5
B. Your bag fell on the ground. /
C. You… Well, it’s been a while! Do… Do you feel okay? -5
Lysander and you will go to the kitchen.
Lysander: Actually, did everything go alright with Rosa? I’m really sorry I couldn’t come get you…
A. Yes, everything went pretty well, nothing in particular to report. /
B. Don’t worry, you had an emergency to take care of, it happens. +5
C. I won’t hide that I was really disappointed when she told me that she’d be taking me. -5
Lysander: (Choice)
A. I’d like to make a toast to your legendary distraction. -5
B. I think now’s a good time to make a toast… to the crackers! +5
C. To our health, and most of all, to being together again. /
A. Not at all! I think you’re… I feel like I’m eighteen again! /
B. Rosa asked me the same question, and I think that it’s a trick question. +10
C. I think you’ve changed, of course. But not too much, no. Just enough. +5
Lysander: (Choice)
A. On my end, a few small adventures, but nothing serious. -5
B. (I didn’t say anything. Each of us has to make an effort.) /
C. Neither did I. There was nothing. There wasn’t anyone else. +5
Candy: (Choice)
A. (I want only one thing: to sleep next to Lysander.) +10
B. (And I would like it to stay that way. I don’t feel ready.) -10
Lysander and you will go to bed, you fall a sleep and the episode will end.