It is Easter on my candy love. It starts on 3 April 2023, and it will last until 10 April 2023. In this event, you need to take care of a hen. Every day you get to do five things for the hen. Getting clear water, buying some food, finding the rainbow, getting away of the bugs and answer a choice. You have to wait after each game until the next one appears. It depends on the game you got how long you have to wait. After the food you have to wait 15 min, after finding the rainbow 20 min, after getting clear water 25 min, after the choice 30 min and after the bugs 40 min.
With taking care of the hen, you can collect Easter Eggs. You can give those Easter Eggs to the LI. Each LI needs 6 Easter Eggs to get dialogue with. You can also buy one Easter Egg for 40 AP. After the dialogue, you will get an illustration and two outfit items.
There is also a community bar. You can fill it by collecting Easter Eggs. But it is a group effort. Because it depends on how many Easter Eggs, everyone that my candy love plays gets. So if the whole community gets enough Easter Eggs, you will get the Hanging Egg Chair Item.
You can also get one outfit at the bank. In total, you can get 5 illustrations, 3 outfits and 1 bonus item.

Taking care of the hen:
Getting clear water: you have to fill the can with blue water drops. You do that by catching blue water drops. Don’t catch the green water drops. You have 40 seconds to fill it. After this game, you have to wait 25 minutes until the next game.
Buying some food: the Hen needs to eat. You have to spend 5G on food for the Hen. After this game, you have to wait 15 minutes until the next game.
Finding the rainbow: the Hen needs the rainbow for energy. It is hiding somewhere on the My Candy Love website. Try to go to every page until you find it. After this game, you have to wait 20 minutes until the next game.
Getting away of the bugs: Rudolph is suffers from bugs. You can get them away by clicking on them. You have 30 seconds to clear 30 bugs. After this game, you have to wait 40 minutes until the next game.
Answer a choice: you have to give the right answer to the Hen. After this game, you have to wait 30 minutes until the next game. Here you can see all the answers:
Day 1: (Choice)
A. Raw potatoes?
B. Left over spinach lasagna? (Correct answer)
C. An orange?
Day 2: (Choice)
A. 3?
B. 2?
C. 1? (Correct answer)
Day 3: (Choice)
A. In my flower pot?
B. Out the window?!
C. On top of the shelf?! (Correct answer)
Day 4: (Choice)
A. You must miss the sun and its warmth…
B. I know you must miss your ferret friends…
C. But you must miss the grass, right? (Correct answer)
Day 5: (Choice)
A. I guess you prefer to be alone…
B. I guess you like the solitude, but you also like it when I’m around once in a while.
C. I guess you hate being alone, and you’re making me pay for it. (Correct answer)
Day 6: (Choice)
A. 2 months old?
B. 4 months old? (Correct answer)
C. 6 months old?
Day 7: (Choice)
A. Pods? (Correct answer)
B. Beans?
C. Seeds?
Day 8: (Choice)
A. What do you think about “Monique”?
B. What do you think about “Willy”? (Correct answer)
C. What do you think about “Chocochick”?

Finding the Easter Egg:
This event has an Easter Egg. You can find it with clicking on the bird and the fly. In the picture, I let you see where the two are hiding. Ones you have found them, the Easter Egg appears. In this event, the whole screen starts turning.

Here you can see the outfits with the prices if you want to buy another color.

Sweet Hunt
Basket 30G Variety 9 Total 270G
Sweater 55G Variety 9 Total 495G
Shoes 50G Variety 9 Total 450G
Top 30G Variety 9 Total 270G
Heans 45G Variety 9 Total 405G
Wig 75G Variety 12 Total 900G
Total 2.790G
Like a Colorful Egg
Skirt 55G Variety 9 Total 495G
Bag 45G Variety 9 Total 405G
Top 50G Variety 9 Total 450G
Shoes 45G Variety 9 Total 405G
Bracelet 20 G Variety 9 Total 180G
Wig 65G Variety 12 Total 780G
Total 2.715G
Bank Outfit:

Late Bunny
Wig 30G Variety 12 Total 360G
Bow 25G Variety 9 Total 225G
Body Blouse 70G Variety 9 Total 630G
Leggins 40G Variety 9 Total 360G
Shoes 32G Variety 9 Total 288G
Shots 60G Variety 9 Total 540G
Sweatshirt 65G Variety 9 Total 585G
Bag 49G Variety 9 Total 441G
Scarf 20G Variety 9 Total 180G
Bracelets 24G Variety 9 Total 216G
Total 3.825G