A New Recruit

A New Recruit 
You’ve arrived in the Mulan Realm… There’s a military camp ahead; maybe you should explore it.
Upon entering the camp, you discover Mushu among a scene of devastation. After some initial suspicion, he deduces that you must be the last recruit he and Mulan were waiting for and decides to put you to work.
Once you’re done, you return to the small dragon who explains to you that you need to be properly dressed in order to start your training. He tells you that parts of a uniform are hidden around the Realm.
Now that you’re properly dressed, Mushu charges you with making a bowl of Congee so Mulan will have a great breakfast when she wakes up.
Breakfast in hand, you go to wake up Mulan by interacting with the gong next to her tent.
Mulan is awake. Time for you to give her breakfast.
You can get this quest after opening up the Mulan Realm with 15.000 Dreamlight.
With completing this quest, you receive a complete training uniform and Mushu’s Congee Recipe Book‎.

  • Explore the Mulan Realm: walk around in Mulan’s realm and talk to Mushu, he is inside the camp.
  • Clean up the camp; Break the 8 Rocks, Dig out the 12 Rice Spills and Flip over the cauldron: Use your pickaxe to break the rocks. Use your shovel to dig out the rice. Interact with the cauldron to flip it over.
  • Return to Mushu: go talk with Mushu.
  • Look around the Realm to find pieces of your Training Uniform and bring them to Mushu: Training Pants, Training Shirt, Training Shoes and Training Socks: You can find the pants right outside the camp in a tree. There are two tents that are a storage places, there you can find your shirt and socks. Outside the camp on a rock you can find the shoes.
  • Bring the Training Uniform items to Mushu: with talking to Mushu, you give him the uniform.
  • Put on your Training Uniform: in your backpack under the clothes section, you can find now the uniform. Put it on. 
  • Return to Mushu: talk with Mushu. 
  • Prepare a bowl of Mushu’s Congee for Mulan: Mushu has given you a recipe. Make the meal with the items you can find at the table in the camp.
  • Ring the gong next to Mulan’s tent to wake her up: interact with the gong to ring it. 
  • Give Mushu’s Congee to Mulan: with talking to Mulan, you give her the meal. The quest is also complete after giving Mulan the meal.
Breaking the rocks
Digging out the rice
Flipping over the cauldron
Training Pants
Training Shirt
Training Shoes
Training Socks
Mushu's Congee