– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
If an answer has / or + means my Love’O’Meter is at 100, so the result is either neutral or positive. If an answer does not have –, / or + beside it, it means I don’t know the result. As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated.
Action points: 200 – 300 AP
Fairy 6 AP
Swim suit 30G
Sunscreen 6G
Racket (route Nathaniel) 3G
Ice Cream (route Nathaniel) 2G
Bottle of water (route Castiel) 1G
Illustrations: 6 in total. You can get two out of six in a single play through. On Lysander’s route, you can get 3 out of the 6 illustrations. The illustration depends on dialogue choices.
Fairy/Auntie: in North Beach. It can be found at different times in the episode. Just try to go to the North side of the Beach every time a conversation stops until you see the fairy. You get a swan float.

Hidden object: When the vender asks do you need anything else? Then say: ‘what else you got?’ The Vendor will give you a fake moustache.


Swim suit 30G
Episode Guide:
In this episode there are 3 different routes. The route you will have depends on which boy you meet at the beach. Which boy that will be, is totally random. On each route you will come across Dake.
Route Castiel / Route Lysander
Route Nathaniel
Yes, I just finished, it didn’t take too long. In any case, I’m happy you are here today.
A. I wasn’t expecting to see you, it took me by surprise. /
B. Me too, I couldn’t have hoped for anything else! / (He will talk about your bathing suit)
C. I would have preferred someone else but… –
Is it because my sister is here? I know you don’t exactly get along…
A. At is saying it lightly… /
B. No, I can put up with her.
Yeah, I just finished. Why?
A. Nothing, just wanted to talk +
B. Nothing, I wanted to be polite /
C. Nothing, but since you’re here. I’ll like to talk to you!
Nathaniel will ask you to buy a racket. You have to find the vendor, he should be somewhere on the beach. The racket costs 3G.
Great! Try not to drop the ball too much!
A. Who do you think I am? I’m better than you may think. +
B. I’ll try. I promise –
C. Maybe I shouldn’t play then. –
I would prefer you not do that…
A. I promise I’ll just go for the head! –
B. You aren’t any fun! +
C. I will admit she does deserve it though! +
Why is that?
A. Because you let your sister get away with everything! /
B. Because it’s the truth… /
C. Because you let people walk all over you… +
That explains why you don’t understand my reactions to Amber…if you had a little brother you would understand.
A. No, I don’t think I will ever understand… –
B. Yeah, maybe that’s it… /
Amber will ask for some sunscreen, you will go and buy it. You need to find the vendor, he should be somewhere on the beach. The sunscreen costs 6G.
Oh (nickname) you brought your sunscreen?
A. Yeah…But it wasn’t good enough for “her highness” –
B. Yeah…first your idiot sister still wants to go home. /
While I’m at it, do you want me to put some on your back too (nickname)? You’re shoulders are a little bit red.
A. Huh? Uh…Yeah, that would be nice! / (illustration)
B. Huh? Uh…No, thanks! /
It is getting hot and you go to buy ice creams. You need to find the vendor, he should be somewhere on the beach. The ice creams costs 2G
Now you will meet Dake on this route. If you would rather stay with him give all the + answers. If you want to stay with Nathaniel give all the – answers.
Forget about your friend! Come with me!
A. Uh…No it’s ok, but thanks anyway… –
B. Well, ok. If you insist… +
I didn’t know there were girls as cute as you there…It’s a shame, it’s too far from my house.
A. Thanks! +
B. Was that supposed to be a compliment? –
I figured. And what’s your name?
A. (Nickname) (but I don’t really care what your name is…) –
B. (Nickname), and you? /
Oh yeah? I’m not from here either. I’m from Australia. I’m here to visit my family. I was happy to come when I found out there was a beach nearby, but there aren’t’ any waves, I brought my board for nothing.
A. Do you like to surf? That’s cool! +
B. Yeah, that’s true, will you go back to where you came form then? –
A. Do you mind leaving me alone… I had other things planned before you came along. –
B. Too bad you are from so far away, are you going back to Australia soon? +
It’s nice to have some calm and quite, but I don’t think I will stay much longer…I may get in trouble.
A. You should just leave now then.
B. I understand, thanks, what do you want to do then? /
Mmmm…Do you want to go swimming a bit? I haven’t been in the water all day!
A. Sure, sounds great. / (illustration)
B. I would prefer playing with the rackets or laying on the sand a bit… /
After the illustration the episode will end and you will receive this necklace.
Route Castiel
And this guy, when he decides to disobey, it’s not easy to get him back. The solution is to catch him when he is close to you, but you weren’t even capable…
A. Hey! Don’t take your frustration out on me! – 10
B. It’s not my fault! You’re dog scared me! – 6
C. If anyone’s to blame it’s you! You should have trained your dog better! – 15
A. (Oh and shoot! It’s just a dog! He won’t eat me!) /
B. (If I try and catch him, he will surely try and bite me…) /
Well? No comeback? I was right then?
A. Don’t think that your dreams have come true. –
B. For the little there is to see… +
C. Are you kidding? That has nothing to do with it! /
You dream of seeing me soaked from head to toe, don’t you?!
A. Idiot! We are at the beach, it’s normal that I thought to go swimming! –
B. I mean, what else is there to do at the beach? – (with high LOM), + (with low LOM)
C. …(I’d prefer not to say anything, it might turn against me later on) /
No, I don’t really like to go in the water, not with someone in any case.
A. You really are difficult… –
B. I don’t know! You find an idea then! +
C. What did you come to the beach for then? –
I’m learning a lot…
A. It was just a misunderstanding, so don’t get all excited. –
B. Stop smiling like that! Right now! –
C. One more word and I’ll push you in the water! – (with low LOM) , + (with high LOM)
I knew I’d have fun if I stayed.
A. Stop smiling like that! It’s not funny! –
B. Don’t make a big deal about it! –
C. One more word and I’ll push you in the water! – (with low LOM) , + (with high LOM)
I don’t see why I should force myself to stay.
A. Come on, I’m not asking you to make a huge effort… –
B. Pff…If it bothers you that much than your right go…
You will have to find a stick for Demon to play with. You can find it on the beach, south beach or southeast beach.

Throw it in the water.
A. No, you do it, I’m scared of your dog. /
B. Ok! (I’ll have to throw it as far away as possible!) /
With route of Castiel you also see Iris on the beach. She will lose her flip-flops you can find them on southwest beach, north beach or southeast beach.

Your shoulders are getting red, you will go and buy some sunscreen. You need to find the vendor, he should be somewhere on the beach. The sunscreen costs 6G.
Now you will meet Dake on this route. If you would rather stay with him give all the + answers. If you want to stay with Castiel give all the – answers.
Forget about your friend! Come with me!
A. Uh…No it’s ok, but thanks anyway… –
B. Well, ok. If you insist… +
I didn’t know there were girls as cute as you there…It’s a shame, it’s too far from my house.
A. Thanks! +
B. Was that supposed to be a compliment? –
I figured. And what’s your name?
A. (Nickname) (but I don’t really care what your name is…) –
B. (Nickname), and you? /
Oh yeah? I’m not from here either. I’m from Australia. I’m here to visit my family. I was happy to come when I found out there was a beach nearby, but there aren’t’ any waves, I brought my board for nothing.
A. Do you like to surf? That’s cool! +
B. Yeah, that’s true, will you go back to where you came form then? –
You really prefer that red headed guy?
A. Not really, but he is still better than you.
B. Yes, by far! /
Next time, start directly with that before trying to make an idiot like that understands you don’t want him. Gosh, I always have to keep an eye on you, you are unbelievable.
A. Alright, you don’t need to yell at me like that!
B. Castiel…Don’t tell me you were jealous?
C. You’ve had your eye on me since the beginning? / (Illustration)
You think that demon is getting thirsty. You will go and buy a bottle of water. You need to find the vendor, he should be somewhere on the Beach. The bottle of water costs 1G.
They make really great Italian ice cream here. You like ice cream right?
A. Yes. /
B. No.
I’ll buy you one, choose what you want.
A. It’s ok, I can pay myself, that’s nice of you though. /
B. Thanks! That’s nice of you! / (Illustration)
After the illustration the episode will end and you will receive this necklace.
Route Lysander
You should ask Rosalya…
A. Come on, please! –
B. Why Rosalya? Are you scared? –
C. You don’t know how to swim, is that it? +
Don’t make that face! Go ask Rosalya if you don’t want to go swimming alone.
A. You could have a little pity for me… /
B. You aren’t very nice. –
Yeah, it’s gotten a bit cloudy…
A. I’m really cold…I would really like to have something to put around my shoulders / (Tells you to find Rosalya to get a towel for you)
B. Say, would you mind lending me your shirt? / (Says a shirt won’t work)
C. (I shivered and clacked my teeth so he would see that I was cold). / (Tells you to find Rosalya to get a towel for you)
You’re not too cold are you? I thought this was going to be an ideal day to go to the beach, but it looks like the water is a bit cold and there are some clouds now…
A. Just my luck –
B. Maybe it will blow over! /
C. I hope there won’t be a storm… /
Why do I get the feeling you are hiding something?
A. You are just imagining things, we are having fun, that’s all. –
B. Ok, you win, we are up to something. –
C. What would make you think that? –
I hope. Don’t get Rosa involved in any of your complicated stories.
A. I’ve never gotten her involved in anything! /
B. Do you have an example? Because I don’t know what you are talking about. –
You want to put a bug on Lysander so that he will take of his shirt. You go to find a stick to get the bug on. You can find it on the beach, south beach or southeast beach.

I grew up in the country, you know, my parents had a farm, so insects were part of my daily life.
A. That must have been horrible! + (illustration)
B. In the country? That’s my dream! –
Talking about my childhood has made me nostalgic…
A. You see, you do miss your parents. /
B. I thought you like being in the city.–
Now you will meet Dake on this route. If you would rather stay with him give all the + answers. If you want to stay with Lysander give all the – answers.
Forget about your friend! Come with me!
A. Uh…No it’s ok, but thanks anyway… –
B. Well, ok. If you insist… +
I didn’t know there were girls as cute as you there…It’s a shame, it’s too far from my house.
A. Thanks! +
B. Was that supposed to be a compliment? –
I figured. And what’s your name?
A. (Nickname) (but I don’t really care what your name is…) –
B. (Nickname), and you? /
Oh yeah? I’m not from here either. I’m from Australia. I’m here to visit my family. I was happy to come when I found out there was a beach nearby, but there aren’t’ any waves, I brought my board for nothing.
A. Do you like to surf? That’s cool! +
B. Yeah, that’s true, will you go back to where you came form then? –
If you looked at yourself more often in the mirror you would know why.
A. I look at myself every morning and I don’t see anything special /
B. Sorry? Why, do I have something on my face? +
C. What do you mean by that? –
You want to put sunscreen on Lysander’s back. You will go and buy some sunscreen. You need to find the vendor, he should be somewhere on the beach. The sunscreen costs 6G.
Isn’t that what you wanted? I saw that you were bothered to ask, so I figured…
A. N-No, not at all! (He is nice but I don’t want him to put sunscreen on my back…) /
B. Y-Yes…If you don’t mind….(If I had known things would end up like this…!) (Illustration)
You start discussion
A. We should go, shouldn’t we? /
B. We should find them before this gets any worse… (Illustration)
After the illustration the episode will end and you will receive this necklace.